
Man In American Comics: Start Regenerative Healing Factor

Lu Chuang's journey into the Marvel world with a Danganronpa game panel had started with high hopes of unlocking super high school-level talents by achieving various milestones. His encounters with iconic Marvel characters like Tony Stark, Domino, and Doctor Strange led to some interesting exchanges. However, as time passed, the talents he unlocked began to take a bizarre turn. It wasn't long before he encountered a special talent: Super High School Level Despair. Lu Chuang couldn't help but feel perplexed. Was this new talent meant to compel him to reenact the ominous events of Danganronpa within the Marvel universe? With uncertainty looming, Lu Chuang pondered the implications of his newfound ability and the challenges it might bring to his adventure in this extraordinary world.

ReaperSlayer101 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

CH- 1

In a dimly lit room, the unnerving sound of metal grating against metal filled the air. Two burly guards, dressed in stark white uniforms, forcefully swung open a heavy iron door. Slowly, they dragged in a hospital bed, moving with a deliberate and unsettling rhythm.

Lying on the hospital bed was a young Asian teenager, his face etched with anxiety. His limbs were tightly bound by sturdy leather straps, rendering him almost entirely immobile. He could only manage to turn his head slightly, offering him a limited view of his eerie surroundings.

The room itself was a cramped, oppressive space, with a central operating table. It became immediately apparent that this place fell far short of the standards expected of a proper operating room. Dingy curtains and a rust-covered surgical lamp overhead served as stark reminders. If you inhaled deeply, you could even detect a faint odor—a curious blend of blood and dampness.

Positioned beside the operating table was a figure draped in a white coat, their face hidden from view. 

"Good grief..." Lu Chuang mumbled softly, his spirits plummeting upon seeing this ominous presence.

Lu Chuang, completely outmatched by the guards in terms of strength, lay helplessly as they deposited him unceremoniously onto the operating table. He resembled nothing more than a lamb awaiting its inevitable slaughter.

The individual in the white coat, whose true identity remained concealed, greeted Lu Chuang's return with an air of indifference. "Welcome back, little mouse," he said, his tone devoid of emotion.

"But the question remains," he continued, fixing his gaze on Lu Chuang. "Why have you infiltrated our research institute?"

"Our guards, even our surveillance teams, failed to detect your presence. How did you manage that?"

Lu Chuang found himself at a loss for answers to these probing questions. Disclosing his time-traveling secret was not an option, especially for this enigmatic figure who went by the alias Ajax.

As far as Lu Chuang could discern, this antagonist could be none other than Francis, the infamous supervillain from the "Deadpool" movie franchise. This was indeed an unexpected twist of fate.

The backdrop to Lu Chuang's current predicament was none other than the research institute depicted in a cinematic narrative—a facility focused on cancer treatment.

Lu Chuang, a time traveler in this unfamiliar world for over two months, experienced a much simpler journey than the fantastical modes of time travel often depicted in stories. His own experience was bewilderingly abrupt, a mere moment of disorientation during a home gaming session that led to his inexplicable arrival at this clandestine research facility.

Upon his arrival, vigilant guards quickly suppressed his initial confusion, rendering him unconscious. When he eventually awakened, it was to the unsettling sight of his prone body on the operating table, subjected to baffling injections administered by a stranger in a white coat. Resistance had proven futile; the process itself had left him incapacitated.

From that point on, Lu Chuang's life had been a harrowing cycle of brutal interrogations and torment. He had endured beatings with iron rods, near-drowning episodes, suffocation, exposure to extreme temperatures, and even immersion in frigid water. The mental and physical toll of these sessions defied description, plunging him into a nightmarish existence.

Periodically, guards would escort Lu Chuang back to this very operating room. Each visit marked another encounter with Francis, a sadistic torturer whose malevolent creativity knew no bounds. With each session, the torment had intensified incrementally, pushing Lu Chuang's body and spirit to the brink.

This cycle of torment seemed endless, relentless, and inescapable. The institute itself was shrouded in malevolence, imprisoning not just Lu Chuang but a legion of hapless souls, all reduced to experimental subjects bereft of their freedom.

In the crucible of suffering, Lu Chuang had gleaned one irrefutable truth—the institute offered no refuge; here, survival necessitated escape.

Time passed, yet Lu Chuang remained resolute in his silence. Francis's demeanor remained icy as he observed Lu Chuang's continued reluctance.

"It appears you still resist divulging the truth," Francis remarked with a frigid smile. "That is acceptable. We have all the time in the world."

With that, Francis approached a nearby instrument, which he positioned before Lu Chuang. His fingers, stained with an enigmatic substance, began to gently apply the liquid to Lu Chuang's temples.

As if seeking to crush Lu Chuang's resolve, Francis spoke with deliberate languor while manipulating the substance: "In the coming days, your body will remain connected to an alternating current. Rest assured, the voltage won't end your life outright; it will merely subject you to excruciating and unrelenting agony."

The sight of metal needles clutched in Francis's hands quickened Lu Chuang's heartbeat. Was he about to be subjected to electrocution?

"Wait!" Lu Chuang's voice broke the oppressive silence.

Francis, his expression betraying a flicker of satisfaction, regarded Lu Chuang with a sneer. "I shall grant you one final opportunity. Who are you?"

Lu Chuang's thoughts raced frantically. He couldn't divulge the truth about his identity, yet fabricating a convincing cover story posed its challenge. Might this world contain knowledge of the Dragon Ball comic?

With limited alternatives, Lu Chuang spoke cautiously, "My identity is... well, it's quite complex."

Francis's furrowed brow betrayed his perception of Lu Chuang's enigmatic identity. He couldn't suppress his curiosity.

"Explain," he demanded.

Lu Chuang, feeling a glimmer of hope, uttered enigmatic words in return, "I can only convey that I understand everything I know, and some things are best left unspoken. Trust me when I say it serves no purpose. Let's focus on matters closer at hand, without delving into the 'whys.'"

Francis scrutinized Lu Chuang's words, searching for hidden meaning. Frustration painted his expression as he gleaned nothing of value.

"So, your identity..." Francis began, trailing off.

Lu Chuang's reply was equally enigmatic, "I comprehend everything I comprehend; further discussion will prove fruitless. Do you follow?"

The smile on Francis's face faltered; Lu Chuang's words offered no insight.

"This is absurd," Francis finally retorted, his patience waning. "I hope your sense of humor aids you in your departure."

Dispensing with further conversation, Francis wielded a metal needle with swift intent, directing it toward Lu Chuang's temple.


Time passed, its duration indeterminate, before Lu Chuang once again opened his eyes.

The oppressive operating room was now replaced by a cavernous hall. Dim light cast eerie shadows throughout, revealing numerous hospital beds, each occupied by individuals clad in white hospital gowns. Their expressions ranged from numbed resignation to frenzied despair. An air of hopelessness permeated the hall, punctuated by ceaseless cries and lamentations.

Yet, Lu Chuang's return to consciousness was marked by searing pain. He grimaced, beads of cold sweat forming on his pallid forehead. His entire body seemed aflame, as though swarmed by an army of biting ants.

This excruciating sensation resulted from his continued connection to a high-frequency biological electrical current—a torment that wreaked havoc on his muscles and nerves

. The pain was akin to being engulfed in flames.

If not for Lu Chuang's growing familiarity with such suffering, he might have succumbed to cries of agony.

Summoning all his willpower, he whispered to himself, "This should suffice..."

With that thought, a familiar character panel materialized within his mind—a feature adopted from a mobile game he had cherished before his unanticipated venture through time.

[Player: Lu Chuang]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 18]

[Talent: None]

This character panel, an unexpected guest from the mobile game "Danganronpa: A Super High School-Level Talent Development Program," had somehow accompanied Lu Chuang into this unfamiliar realm. Unlike the original narrative, this mobile game offered a more casual and talent-focused experience. Players could unlock various super high school-level abilities by completing achievement tasks. It enabled them to nurture extraordinary personas, akin to deities.

For Lu Chuang, this game now represented his sole glimmer of hope—a means to extricate himself from the clutches of this nightmarish place.