
Man, I love You!

Youichi Haruhiko fell in love with a boy named Takayashi Daiki at his school, who was in a different class from him. It had been quite a while since they were in their first year. At first, he could only see the one he loved from a distance and could only love him in silence. He did not have the balls to talk to him or even confess his feelings. He thought it was impossible to do! Until a situation that was contrary to his thinking happened and allowed them to know more about each other! However, it was hard for Haru. The person he loved was someone who could not express his true feelings easily, making Haru feel like he was in an uncertain relationship. He wanted to back away, but he had gone too far. He wanted to move forward, but an uncertain relationship was not something that made him happy even though he still kept loving him. Haru, "If you like me, show me! If you don't, then don't give me any hope!" Daiki, "It's a risk because you already like someone like me, so you should be able to understand me no matter the situation! I won't let you go too!" Haru, "...."

Whitelilyblossom · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Pain and Jealousy

The longer Haru looked at this unusual scene, gradually something else he could feel.

He also realized that it was not only the shock that he felt but something serious that he could not hold back.

'What's this?' Haru kept wondering inwardly and subconsciously his hand moved to touch his left chest. It was his heart beating fast, as it did every time he saw Daiki up close, but this time with pain that he had no idea where it came from.

'What is this feeling? Painful ….'

Of course, the pain hit him because he was jealous. Haru had never had the experience of loving someone so bad as now, so he was not sure if he was jealous or if he just did not want to accept the reality he just saw. Still, he found it very suffocating.

Haru's face turned red. Unspeakable anger and pain made things even more complicated for him. He was just trying to deny that this was a bunch of jealousy.

Yes, Jealousy ....

Another thing if you fall in love; the risk for those who fall in love.

Previously, Haru used to laugh at many things like this when his friends started to talk about their jealousy. He also often ignored the jealousy of the girls he had dated before, but he never felt guilty. Until this time came like a curse, he thought desperately—"Is this what it feels like? It hurts ... it's fucking hurt, dammit!"

Haru also realized that he should not underestimate the experiences of his friends because, in reality, it was much more heart-wrenching than just saying it through the words.

Clenching his fists tightly, Haru felt that the blood in his body was starting to boil. The overflow of emotions inside him finally made him sick of seeing the joy between the two of them.

He went away right up and kept the stifling thing to himself. After all, lingering on would only make him more heartbroken.

Along the way home, Haru looked gloomy. His head was still thinking about what he had just seen. He even almost forgot what his mother had left him, so he had to turn around to go back to the cake shop he had just passed.

As soon as he entered the shop, a middle-aged woman, who was the owner of his mother's regular shop, asked Haru's face which was not as bright as usual, but Haru only responded with an unsightly forced smile, then left.

Until Haru could not stop himself from screaming like crazy, "FUCK MY LIFE! FUCK!"

People looked at him like a freak, but Haru did not care what people thought of him. He only hoped that by screaming he would ease the tightness in his chest. However, it was just a stupid thing he did. It could never be a spell to obliterate what he was feeling right now.

It did not take long for Haru to arrive at his house. He quickly opened the door and took off his shoes. His current feelings made the way home seem so long, a few minutes felt like a whole day; made him so exhausted like he was nearly dead.

"Haru, welcome home," his mother greeted as she approached.

"Look at my son's face. What's wrong?" his mother asked. He reached out, about to stroke Haru's head, but Haru immediately dodged on reflex.

Sighing, Mrs. Youichi asked again worriedly, "Are you okay? Tell me, what's wrong?"

Seeing Haru lose the cheerful smile on his face, Mrs. Youichi was silent as if she was seeking something in her son's eyes. She could see that her son looked sluggish and not as excited as in the previous days, which surely made her more worried, and could not help but ask how he was like a mother's instinct.

She could not stand seeing her son in such a state of chaos for sure!

"Tell me, what happened? Did someone bully you?" his mother asked again with a bit of urgency.

Hearing those questions, Haru lifted his eyes slowly. Seeing his mother's gaze, Haru could not help but force a smile to cover it all up. To trick his mother, he said, "Mom, I'm okay. No need to worry me. I'm just feeling a little tired today."

After saying that, Haru immediately gave his mother's cake order, then immediately left.

However, Haru was not a boy who was good at lying to his mother, so Mrs. Youichi could guess that there was something the boy was hiding from her and those eyes of him could not be fooled even though his face tried its best to cover up the gloom.

Mother is a mother.

However, even though she knew that her son was upset about something and she could only let him go until he disappeared behind the wall as he climbed the stairs.

She did not want to force her son to talk about his mood because she knew that he was wanting to be alone. Although she could guess what her son's problem was, she refused to confirm it directly. At least, until Haru's mood got a little better.

However, as a mother, who had a strong instinct for her own child's feelings, she knew that Haru was in a broken heart.