
Chp.1 The Birthday Girl

Kayla layed in bed and stared at the ceiling of her room. Her short brown hair was a mess,her dark blue eyes were half open. She was on her bed for a few moments in silence.

"Kayla come down,Hun!",her Mother suddenly yelled form the kitchen. Kayla sighed and walked down stairs in her pajamas to be greeted by a "Happy Birthday" form her father. Kayla almost forgot that today was her birthday ,and gave a smile at her father.

"So what are we doing this time for my birthday?"Kayla asked. Her mother smiled,"This time it's going to be a surpise." Kayla smiled and begun to guess but, her Mother just smiled and continued to make breakfeast.

After breakfeast she changed into some blue jeans,and a white shirt that said "Birthday Girl". Kayla then combed her messy hair. Then put on a green head band.

Kayla then slipped her phone into her back pocket. And walked outside. The cold morning spring air was all around her. She started to walk toward the park.

Kayla sat down on a wooden bench. She watched people play with thier dogs. She always wanted a dog,most of her friends had dogs mostly smaller breeds like the chihuahua or the pomeranian. Kayla wanted a big dog that was loyal,friendly,smart,and would comfort her. But her parents wanted her study hard about the breeds,and the needs of them to get one,but she felt like her parents would never ever get her one.

Kayla then felt something nimble on her fingers. She looked down to see a large thin white furred dog nimbing her fingers. The dog had chocolate brown eyes,a long tail,long black nails,a black nose,large powerful jaws,large ears,and a scared body.

At first Kayla thought it was a White German Sherpad because of it's white fur and large ears. Then She saw it's long tail,and the faint golden brown patches on it's back. After that she also notcied that the stray's eyes were larger then a sherpad's.

Kayla then took her left hand to storke the animal,but heasited a little and then she put her hand on the dog's back and stroked it. The Dog stopped nimbling her fingers,and looked up at her with huge round eyes.

It semed to be saying as it took his tougue out of it's mouth,"I like you Human". "I like you too.",Kayla spoke softly to the dog. It barked with joy in it's voice.

A hand then touched Kayla's soulder. She turned around to see a man with one of those dog catching pole things,so she could tell that he was form the Animal Contral.

"That dog has been reported of acting aggressively toward other large dogs. So I'm here to take him.",The Officar told Kayla. Kayla sighed and gave the dog a final pat. "So What are you going to do with the dog?",She asked while looking at the stray. Probably take the animal to a shelter.",The Officar answered. Kayla smiled. When the Officar approached the dog at, first the dog whimpered and ducked back. Then stepped forward with it's head down in submission.

Kayla watched as the two walked away,and began to walk home. Then turned around to see the the dog looking back with red eyes with blood dripping form his eyes and mouth. The dog's scars were open with blooding slowy dripping down,it fur gettting stained. The animal's mouth was curved back into a smile. Kayla's eyes widen and she started to run home. She gasped for breath before she could step into her house,a girl hugged her,and released her with a happy birthday. "Vel,you know I hate hugs.",Kayla groaned playfully. "We know.",Vicky a good friend freind of her spoke on a couch. Vel then gave her the newst book form her favortie book series "Street Dogs". Kayla smiled at her,and gave her a thanks. Vicky then gave her a fox plush that said on it's back "Friendship is all I need".

Kayla then said goodbye as her friends walked out of the house. "Kayla hun,get ready we are about to go on a car ride.",Kayla's Mother then said.