

Author: Kanzaki_Nami
Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 3.7K Views
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What is Mambang

Read ‘Mambang’ Online for Free, written by the author Kanzaki_Nami, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering MAGIC Fiction, WEAKTOSTRONG Light Novel, SUPERPOWERS Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "Fighting demons and monsters at night AND getting paid well for it? Let me be a Mambang!"Elena moved to Kuala Lumpur a ...


"Fighting demons and monsters at night AND getting paid well for it? Let me be a Mambang!" Elena moved to Kuala Lumpur a year ago with dreams of making it big. But the city's promises quickly gave way to the harsh realities of mounting bills, soul-sucking minimum wage jobs, and the coldness of urban life. Everything changed when Elena discovered she was a Mambang—an individual endowed with dark energy capable of combating the dangerous creatures of the Unseen realm. Suddenly, a new path opened before her: a chance to work at Bayangan, the prestigious government agency that handles all Unseen Matters in the country. With a job at Bayangan, Elena could finally build a comfortable life for herself and her sister. Elena's journey as a Mambang begins at Tenang Cleaning Services, a small agency where she's guided by Arif, her enigmatic mentor with a shadowy past. As Elena hones her abilities and unravels the secrets of the Unseen world, she soon realizes that the true threats lurking in the night may be far more sinister than she ever imagined. Interest Tags: Anime-esque power system, driven female lead, character drama, personalized power and magic, underdog against big organization, hidden secret government

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Princess Amy

Chapter 21 Nate Hughes Driving into the compound after what seems like forever, I groan angrily when I spot my mom's car at the parking lot. Fuck! Why didn't give her an excuse not to come here? I should've told her that I went on a business meeting. "Shut it, Nate! As if you don't know she would spend hours waiting for you if she needs to," My subconscious mind remind me of the kind of desperate woman my mom is. Well, I think she's eventually going to kill me before my time. Stepping out of the car, I walk over to the entrance door, and take a deep breath before I push the door open. I almost jump out of my skin when I walk into the living room and find Janice with mom. Fucking shit! She didn't mention that she came with this bitch. Now I have to keep up with the two. "Nate, you're here?" She beams excitedly and stands up to her feet as soon as I walk in, but I ignore her and walks over to sit on the couch tiredly. I left the things I bought inside the car. I'll go get them later. "Good morning, mom. What do I owe this visit, please?" I know this may sound rude, but I just want to piss her off so she will leave angrily, but not that it'll ever happen anyway. She's going to end up beating me later if I try to mess with her. Yes, my mom still beats me at this age, because she believes that I'm still a baby. Correction, her baby! "Where are your manners, Nate?" She glare hard at me with anger written all over her, and I need no one to tell me that things are about to go south, so I better behave myself. "I'm sorry, mom. But this is not fair. Why would you bring her to my house without informing me first?" I complain, but she just rolls her eyes. "Is she biting you as she is here now?" She asks, and I sigh briefly. I should've expected that. My mom's strictness is on another level, unlike dad that doesn't give a damn about whichever way I choose to live my life. I miss that man so much, and I can't just wait for him to be back from his trip. No, we're not living together, but if he's around, mom won't be able to come here often. "Mom, I'm exhausted, and need to get some rest now. I'll call Ariel to make you something to eat. I'll be in my room now," I say to her after I stand up from the couch, and glance over to Janice who's just sitting there with a sad expression on her face. If it was then, I would be so broken to see her in this condition, but not anymore. I can't believe she's the same woman I used to be so in love with back then. It was never my fault that things had to turn out this way, but she fucking betrayed me. How could she be having an affair with my best friend? That's the most disgusting ever. If it were to be someone else, I wouldn't have been so pissed, but my best friend? Hell nah! There's no way I'm ever going to have anything to do with her, ever again. "Sit there, Nate. I want to discuss something with you," She says to me coldly, and I sigh as I throw myself back to the couch, waiting for her to maybe insult me, or rant as always. I don't mean disrespect, but trust me, you'll feel frustrated and depressed if you were in my shoes. "What happened between you and Janice?" Her question awakens the memories I have buried in my heart for so long. When it happened, I kept it to myself because I didn't want mom or anyone else to know about it. "Nothing, mom. I'm not just interested in being her boyfriend anymore. I'm done with her," I can see the pain in her eyes as I say those words to mom, but fuck her! I don't give a damn about how she feels so she better fuck off. "You can't say that, Nate. You told me you love her..." "I loved her, but not anymore, mom. I don't want her anymore..." "That's a joke, Nate. You can't do that. You're going to marry Janice, and that's it!" Mom springs up to her and yell at me. I bite my bottom lip, trying to control the anger that keep trying to consume me.

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