

A man from earth who hates arrogant young masters in the novel, Magic Origin, wakes up inside the novel itself. He inhibited the body of the first arc main villain was supposed to possess. How to survive the wrath of the main villain after stealing his prey if the body was crippled by the main character?  How to survive if the main character was drawn to kill him because he is a young master whose fate forces him to be a stepping stone? How to survive in a future full of dangerous catastrophic events? Fortunately, there was a system that the first main villain put inside the new body. It evolved into his situation but the biggest problem in using it, he needs to keep courting death!   !

Bad_Totodile · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Useless Oath


[ Holy Expectorate learned! ]

[ The system will use the body of the host to be familiar with how to use the Holy Expectorate ability. ]

Young master Gaun was not even given a chance to resist when the system controlled his body like a robot.


[ Choose your target. ]

A knight in red armor suddenly unsheathed his sword. 

"Throwing those disrespectful and threatening words to the tower master isn't allowed in our presence."

His body was covered in armor but his head was not due to his confidence.

They knew they can't manipulate the summoner of the legendary underworld raven so it was time for them to move and take her forcefully.

However, first, they need to remove this arrogant bastard from the Leyhart Family.

"I suggest you leave now. Our business is with her."

The red knight spoke.

The man with the alliance crest did not speak and watched the spectacle of how they are going to convince the summoner of the legendary creature to go with them.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Even young master Gaun himself was dumbfounded.


[ Holy Expectorate ability activated! ]

[ Sticky spit out phlegm from the throat or lungs and put holy light magic in it to speed up and reach its target. ]

[ Provokes anyone, especially those who are Darkness, dragon magic attribute users, and Pugilist attribute Aura users. ]


Despite being arrogant, young master Gaun felt like sticking his head to the ground and cursing the system.

'I said a powerful or an attack ability! Why did you give this to me!!??'

Young master Gaun asked, as he didn't know that the ability was only used to spit in someone's forehead.


[ The Holy Expectorate ability never misses. ]

Young master Gaun's face became red like a volcano.

'So what!?'

While young master Gaun was scolding his system.

The knight who had his forehead covered in phlegm and spit clenched his fist.

Knight Aura and Pugilist aura comes out of the red knight's body, blasting the whole area around him.

"Do not kill him, just punish him."

The woman who tortured the young master Gaun spoke calmly.

She was intrigued by young master Gaun's recovery and she didn't sense or see any potion being used.

The red knight nodded while his head had bulging veins on it.

Never once in his life had he been humiliated like this.

Soon his body became bulk, his calves became massive and his back became wide.

Young master Gaun became prepared.

'The tower masters won't move on their own.'

'That female tower master earlier just wanted to control for obvious reasons...'

Young master Gaun observed her, but she was still blurry in his eyes.

The red knight took a deep inhale and...


Pugilist magic attributes are strong and muscle-bound, often based on martial artists. 

Most Pugilist-type moves are in the Physical category, for obvious reasons.


[ The foe used a rampaging roar! ]

Seeing this, the young master Gaun clicked his tongue.

'The common rampaging roar? Strengthen his attacks by ten percent? Just like in the novel?'

'I was right that they would move instead of tower masters, but the enemy was just an order of three Berserker Knights...'

Berserker Knights are Mana users who can use Knight Aura and Pugilist magic.

Same as the Holy Knights who can use Holy Light magic and Knight Aura.

'Currently, I am just ordering one, but comparable to second-order holy knights.

Even when I'm already strengthened by the system's Miracle Ability.

'However, I am sure I can beat him.'

Young master, Gaun thought to himself.

The knight sprinted in his direction with a sword forward.

Prepared to pierce through him.

Young master Gaun calmed himself down. 

He knew that this knight's target was not his heart, so he was not worried.

He gripped his sword and was about to clash with the red knight.

However, In an instant, young master Gaun wanted to face the charging knight, but a gust of wind and a shadow appeared in front of him.


Everyone came to a stop.

Leanne's body was now covered in legendary Underworld Raven feathers.

Her eyes were still red.

Her hair became dark with sparkly red on the tip and her nails became bird-sharp claws.

A very intimidating form.

"Never try to hurt my husband, ever again!"

Leanne said in a menacing voice.

Every young master, Gaun's hair on his back, stood up.

"Magic Zoan Form?"

Young master Gaun and the tower masters were in shock.

Magic Zoan Form

This type of Magic transformation allows the summoner to transform into an animal species at will.

Or an inter-species hybrid similar to his summons. 

To them, this should be advanced magic. 

So how could a girl this young learn this stuff?

"Humanoid Beast form at that?"

The lady tower master reacted. 

There are three types of Magic forms.

First is the Fragmented beast form.

Where the magic caster can make a part of his body, become a beast.

That part would also become two times stronger.

The second is the Full Beast form.

The magic caster would become a beast with the mind of the magic caster. 

Their body would become five times stronger, but only in a short amount of time.

Third is the final humanoid beast form.

The humanoid beast form would make the magic caster become seven times stronger.

Therefore, they are shocked, as only a few in the kingdom can do it, those old ancestors.

The tower master's atmosphere became tense.

One could see the greed in their eyes.

All of a sudden, young master Gaun smiled.

Seeing their eyes.

'This is a perfect opportunity.'

Splat! Splat! Splat!

The tower master and their students were all dumbfounded.

They are too busy being cautious with each other that they did not sense the sticky spit on their forehead already landed.

This is a familiar sticky feeling, so they look at the person who did it.

"How dare you all look at me with lust!?" 

"Are you thinking of taking me away!?"

Young master Gaun spoke with an arrogant posture and had his arms crossed his chest.

The whole crowd was dumbfounded.

It took a long time before everything registered in their mind.

'Lust? Take you!?'

'Hell, we won't even look at you and your meager talent.'

However, young master Gaun had no way of knowing that.

If he knew, he would be even more glad.

"I know I'm talented."

"I found a good wife with extraordinary talent."

"It's only a part of greatness but you all don't have to look at me like that."

"It's rather making me uncomfortable, so I stopped you all with my holy spit."

"Now, go fight amongst yourselves and we will choose who to follow."

Young master Gaun didn't know nor had a talent for provoking everyone. 

However, he believes he will learn as long as he starts now.

The only problem was this was an obvious trap to make them fight among themselves.

The tower masters laughed at him like he was an idiot trying so hard.

Only a fool would believe him.

Suddenly, without their expectation.

"Right! My husband is right!''

Leanne appeared in front of young master Gaun and nodded like a good little follower.

She was strutting there like a dog, ready to protect her master.


Young master Gaun only laughed. He was right.

'This vixen doesn't want to go with them.'

'Well, I'm not afraid of these maggots. They may be tower masters but they are only masters of star one tower.'

'Just looking at their magic order, they may order ten apprentice magicians.'

There are a lot of magic tower masters.

Apprentice magician order ten is the limit of the star one magic tower for the tower masters.

And so forth.

The tower masters today are weak in young master Gaun's eyes. 

'I am just at the beginning of the story from the novel. I doubt they are high level.'

Knowing that the girl with him was an apprentice magician in the seven orders, young master Gaun was at ease.

"Come on, fight among yourselves."

"We will follow the winner and we doubt that the reward you would all receive ain't plenty for bringing a legendary summoner that can enter humanoid beast form already." 

It was an invitation. 

This time, young master Gaun would want chaos between them.

Young master Gaun noticed something.

'They are not acting? I'm not good with this kind of stuff.'

The magic tower masters were gazing at each other. 

Looking at young master Gaun and Leanne who was in front.

"I get it!"

Young master Gaun suddenly raised his hands to the sky.

"I, Gaun Leyhart, a sole young master of the Leyhart family and future Family head promised those who seem worthy in our eyes and heart will be chosen by us to follow."

Everyone and Leanne were shocked. Young master Gaun just made an oath.

Young master Gaun is not done.

"If we don't choose, then my Holy Light magic and my Family Leyhart will disappear and will have no future, for"

Suddenly, without waiting for young master Gaun to finish, a shadow appeared behind him.


His head caves into the ground forcefully like a spear.