


Mathew POV.

/"Hiii you must be Mathew/" a guy asks, he’s longer than me, bulkier, and scarier, I just nod my head yes. I was waiting to get my bag, he must be the guy the family sent to pick me up, when I saw my bag coming, I got closer to get it but the guy beat me to it, he picked it up like it weight nothing.

/"Uhh yeah I am/" I say remembering he asked me a question.

/"I’m Zach welcome home/" the guy say with a giant smile before leading me out of the airport toward his car.

/"I’m sorry for your lost Mathew, but I’m sure we can be good friends, the whole coven is a big family, we’re all here for you/" Zach says, I just nod my head yes, and mumble a thank you.

The rest of the ride was quiet, I didn’t feel like talking and he respected that, we drove from the airport for about an hour before reaching what looks like a mansion, the place was huge, and I mean huge! It even had a backyard pool, my jaw must have dropped since Zach chuckled at me before adding.

/"Close your mouth, you’re gonna catch some flies/" I obliged and was quick to close my mouth, I knew all vampires live a rich man life, they spend centuries in the work field, they accommodate many treasures and wealth. But this is the first time I get close toward a vampire home, well my home now, I should know there’s no going back to my old home, not with mom being dead.

/"Welcome home guys/" a girl says getting close to the car, she looks young, everyone does, vampires don’t age, not ever, dad hardly looks in his twenties while he’s eight centuries old. When I got out of the car, she got close to me giving me a hug, letting my head lean against her shoulder, she rubbed my back and even kissed my cheeks, it wasn’t in any sexual way, it was just a family greeting, like meeting a baby for the first time.

/"I’m aunt Violet, your dad is my baby brother, and the guy who drove you is your cousin, my son Mathew, feel free to come to me in anything happens okay?/" she explain.

I knew dad had a family, but not an aunt, he never talked about anyone in specific, just the family, our phone calls weren’t that often either, just in the last few years when he explained a bit about being a vampire and needing the blood.

/"My aunt?/" I ask still shocked.

/"I can’t believe that brat didn’t tell you about me, no wonder you never called/" she says sounding hurt, like she really wanted me to call her before.

/"Uhh…sorry, me and dad don’t have the best relation/" I say honestly, cause we don’t.

/"It’s okay Mathew, you’re here now and I’ll get to know my baby nephew/" she says pinching my cheek, I’m too old to have my cheeks pinched, I just pull back from her reach.

/"He’s too old for that mom/" Zach came to my rescue before he took my hand and dragged me inside the house giving me the grand tour and showing me around.

The place included a pool, a gym, too many bedrooms, a movie theater, James office that was a big no-no! Finally Zach showed me my room, it was a standard room, the decoration was mostly plain but I could add anything I want to it, Zach left my bags there saying he’d help me unpack.

Putting my thing away wasn’t that hard, I didn’t have many things but Zach was all in to buy me new things, apparently he loves shopping. He’s not a bad guy either, he’s funny or at least he seem like it, he also told me there’s no more hidden aunts, and he’s my one and only cousin.

/"I never had a brother or a cousin! But now we got each other’s/" Zach says all excited, I couldn’t but be happy for his excitement, I smiled back and even gave him a hug.

/"How old are you?/" I asked him.

/"I’m twenty five and you?/" he asks back, he’s older than me, but in vampire years, this hardly count.

/"I’m seventeen/" I answer, I was still in school while he’s in college, he didn’t go to college right away after high school.

/"That’s nice, I think after Anna you’re the youngest around the house/" he says.

/"Who’s Anna?/" I ask, I’d like to know who the person younger than me is, maybe we go to school together.

/"Annalise, but Anna for short, she’s a kitten. She’s only sixteen/" Zach explains.

/"A kitten?/" I ask, I knew most wealthy family have one, a shifter who’s a half cat, also known to be littles and in need for a care givers.

I was always interested in the care givers littles dynamic, I could never regress like some people who could go back to being just few months old, but I was interested non the less.