
Insecurities are doomed to bring disaster sooner or later.

Li Xue's eyes snapped to look at Ning Meiling when heard her words. She was sure that she has yet to let Ning Meiling know about the pdf of the dessert dish sent by Chen Yujian. Her brows raised in slight suspicion as she asked, "Chef Ning, have you known this dish from before? How do you know that what I am cooking does not look like the one made in the past?"

Ning Meiling was almost caught off guard. She never knew that her overexcitement would ruin things for her. Stammering a little in her words, she said, "Ah that … of course I know what the dish looks like! To help you, I thought hard and then suddenly it popped up in my mind that I have the number of the librarian from Chef's library. So I called him to ask if he could send me the picture of the dessert dish from that years' old file?"

"…", Li Xue did not say anything but her eyes at Chef Ning was enough to make her thoughts stumble one after the other.

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