
Ducklings desiring to be the swan.

Soon the victim girl entered the courtroom with Lawyer Peng. The moment she walked in her eyes caught sight of Li Xue who was sitting politely beside a lady. She didn't realize who it was until she walked further ahead and caught a beautiful glimpse of Chen Rui's face. 

Her eyes stopped at her and at the same time, Li Xue turned to look at her. Her expression was all nonchalant as if she was looking at just any other passerby who was crossing the same road as her. 

When Chen Rui felt Li Xue's gaze averting some way, she looked at her and then followed her gaze. And the sight of another girl came into her vision. "Do you know her, Xiao Xue? Who is she?" She asked and keeping her gaze still at the girl, Li Xue answered. 

"She is the victim who sued me." 

At her words like that, Shin Tingming who has been sitting beside his wife also looked up while Chen Rui's gaze simply turned sharp, piercing the confidence with which the girl has walked inside. 

Next chapter