
Chapter 8 Honey Trap

When Jian Xiaoxi entered her room, Momo woke up. She rolled herself up like a caterpillar and looked at Xiaoxi who entered the room. "Mom, your face is so red, just like a boiled grab." Jian Xiaoxi thought of the handsome man picture she had just seen. Although she deliberately didn't look at it, she could still see it from the corner of her eyes. From what she had seen, just flush is not enough.

She glared at Momo and was not going to answer her, but corrected her: "It's a crab, a crab!" "It's a grab, grab!" said Jian Momo. After finishing her study, she looked at Jian Xiaoxi for praise.

Jian Xiaoxi gave up to correct Momo. She rolled into the quilt and wrapped herself up with Momo.

It was not until she was tired that Jian Momo fell asleep.

Xiaoxi also reached out to turn off the light. Somehow, she looked at the door of her room. Thinking for a while, she walked over and locked the door decisively.

When she locked the door, she heard some noise from outside.

But when she continued to listen, she couldn't hear anything. She had no choice but to give up.

The whole night was silent.

On the second day, Jian Xiaoxi got up before dawn. She went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and woke up the two children at seven o'clock.

As usual, Momo wanted to spend more time with Jian Xiaoxi, so she woke up when Jian Xiaoxi got up. But she didn't get up and waited for Jian Xiaoxi to wake her up.

When Jian Xiaoxi came to wake her up, Momo had already gotten up. She had put on her clothes and came to Xiaoxi. "Mom, I have put on my clothes today. Am I great?" Jian Xiaoxi didn't bother to correct her. "Great, Momo." With her hands on her hips, Momo said complacently: "I just don't know why it's a little difficult for me to breath smoothly today." Jian Xiaoxi looked at her in the opposite shirt. It was no wonder that she couldn't breathe smoothly with her clothes bridling her neck!

She sighed and changed her clothes for her. Then she took her to wake up Han Mingchen.

Han Mingchen was still in bed and Jian Xiaoxi couldn't wake him up at all.

Or he didn't cooperate.

Momo looked at the man who had been huddling up in the quilt. She looked at Xiaoxi and said: "Mom, little brother is not as good as I. Momo will get up by herself." Han Mingchen didn't know why, but when he heard what Momo said, he moved. No one could lose to this silly girl!

So he got up with a chicken nest head.

Jian Xiaoxi took the two children downstairs. The servants who were cleaning downstairs were shocked. Everyone knew that the little devil king wouldn't get up until noon, but he got up so early today!

They looked at Jian Xiaoxi with admiration. This woman was unusual!

Jian Xiaoxi took out the breakfast for the two kids. Seeing that the two began to eat, she asked the servant: "When does Mr. Han usually get up?" "Mr. Han must be having dinner at this time as usual. I don't know what's wrong with him today." If Jian Xiaoxi had known the consequence before, she would not have asked such a question.

She stood at the door of Han Sichen's room and didn't know what to do. Just because she asked, the servants asked her to come and have a look.

The man's figure under the night light last night flashed through her mind. What was she thinking about? She took a deep breath and threw away all the messy thoughts in her mind. Then she knocked on the door and said: "Mr. Han, it's me, Jian Xiaoxi." "Come in." The man gave a brief order.

The corners of Xiaoxi's mouth twitched. She really wanted to slap herself. She should not know how to speak. She just wanted to ask him if he wanted her to leave breakfast for him. Why did she want to enter his room?

She opened the door and found that the room was only decorated in black, white, and gray. To her surprise, Xiaoxi didn't think there was anything wrong. She walked in and asked: "Mr. Han, do you need us to prepare breakfast for you?" "No, thanks." He answered weakly.

Only then did Jian Xiaoxi notice that the man's face flushed abnormally.

He was still wearing his pajamas last night. The only difference was that he tied his pajamas tightly this time, without showing a little of his body.

"Mr. Han, are you okay?" Jian Xiaoxi asked with concern.

A glimmer of light flashed through Han Sichen's eyes. He coughed and said: "Nothing. You can go to have dinner. I'll have a rest." But it didn't look like nothing had happened. She walked to the man's bed and reached out her hand to touch his forehead. "I'm sorry." When her hand touched his forehead, she felt a subtle touch at first, and then the heat surprised her!

"Mr. Han, you have a serious fever. How can you not tell others? I'll call a doctor for you." said Xiaoxi disapprovingly "Ahem, don't bother. There is medicine at home. It's in the cabinet over there." said Han Sichen weakly, as his deep eyes were wet probably because of his illness. Jian Xiaoxi: "..." Does he want her to feed him medicine?

Since the employer had asked, she couldn't refuse, so she had to bring the medicine box to him according to his instructions.

She put the medicine box on the bed, opened it, and found the antipyretic. Then she took it out and went downstairs to fetch water.

After seeing Jan Xiaoxi leave, Han Sichen immediately sat up straight. Although his face was still flushed red, his spirit was not weak at all. He opened his mobile phone, found a number and sent it: "What should I do next!" When Xiaoxi came back with water, Han Sichen put his phone away in a hurry.

She didn't care about it at all. She handed the glass of water to Han Sichen and asked him to take the medicine.

After watching the man take the medicine, she was about to leave but was stopped by Han Sichen again.

"Well, I've just checked. There seems to be another way to deal with the fever. It will recover faster." Then he put the phone in front of Jian Xiaoxi as if he was going to ask Jian Xiaoxi to do this.

Suddenly, she had an illusion that she was not here to take care of Han Mingchen but to take care of Han Sichen.

Frightened by her own thoughts, she shook her head. Then she picked up the man's phone and saw the enlarged bold and dyed red words wiping his body with medical alcohol to cool him down.

Jian Xiaoxi looked at Han Sichen expressionlessly.

Blinking his deep eyes, he said deliberately: "There is also an alcohol medicine box." Jian Xiaoxi: "..." she felt that all this had been premeditated?

But it was not good for him to do so. She was the one who saw his body, so logically speaking, she was the lucky one.

In the end, Jian Xiaoxi failed to help him wipe his body with the alcohol, because after having breakfast, Han Mingchen shouted to go out. Han Sichen stared at the bad boy with horrible eyes, wishing to throw him into the trash bin.

But no matter how much he hated him, it was useless. Jian Xiaoxi was still pulled away by him ruthlessly.