
Chapter 10 Suffering from the False Accusation

Through the ingratiating woman in front of him, Han Sichen looked at Jian Xiaoxi with two children behind her. He understood the situation almost in an instant.

"Mr. Han?" Not getting the expected response, Jian Yuanyuan stood there awkwardly.

Seeing that Han Sichen was looking at Jian Xiaoxi, she wanted to add fuel to the fire. "It's this ungrateful woman and the two blind stubborn children beside her." But when Han Sichen heard this, he not only ignored her but also glanced at her coldly.

Jian Yuanyuan shivered subconsciously. Did he know them? It's impossible. How could a woman like Jian Xiaoxi know Han Sichen?

Just when she was lost in various fancies and conjectures, Han Mingchen ran over and hugged Han Sichen's leg. He called him "Dad" in a childish voice. Jian Yuanyuan stared at all this in disbelief with her eyes wide open. Qin Zhiyuan's face darkened.

Han Sichen bent down and touched Han Mingchen's head as if nothing had happened. "I heard from this aunt that you robbed her things?" "I think it's a misunderstanding. Mr. Han. Please don't mind it. Tell me what you like. I'll buy it for you, okay?" Han Zhiyuan asked. However, Han Mingchen turned his head aside arrogantly and said: "My father will buy it for me." "Mr. Han, this..." Qin Zhiyuan was at a disadvantage. He hated the stupidity of Jian Yuanyuan, but he had to make up for what she had done.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Qin. But I think I should give her justice. I always attach great importance to the education of children, or else I will be ashamed if my kid becomes a naughty child in other people's eyes one day." Although he showed his gratitude, he didn't let go of what just happened. Even Jian Xiaoxi could tell that he must be angry.

"No, no, no. It's really not necessary. It's my fault."

Jian Yuanyuan felt guilty and regretted what she said just now.

"I didn't rob anything. But this aunt came out of nowhere and wronged us. You can ask Momo if you don't believe me." "You are right. She wants to bully mom and us." Jian Momo pouted angrily and stood in front of Jian Xiaoxi. She wouldn't let this bad aunt bully her mother.

"I won't let anyone bully you." said Han Sichen, as he walked over and held Momo in his arms "Miss Jian, I don't think the child will lie, right?" "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's all my fault. Please forgive me." Said Jian Yuanyuan, bending over and putting on the most approachable smile instead of her vicious face just now. After all, Han Sichen had been angry. The only thing she could do now was to coax the child well and try her best to the situation.

It was not easy to comfort Han Sichen. He crossed his hands over his chest and didn't even look at Jian Yuanyuan.

Jian Yuanyuan was so angry that she cursed the dead child in her heart, but she had to continue: "Tell me, what can I do to make you forgive me?" Han Mingchen took a look at her and asked: "Can you do anything?" "Yes, I won't lie to you." Seeing that there was a chance to redeem, Jian Yuanyuan nodded and agreed. But in her heart, she thought he was just a child and wouldn't care about it anymore after coaxing him. By that time, Han Sichen would not have any misunderstandings about this matter anymore.

A ray of light flashed through the eyes of the little child, and he smiled innocently: "I like dogs. Momo likes cats. You can be like a dog and cat. If you performed well, Momo and I will forgive you." Qin Zhiyuan and Jian Yuanyuan were stunned. They didn't expect the little boy to make such a request. She quietly looked at the expression on Han Sichen's face, thinking that he would stop him. But Han Sichen just looked at all this indifferently.

"I don't know how to bark like a dog or a cat. Can you change another one?" Hearing that, Han Mingchen was unhappy at once. He curled his lips and said, "Auntie, didn't you say that you could do anything? Why can't you do such a simple request?" Jian Yuanyuan couldn't do anything to this child, but how could she be embarrassed in public in front of so many people. She looked at Qin Zhiyuan for help, hoping that he could find a way out. But Qin Zhiyuan couldn't do anything about it. He turned his head and looked away.

"Meow!" being helpless, Jian Yuanyuan had to do as he said.

Han Mingchen frowned and said: "Auntie, your voice is too low for me to hear. Momo, did you hear that?" "I didn't hear anything," said Momo in cooperation. Jian Yuanyuan's face turned deathly pale. She finally realized that the two children deliberately humiliated her. But she did agree just now.

"Meow, meow, meow, Wolf, wolf, wolf." This time, she finally calmed down and barked.

Han Mingchen quickly happy clapped his hands: "It sounds like a real dog barking. Then I forgive you." "Then I forgive you too," said Momo happily.

"Thank... Thank you." Jian Yuanyuan was so angry that she almost fainted, but she held on and thanked them. What she hated most was that Xiaoxi was still here. She had been laughed at enough. She didn't want to lose her last dignity.

"Mr. Han, now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up, then what happened between us just now..." Seeing that the two children had also been relieved, Qin Zhiyuan quickly wanted to sign the contract.

"There's no hurry. The two kids have played for a whole day and Xiaoxi is tired. I'll send them back first." Jian Xiaoxi had hoped to be ignored, but she still couldn't avoid the word "Xiaoxi" from Han Sichen.

Qin Zhiyuan had seen Xiaoxi very early, but he could only pretend not to know her on such an occasion. Now he was distracted by a "Xiaoxi" of Han Sichen.

It seemed that Han Sichen also noticed the abnormality of the two people. He slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at the unnatural expression on Qin Zhiyuan's face.

"Let's go." After saying that, Han Sichen took Xiaoxi's hand and walked out without any resistance.

The two kids followed the driver and whispered.

"Little brother, why does your father hold my mother's hand?" Momo asked in confusion.

"Of course, it's because of love." Said Han Mingchen smilingly. He didn't know why he felt uncomfortable when he saw other aunts trying to get close to his father, but this time he felt nothing wrong.

In a daze, Momo asked: "Do you mean that your father likes my mother?" His father, who didn't like to be touched by others, took the initiative to hold a woman's hand this time. Han Mingchen looked a little serious: "Yes, I think so."