
Global Awakening: I Can Manipulate Destiny

If you are looking for a novel that starts of epic then goes on to fall your hand with dragged out chapters, stupid plots and unrealistic characters. Then sorry but this novel ain't for you. On the other hand, if you are looking for a novel that starts of above average[9/10] things at the beginning seem so mysterious, incoherent, and blurry. But as you read on everything starts clearing out, mysteries are being unraveled and various plots are being pieced together into one slowly but surely. Everything that don't seem to make sense or because you aren't patient and attentive enough seem incoherent will start to piece together. Like a puzzle... Then congrats and welcome...cause you have just found the right book. I can't say this will be the best mystery focused/based book that you have ever read. But anyone seeing this should know...give this mystery masterpiece some few chapters and be patient and just like anyone who has read LOTM. You will slowly but definitely come to love this masterpiece!!! ____________ Upon the Malivoire Descent. A world along with countless of other worlds, were all given a chance to tap into their latent potentials and become not only Malivoire Combatants but also World Evolvers. Now tasked with the task of protecting the world of Earth from each Malivoire Trial that would ever descend upon their world. Success will result in the evolution of their world, and successfully leaving the bottom of the food chain while constantly trying to survive. Whereby failure will result in not only the destruction of Earth, but the unleashing of a mysterious entity upon the entire universe. Now embarked with the latent talents he successfully awakened. Zeras, a young kid who had always had a bleak outlook of life, with his brother serving as his only beacon of happiness and perhaps humanity, would do anything to make sure that the World Evolvers of Earth overcome each Malivoire Descent headed their way. Even if it meant he had to manipulate and be in control of everyone around him... Discord server is out...Join Now!!! https://discord.gg/PuQNaE9z

Dream_Lord14 · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Land Of Eternal Darkness.

He rapidly transversed the "land of eternal darkness."

"If the simulation is right, then I should be meeting her soon enough."

He paused for a second, as he glanced at the runes, before he further added.

"And those missions must have been given out."

-Find the cause of the anomality of the dream realm.

-Arrive at the Ancient Holy Land

Main Side Quest: Save the Dream Realm.

Side Quest: Destroy the Tree of Nightmare also known as the Seouls Of Enthrallment.

Main Quest: Eradicate the Dream Weaver!

"In the past simulation, these quests serve as the guide...the path of light within the eternal world of darkness and dread. Almost as though the thing or perhaps...a being generating the quest is trying to guide us..."


"Seems that the path of a World Evolver is more mysterious than I thought."

But if the being wanted to help us...with its power it should be able to easily do so. Unless, there is something holding it back. And perhaps that something is hidden just behind that dreadful abyssal like gate..."

Zeras mused in understanding, as he tried to bring the various clues together.

Though this didn't stop him from still moving at a rapid speed...for if there was one more important thing he had learnt. That would be a stunning fact that even his seemingly omnipotent World Simulation ability wasn't as omnipotent or perfect as he thought it to be...

After all within his last two simulations...that Eldritch Dream creature that had possessed that girl called Sophie and had taken her form had probably had a deadly fight with the same Sophie and with the aid of her minions; the Eldritch dream creatures with lesser bloodline purity, she was able to make use of a unique ability of hers' which probably has to do with possession.

And the possession had probably affected her mentality, her behaviour...everything was being corrupted or perhaps decorrupted...as he couldn't say they weren't already corrupted to begin with. Which in turn led the Eldritch dream creature to have such a kind nature, probably one owned by the owner of the body she had possessed.

But why would she possess the body of a human...

That was the only thing that seemed to be confusing him...as he suddenly passed by a familiar tree.

He couldn't help but come to a halt. The fruit of the tree had a crimson dark color to it, it had a bad scent. One that not only nauseated one alot but also had a familiar scent. As if Hero had been here, he would have realized that it was the same smell Zeras exuded after he had seemingly fainted.

But how could he have known that Zeras had long taken one of such fruit after he had been through two simulations and perhaps if he had rummaged through Zeras body. He would have seen it...in that spot just right below his navel.

But as i would say. The strong feel no fear and cautiousness against the weak...

And why do they need to be afraid of the weak...

Zeras let out a slight devilish laughter, as although he didn't know if he would need the fruit which he had named 'fruit of destruction.'

After all within his first trial, he had seen a wandering World Evolver eating it...as the World Evolver savored it...and with every single bite, he had a refreshed look on his face. As the World Evolver attempted to take more...forcing him out of his hiding spot. As he also attempted to take a bite...when suddenly the World Evolver started convulsing with terrific vigor as countless organs bursted out of the body of the World Evolver.

Remembering that point within the simulation.

He couldn't help but shake his head.

"Long time no see friend. Will be taking one of your caring fruits." Zeras said, as although he had no idea if the Tree was really an Eldritch dream creature or not...he refused to believe that and yet could also believe it.

To him...it didn't really matter anyways. As he was 80 percent certain that even if the tree just happened to be an Eldritch dream creature. It was one that didn't attack physically...at least that was what his deduction ended with...

As he took a dark crimson fruit amongst the countless ones that existed. And then he gave a slight bow before turning back. As he rapidly transversed through the land of eternal darkness.

On normal occasion, doing such a thing was pure suicide. As who knew what was hidden beyond those shadows...who knew what laid within this eternal darkness of a land.

But it wasn't like he had any choice anyways. After all the origin of the dream realm was just too thin...mostly the particles in the air aren't origin energy...as it seemed to be a different sort of energy. One seemingly more deadly and oozed out a black gas continously. Perhaps that was what made the dream realm to be filled with mostly dark areas...and the land of eternal darkness just happened to be one of this truly wonderful place...as it had the black gas in abound.

Of course one didn't need to know better that the black gas had merged with the dream realm already...

Which made Zeras conviction of the dream realm having gotten corrupted by something even more greater...and he was tempted to believe that it was none other than the Tree Of Nightmare which they would soon have to kill...

"And talking about they...shouldn't I have met her by now." Zeras muttered, as his eyes easily pierced through the distance.

Yet he didn't see anything in sight. As his brows got narrowed.

"Even if there's a change, it should be a slight one. So she should still be somewhere here..." Zeras mused with a narrowed brow, as a wide grin slowly spread across his face.

He could feel it...his origin energy had recovered a little...and the rate at which it was increasing was improving and rapidly increasing.

He knew what that meant...it means that I should be meeting with the three of them soon enough.

"Hehehe....I can't wait to see "God" himself!"

Zeras said to no one but himself, as he was finally happy for once since he had arrived within the dream realm.

And why shouldn't he be able...and why wouldn't he be happy. He was finally going to meet with his brother once again. Infact if not for the simulations which showed Khain's might, he would have been too worried sick. And might not have cared for himself or paid attention to his surroundings. Which might have easily led to his death.

So one could say him getting torn apart from his younger brother, after the realm transversal just happened to be a great thing. As this not only boosted his urge to survive...but also boosted his level of thinking. As he was able to think without any distraction or worried thought weighing upon his mind.

He was suddenly brought out of his reverie by a defeaning explosion that rocked the entire surrounding.

"Seems that she's already fighting against it. I was about to start wondering if the simulation was totally wrong this time around..."

He muttered, as a wide grin spread across his face.

And then he activated shadow walking.

As he immediately merged with the darkness and the shadows of the land of Eternal Darkness.

It was like adding wings to this ability of his...as the darkness only further reinforced his shadow walking

Bringing it to greater heights...he couldn't help but be glad that the dream realm had gotten corrupted...

He had a wide grin on his face as he slowly approached the direction of the sound.

And when he got there...he was met with a sight.

A sight he couldn't believe...one which he didn't dare to believe..

"B-ut how, it isn't supposed to appear here..."

Those where the words that managed to escaped his lips, as he stood there petrified... as he bore witness to a carnage unlike never before...

Hehehe....what could have put Zeras inti such a state. I am really curious as to what it could be.

Also as usual...Golden Tickets, power stones, gifts and comments are very much appreciated.

Dream_Lord14creators' thoughts