
Malivoire Descent

Upon the Malivoire Descent. A world along with countless of other worlds, were all given a chance to tap into their latent potentials and become not only Malivoire Combatants but also World Evolvers. Now tasked with the task of protecting the world of Earth from each Malivoire Trial that would ever descend upon their world. Success will result in the evolution of their world, and successfully leaving the bottom of the food chain while constantly trying to survive. Whereby failure will result in not only the destruction of Earth, but the unleashing of a mysterious entity upon the entire universe. Now embarked with the latent talents he successfully awakened. Zeras, a young kid who had always had a bleak outlook of life, with his brother serving as his only beacon of happiness and perhaps humanity, would do anything to make sure that the World Evolvers of Earth overcome each Malivoire Descent headed their way. Even if it meant he had to manipulate and be in control of everyone around him... Discord server is out...Join Now!!! https://discord.gg/PuQNaE9z

Dream_Lord14 · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Convergent- Divergent Fist Technique.

The cursed spirit is actually devouring his vitality.

His vitality is being drained at a rapid rate.

'What the fuck!! What kind of cursed spirit is this.'

Zeras had a look of shock on his face.

And indeed...that shock is fully justified.

A cursed spirit that can drain ones vitality... that's surely one hell of a dreadful cursed spirit.

But he isn't Nameless for no reason. He immediately ducked downward, his hands immediately struck forth with terrifying force.

As he attempted to give himself some breathing space.

One which he badly needed right now.

Multiple strikes struck hard against the chest of the cursed spirit as he was sent moving about in countless directions while still standing in one spot.

It showed just how much force is backing up those attacks... those punches seemed to have been delivered by a fearsome warrior from ancient times.