
MALIGNANT UNION:Tale of a mobster and murderess' in a fantasy world.

Step into the world of Maxwell De Venti, feared Mafia lord and his deadly wife Angelina De Venti, a notorious assassin and serial killer. As they awaken in a strange new realm vastly different from the earth they once knew. Do not own the art, credits to the owner. New author with no editor yet, I'll do my best. Reviews and critiques will be happily appreciated.

Sofie_Vert01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

well oiled machine

I chuckle at Damien's fiery demeanor as he springs up from the ground, ready to take on Gregory. It's always amusing to see that pint-sized bundle of energy raring to throw down with the towering giant. Gregory, with his imposing 6'3" frame, seems like a titan among us, yet here he is, facing off against Damien, who barely reaches 5'2".

The sight of him brandishing his oversized weapon and donning those comically large glasses and golden robes is almost too much to bear.

But then again, there's never a dull moment around here.

As Damien prepares to unleash his lightning fury upon Gregory, I step in to defuse the situation, using my great sword to intercept the electrical charge.

"Easy there, little guy," I chuckle, hoisting Damien away from his intended target. He squirms in my grasp, protesting vehemently.

"He started it! You saw him!" Damien insists, his determination unwavering.

"Yeah, yeah, let's save the death match for another time," I reply with a grin, guiding him away from Gregory's looming presence.

With the tension diffused, our attention turns to more practical matters. The boss suggests finding a place to set up camp, and I nod in agreement, eager to move on from the momentary skirmish. I can never refer to the boss by his name, even in my mind. There's something about the boss's demeanor that commands a certain level of respect, even though we're all just teenagers. It's as if he carries the weight of wisdom beyond his years, and I can't shake the feeling that there's more to him than meets the eye. But perhaps I'm just overthinking things—I tend to do that sometimes.


We gather around the crackling fire, the warmth a comforting contrast to the cool night air. Gregory takes charge of cooking, his large frame hunched over the roasting creatures with surprising delicacy. It's endearing to see such a gentle side to the big guy, his culinary skills a welcome addition to our makeshift camp.

Meanwhile, Lani busies herself with braiding my hair, her fingers working with a firmness that borders on painful. I shoot her a playful glare, but she pays no mind, her concentration fixed on her task. Beads and trinkets adorn the strands, adding an extra layer of complexity to the intricate pattern she creates.

Across from me, I can't help but observe another round of affectionate displays between the boss and his lover. Initially, their public displays of affection made me feel a little awkward, but now I've grown accustomed to it. There's something fascinating about their dynamic—the subtle gestures, the silent communication that passes between them like a secret language. They move in perfect harmony, like two halves of a whole, and I can't shake the feeling that their bond runs deeper than mere mortal understanding. Lani is right they might have been lovers in a previous life.

Beneath the surface, there's a darkness lurking—an intensity in the boss's aura that sends a shiver down my spine. It's a twisted, exhilarating energy that I can't quite put into words, but it draws me in nonetheless. As I grip my great sword, I can't help but feel a thrill at the prospect of what lies ahead. Bloodshed is inevitable, and part of me revels in the anticipation of it. I'm really not a good guy, I snicker to myself, earning another painful tug of my hair hateful twin.

Lost in my thoughts, I absentmindedly twirl the ring on my finger, a symbol of the newfound sense of belonging I've discovered here.

As the savory aroma of Gregory's roast fills the air, our group settles in to enjoy the fruits of his labor, savoring each bite with contented sighs. But our moment of reprieve is short-lived, shattered by the ominous sound of growling in the distance. Sigh.

Instantly, the mood among us shifts, the easy camaraderie replaced by a tense anticipation of impending danger. With practiced efficiency, I set aside my half-eaten meal and reach for my sword, the weight of the blade familiar and reassuring in my hand.

The growls draw closer, echoing through the dense foliage surrounding our campsite. I exchange a glance with my companions, the unspoken understanding passing between us, everyone readies their weapons.

As the first of the beasts emerges from the shadows, its mane ablaze with fiery intensity, a surge of adrenaline courses through my veins. The adrenaline-fueled rush of battle floods my senses, sharpening my focus and heightening my awareness of the danger that surrounds us.

With a grim determination, I steel myself for the coming fight, my grip tightening on my sword as I prepare to fight.

The tension in the air is palpable as we find ourselves surrounded by a horde of fiery beasts, their glowing eyes fixated on us with predatory intent. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against us, there's a steely resolve in the air, a determination to face whatever challenges come our way head-on.

Our leader, his spear crackling with electricity, wastes no time in issuing commands, his voice ringing out with authority amidst the chaos.

"Well, everyone. Bring out everything in the arsenal, we don't have the luxury to keep some cards. We're gonna give them a show."

With a sense of urgency, he rallies us to bring forth every weapon in our arsenal, leaving no stone unturned in our efforts to overcome this formidable foe.

As his instructions are swiftly carried out, I feel a surge of energy coursing through me, the power of the elements crackling in the air like static electricity.

Selene, with her mastery over nature, conjures forth a massive tree from a tiny seed, providing a vantage point for Elizabeth, Lani, and Damien to rain down their attacks from above.

In the darkness of the night, I can sense a shift in the atmosphere, a subtle change that hints at the presence of our leader's shadowy abilities.


With a soft command, he sets his plan into motion, orchestrating our synchronized assault with precision and finesse.

As I plunge my great sword into the earth at his command, I feel the ground tremble beneath me, yielding to our combined efforts to create a strategic advantage.

Above me, Damien's lightning rains down in a dazzling display of power, while Lani's wind arrows and Elizabeth's wind blades slice through the air with deadly accuracy.

In the heat of battle, amidst the chaos and confusion, there's a sense of exhilaration that courses through my veins, fueling my every action.

We spend the entire night locked in a grueling battle, our bodies pushed to the brink of exhaustion. Yet, amidst the weariness, there's an undeniable thrill in the air. With every swing of my sword, every dodge, and every strike, I feel myself growing stronger, more agile, more adept at the art of combat.

There's a moment when I slip, just as a massive beast lunges at me with its claws poised to strike. But before its deadly blow can land, it's abruptly ensnared by a vine from Selene's plant, launching it into the air where it becomes a vulnerable target for our onslaught. Ice spikes pierce its hide, wind blades slice through the air, and it crashes to the ground amidst a storm of attacks.

As the night wears on, exhaustion threatens to weigh us down, but our determination only intensifies. We move with calculated precision, each movement fluid and practiced. Despite the fatigue, there's a sense of camaraderie, a shared purpose that drives us forward. We've transformed into a well-oiled machine, a murderous killing well- oiled machine.

I'm so sorry for my less than sub par fight scenes okay, sue me.

This is romance(⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠)

maybe one day in the future, when I'm no longer worrying about my uni coursework I'll take some lessons

Sofie_Vert01creators' thoughts