
malex and the master of magic

a boy one day gets bullied and as a defence to protect himself lifts his hand in the air but little did he know he activated his first spell. come with Malex across his adventure to learn his magic and become a arch mage. will he learn all four magic types he can learn, will he defeat the evil monsters that wonders the land in secret, will he battle other mages and people. I don't know you'll have to find out by yourself. also If you want to know my schedule, I upload every day, two times a day, 4:00 or 5:00 in the afternoon for the first and 7:00 or 8:00 at night for the second. these may change depending on where you live I'm not sure but I live in America so if that helps there you go. also I have decided that I'll upload three volumes on weekends one in the morning, afternoon, then night. "those who don't believe in magic, will never find it."

FG_Frost · Fantasy
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35 Chs

my first training

I ran up the stairs and into my room, closing the door behind me.

Malex "What just happened to me? what do I do? is he okay?"

my thoughts were going faster than a spaceship. I couldn't think about one thing for a second because something new would pop up instantly.

many minutes later

I finally calmed down when I realized what happened, I had some kind of wind powers. I mean, that's the only thing that made sense. a bullet of air flying out my hand, it couldn't be anything else but is that really possible. of course it is , I just did it, but how because I want to do it again. It's like a dream come true. I've always been interested in anime and manga. Imagine me living my own anime life.

I smacked myself in the face so I could get back on topic. so I need to find out how to do it and control it, so it doesn't happen at random, but I have absolutely no clue how to even begin. well, I suppose I do. it doesn't happen at random because I've never done it before. so it has to happen when I'm under extreme danger or stress something like that.

many minutes later

I wipe the sweat off my forehead.

Malex "I caint seem to figure out how to do this."

I catch something at the corner of my eye. it looked like a white piece of something flying down past my window. I walk over to my window and bend down to pick up what was a piece of paper. crumpled up. I undid the mess it was in, and inside, it said

"Meditate outside and think more clearly. you do this, and you will find what you seek."

I was completely confused. how did this get in here? was this meant for me? and did they know something? that last thought scares the crap out of me, but I eventually came to the agreement with myself that I had to go outside and mediate if I wanted any of these questions answered.

I go outside and to the park not too far away from my house. I sit down, close my eyes, and focus. I've never mediated before, but it can't be that hard.

hours later

damn I can't seem to get this. at this point, I started to get frustrated with myself. I could do it before, but why caint I do it now? you know what, let's try it once more. I focus really hard thinking about the wind flying by my face. that's when I feel something in my hand. well, not in my hand around it. I look at my hand, and circling around my hand is air. it cought me by surprise but not for long. I pushed my hand forwards and the spell shot out. I hit a branch on a tree. the branch fell down, cut instantly.

I jumped up and down. I was so excited that this was true, I had some sorta wind powers. while I was celebrating, I noticed another paper falling from the sky. I managed to catch it and open it

"Good job. You have learned two spells today. Let's try one more tomorrow, and let's work on that spell you did first. You have yet to do it again. you must master all to learn more powerful spells."

I was excited I didn't know who was sending these, but I didn't even care because I got a lot more valuable information. so this is magic because he said spells and spells are magic, so I have magic. he also said that I can learn more and not just more but more powerful spells. there are spells that are even more powerful than cutting off a branch easily.

I make my way home, it's night and my parents are definitely worried.

guys I'm sorry for any and all punctuation and improper use of Grammer. if you guys could look pass this that would be amazing. I love story's and seriously try my best. but I just suck at punctuation and using the wrong type of words.

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