
Malevolent God

Malevolent God

Sin4Sud · Fantasy
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17 Chs




*Cough* *Cough* Ares was back in a familiar cell, but unlike before, he had third-degree burns all over his body and that was after he was healed.

"Damn you look bad," at the voice, Ares weakly looked up to see the same old man he had met when he first came here.


"I know you won't trust me but let me try to help you." the old man said while pointing in front of him.

Ares somewhat understood what the old man wanted from him by his gestures, but hesitated to trust him, especially by what he experienced not too long ago. But after weighing in all the possibilities, he felt he had nothing to lose anymore so he followed the old man's instructions.

After sitting down cross-legged in front of the old man, he immediately felt dark green energy invading his body. His instinctual reaction stopped the invasion of the foreign energy but before the old man's gaze, he could tell that he needed to let his body relax. Doing so, Ares felt a similar feeling to when the healers healed him after he went unconscious from the torture, however, there was a shocking difference as this green energy was far more effective than what the healers applied to him.

"You're probably thinking that I'm some great healer, but no, I'm the most run-of-the-mill healer you can find. It's just that the healers who healed you before didn't put much effort most likely due to your status as a slave." the old man explained while recovering the most damaged parts around Ares's body.

Although Ares couldn't understand anything being said, he still found himself in awe as he gazed to the old man as if he were his lifelong idol.

The healing session took 5 hours in total and after it was done, Ares only had a couple of 1st degree burns while all the major damage was gone. Then, looking from his previous injuries to the old man that sat in front of him, Ares gave his utmost gratitude by saying the word he knew best.


"Hm? Ares? Is that your name?"


"Haah... I have to teach you how to speak, or at least understand me, because there is no way this is going to work."

Then the old man pointed at himself and said,



"No, Bo-la."


"No! That's completely wrong!"


It was going to be a rough journey ahead.


1 week later

"Say 'I am ' and your name."

"I am Ares."

"Good! Now say to me 'You are' and my name."

"You are Boba."

"It's not Boba! Are you doing this on purpose!?"


2 weeks later

"Okay now pretend you're introducing yourself to somebody. Go!"

"Hi, my name is Ares. I'm um- 2 years old? I think? Boba, how old am I?"

"How am I supposed to know that? 2 years old sounds about right so just go with it. Start over!"

"Hi, my name is Ares. I'm 2 years old. I like um- money. Wait, Boba what is money?"

"If you don't know the word then why are you saying it?"

"You say 'money' a lot."


'Am I a bad influence?'


1 month later

"1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10"

"You missed the 5 but we're making progress."

Saying so, Bola began thinking 'Do children normally learn this fast?'


6 months later


"Calm down little tiger, it seems that bitc- I mean, woman, went rough on you today. Let me patch you up."

In the middle of the healing session, Ares decided to ask a question that had been bugging him for a while.



"What do people live for?"

Bola went silent at Ares's words but, after a minute, soon answered.

"A lot of things actually, but the most prominent ones reasons I can think for a person living is for themselves, loved ones, or things they value."

"I see..." Ares contemplated the answer and then asked another question.

"Boba, what would happen if all that they lived for was destroyed?"

"They will try their best to get it back, but if they can't, they turn into nothing more than beasts; that or they will just 'give up' on life. But why are you asking me this?"

"Nothing, just curiosity."


1 year later


"Ughh- mmm!"

In a dark room where only a single candle was lit, a naked bloodied figure could be seen lying on the ground, hands clutched around his head while a spiked whip danced around the figure's body, drawing out blood from wherever it touched. 

"Haah... Haah... Kid, I have to say, you are the best punching bag I've ever had. Even the most-willed people would lose themselves after being tortured for over a year. I'm glad Foere didn't tell me to kill you too soon 'cause this is damn fun!"

Saying so, Vensee started to swing her again, all the while Ares was thinking about the same conversation he had a year ago.

'What do I live for?'


4 months later

In a cell, two figures were laying on a dirt floor, both of which had their eyes but nothing to say. Suddenly, however, Ares asked a question.

"Boba, I have some questions."

"Speak your mind."

"Why haven't the people who keep us here killed you yet? They must've realized that nobody is going to buy you, so are you still around?"

"Ouch, that's harsh you know? Well, the answer is quite simple, it's because of the 'information' I hold."


"Yes. A couple of years ago there was an event called The Gate Incident and I was coincidentally one of the witnesses of the incident. Someone—or some people—, at the top of the world didn't want others to know about the incident. So they applied Restrictions to all witnesses, and apparently as a sign of 'mercy' they made us slaves instead of killing us."

"Boba, what's a Restriction?"

"From what I understand, it has something to do with magic being applied to an individual's body which makes them unable to do certain things. I don't know anything about how it works— or if there is more to it—so don't take my words for granted. Either way, what was your other question?"

"Do you want to escape from this place?"

Sorry for only 1 chapter for the last 2 days, I've been visiting family so I haven't had much time to write.

Also(and I know it's late) but Merry Christmas!

For those who don't celebrate Christmas, have a good day!

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