
Betrayal (2)

Before the sun could magnanimously shower its intense light to the entire mainland, servants in the Xian imperial palace had already started preparing for the later's event, the crowning of the new empress.

However, despite having their new empress, people seemed not to care about it. In fact, they did not even bother celebrating it for years. It's not a secret to everyone what were the past deeds of the previous empresses hence, they had already predicted that this new empress will be just the same- greedy and hungry for power.

It's worthy to note though, that there was one particular interesting empress who had served them not too long ago.

Her name was Empress Ling Yue. She was the noblest among nobles, humblest among humbles, prettiest among the lilies. Above all, she had the brain of god, smart enough to gain the status of standing side by side with the emperor- Hou Shihuang, at the center of the throne.

It was not foreign to people that years ago, this empire used to be dead and empty. But this situation had drastically changed when the two took over the heart of the empire. Together, this perfect imperial couple had brought the prosperity the empire could ever tasted hand in hand.

Unfortunately, according to the rumors, Ling Yue had fallen into the abyss of darkness. She had committed adultery and was sent to Dark Palace. Exactly one month ago today, was the day when she got disposed by Hou Shihuang himself. Ofcourse, people instantly rejected the rumors but the declining economy of the empire proves that something must had happened within the imperial court.

"This worthless subject greets the great empress." An uninvited guest in embroidered long black robe bowed mockingly at the woman inside the wooden jail cell.

The woman had her eyes closed the whole time, until she heard the annoying voice, she had opened her eyes firmly.

"Ayie, the weather is fine today! Perfect for my crowning ceremony! Won't my older sister congratulate me?" she added. Her voice was disgustingly sweet, making the woman almost spit.

Sister? So, she still considered her as her older sister after what she had done to her? How laughable!

"What do you want from me Feiyan? You already have what you wanted, even the heart of my emperor!" she hissed.

The uninvited guest named Feiyan chuckled, "True, regrettably, it was not enough to satisfy me!"

Feiyan leaned closer to the railing of the jail with a distasteful smile hung on her lips, "I want to see you suffer more so please, entertain your younger sister as much as you could, before I change my mind and I might tell the emperor to order your execution!"

The woman's composure remained calm and unfazed despite receiving vicious words. She had realized, it would be a waste to talk to a crazy person just like her sister.

She then examined Feiyan from head to toe. Despite wearing a majestic extravagant robe, it was not enough to cover her true color. To think, this woman, at an age of sixteen, had actually managed to take what she had and even framed her up. To think that Feiyan, had not cared about their blood connection and secretly carried her plan until she had lost what was righfully hers.

Just shockingly unbelievable!

Suppressing her hatred, the woman replied with a challenging smile, "Then go, I dare you."

"Hmp!" Feiyan defeatedly stomped her feet, "I am still not done with you!" was her last words before she went away.

The woman heaved a thousand worth of sigh. Watching the back of Feiyan as she left, everything that happened had reminded her of her foolish action, of trusting the worst person that had been by her side.

"Don't worry, you do not really have to tell him anymore." she murmured.

Tightly tied, a dirty white clothe was hung above the railings in the wooden jail cell. Her entire face was void of emotion as she knotted the clothe.

Determined, she placed her head slowly in the center of the circular formed clothe, choking herself until she could no longer breathe.

To the people who have read my story, thank you so much! You just don't have any idea how much it made me happy! Hopefully, you will still continue supporting my story until the end. Lovelots!

xAngeLcreators' thoughts