
Male Reader X Female Various

I've been a Wattpad Writer for a while now so this site/app will be kinda new to me for now. I want to see if I would stick with this platform to be comfortable enough to post more books here (Fanfiction or not). Also Spin-off One-Shot: A intellectual being of a null void takes his precious time govern the happy lives of the Desires World he placed sad souls into. The now live a live of their dreams with never to no interruptions. However, this time there another lucky person that has come to play in this scenario, but he won't get the same treatment as these lucky men in these Desired existent worlds. Oh no, he gets another treatment where things just goes from one side to the spectrum to the other. In the end, he still gets rode on in whatever scenario he's put into.

Final_Arthur · Others
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Sylvia (KonoSuba) X Male Reader (Lemon)

A/n: How Funny that I'm starting with this character than who I had in mind. (Lillie from Pokemon and the Rin Triplets from Fate).

I just decided this character because I thought it would be funny. Plus, I want to clear out one thing that are very weird about who this character is as a species (which would probably result into a argued debate.)

Anyways, here's my first attempt. I will start writing requests soon after.


(Reader POV)

(Name): This is not how I thought things would go.

I lied in the bed provided to me by the Crimson Demons since I came here without a party. Right beside me was a well-endowed woman who was sleeping peacefully with a blissful gorgeous smile on her chocolate face.

(Name): How did my misson ended up like this?

I was lone wolf with a charmastic personality. I have been around a lot of places in this world after the Goddess Eris sent me here after I died in a tragic accident. My accident was vaguely different from any other person isekai'd from being shot during a store robbery.

I was in a gang fight trying to save a little girl from being a hostage. The mother was forced to strip her belonging and was close to bare naked from the scumbag who would rob them dry and have their way with them. I can say that I was really stupid to stick my nose into this situation, but no one wanted to do anything. They just played bystander. So I had to do something that ended up me dying in the hospital bleeding out.

I was actually happy that day, because not only I inspired others to save lives in need, I got to meet the family of the Mother and Daughter I saved. The little one wanted to be just like me. Brave, Ferocious, willing to take risks to help others in need. I didn't want to tell her that I was the opposite of those traits because I couldn't speak. I just smiled as my soul was whisked away from the world I knew.

Now I'm finally at this point after meeting a goddess named Eris. She was a gorgeous girl that held a intoxicated divine air around her. She gave me a chance to live a new life in this weird world that I've come to explore from sleeping in the stables. I could have joined a group of misfits like the complaining womanizer, Useless self-proclaimed goddess, The Crazed Explosive fanatic loli and the uncomfortable over-the-top masochist, but I decided to go alone on my mission.

Nothing has ever changed for me since back on my planet. I was always alone. Never had friends, a relationship, anything. I was just an average weeaboo, binging anime and video games and going about my life. Occasional I get into fights with other boys that pick on me due to me looking like an easy target. Sadly for them, they are the ones getting their asses kicked. I have to try and protect myself by forcing myself to workout. It's a pain in the ass, but I don't want memories of 3rd grade happening again.

So I held myself up well regardless of dressing like a rugged homeless person. I just didn't look like I want to appeal to strangers. Possibly just the 3rd grade hell hole I endure. I learned to get over it, but it left me with not wanting to upheld a bond with anyone because of slight trust issues. I'm the opposite of that girl I met before, Yunyun.

Cute little soul, but I do know she has great potential than her rival, Megumin.

No matter about that though. I told you my back story upon how I got to this new world possibly overrun by the Demon King and his army, now it's time to tell you how I got in the bed with a certain dark skinned woman. After finishing a job in a ogre den, which that cave was consisted with more well-tone women like the the Amazon's in Danmachi, I decided to talk a three day long break because my body was aching.

Let me tell you that this mission was suicidal. Those girls was super obsessed with fighting. They were causing panic to adventurers taking small jobs around the nearest village in the south east. They told me they didn't mean no harm to strangers but their pride in combat defeats that said argument. They female ogre have been fighting on another for so long they crave for combat from different adventurers. They would leave their den to search for an enemy.

If they are left dissatisfied with a few of their opponents, their dissatisfaction turns into depression. The redeem that depression by going back into their den and fighting among their kin. Funny enough they chose to live close to a low leveled town to pick fights, so it was really weird to figure out that's was the only reason they were causing harm to other adventurers.

I was a crusader class, so I have a lot of stamina to handle every single one of the ogre's their. But at what cost? The numbness on my pelvis. I can only shudder at the fact that if the over lost a fight, their frustration of losing turns into a weird aphrodisiac that wants the victor to dominate them in a battle of whits regardless if they try to play it off as something differently.

I thought I was around a whole bunch of different Darkness's. Those girls were actually masochist to the core that they hid it by a sheer will to do nothing but fight a stronger opponent than they are. But take this however you wish, because even if my pelvis was hurting like hell, I getting get my virginity taken at all. Funny to come out with that after talking about how female ogres are in this world.

Enough of that now, I'm ready to take another quest to tame or kill a Chimaera in the far east. Apparently this beast is within the range of another village far from the "Town of Beginnings." I'm expecting a four headed monster on a lions body since a Chimaera consist of a lions head, a snake heal that's a tail, a dragon head and finally a goat head. This would basically be a suicide mission since Chimaera's are know to posses high amounts of mana. But What if I told you that a Chimaera was right in front of me from the very start.

???: My my, do we have a catch.

This came from a voluptuous dark skinned women standing above me as I kneeled before with shackles all around me. She had free-flowing bangs that were highlighted red and long, straight hair partially kept up in a bun. Her eyes were purple and they had pointed ears similar to an elf. She was a very tall woman, like possibly 6'2". This is just a guess, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's bigger than that.

To tell you how I got to this point was when I was sleeping in my carriage I rented to take a stroll to the nearest village, which was the Crimson Demon Village. Unknowingly, me and the driver were ambushed. I woke up in time to try and defend myself, but me being so antsy to try out a bigger quest not fully healed after handling a tribe of female ogre got me into this situation.

I was apprehended by the womans goblins, who cheered from given a whole hearted praise from the woman before me. In all honesty, it surprised me to see goblins that aren't acting like they are from fucking Goblin Slayer!

(Name): I'm such an idiot from coming here.

Voluptuous Woman: Yet you are. Only a fool would change into a dangerous mission without being cautious to your surroundings. Leading it to your chaperone over there was a mistake on your part.

I looked over to see my carriage driver surrounded by male goblins and ogres that were for some reason playing UNO. HODL UP!? ARE THOSE MY UNO CARDS!?!?!? AND HOW THE HELL THEY KNOW HOW TO PLAY- I can hear my carriage driver explaining the game to them...


Voluptuous Woman: Now you figured it out.

I turned to the woman smirking before me, O can see that smug look on her face, her giant tits not masking her face in the slightest. She enjoying talking down on me just because I was unaware on her and her army's tactics. She bend down to my level, her chest bouncing their own that would make a man's eyes pop from their eye sockets.

I was merely focused on the voluptuous dark skinned women when my perverted eyes trailed onto those fun bags of her. Dammit, why did that distract me from the situation I'm in right now? I heard the woman giggle at me.

Voluptuous Woman: Like what up see?

She shakes it before my face to get a reaction on me, and to say that she did only made her giggle more.

Voluptuous Woman: I was right to capture such a man of your stature. Which is why I'm letting you go.

That literally surprised me.

(Name): What?

Voluptuous Woman: I might be a member of the Demon Kings Royal Army, but even I have morals on the people I feel like who should live life and enjoy it.

She literally just said that out loud.

(Name): Why would you tell me that? I don't get it?

She stood back up, her gloved hands trailing through those side locks of hers to brush them aside. She acts like royalty regardless of hanging around a dirty cave.

Voluptuous Woman: Why should I hide my identity to someone who wants to kill me.

She held up my mission paper that cause my eyes to widened. She is the Chimaera that I was suppose to kill or tame!? But she doesn't look like one! Then the realization hit me. Stereotypical mythical creatures are extremely different on this world. That goes for the Dullahan and the Slime Bastard with their weird quirks regardless of their amazing magical power.

Voluptuous Woman: Call my Sylvia darling. From your adventurers card, your (Full Name).

She now held up my card.

Voluptuous Woman: A high level crusader? My, my, I'm impressed. Considering you're a one man party. But that doesn't mean that you can lean on others one on a while.

(Name): Since when would a Demon King General lecture me about companionship?

She gestured to her army, who looked like they were having way too much fun being around one another. Anyone would think that these guys aren't an evil gang of monsters. This is super fucking weird and misleading from RPG games man...

(Name): Point taken. Still, just because your group is different doesn't mean the rest could be the same.

Sylvia: I'm well aware. But I strive to also keep my army spirit high, even if we are in at times, losing our battles. Especially against the Crimson Demons.

I felt the shackles losses on my hands and legs as I can finally stand up again. I rubbed my wrists from those damn cuffs pressuring my wrists. Those were some rusty cuffs that act like they were brand new.

Sylvia: As seen from you status and why you came all this way here for, you're hoping to do whatever you can to put a stop to my plans. I wish to not fight you, but I will if I must. However, we could try a different method.

The way she phrased those last two words means that this could not go well.

(Name): And what is this method?

I can't believe I'm doing this... With the enemy who is associated with the Demon King of all people. Sylvia suggested a battle of whits with a sultry look on that gorgeous face of hers. I slowly got the gist of it all. I never thought that day would come where I would have sex with a bombshell of all women. Not that I mind it, I just though it would always be with an average girl with a cute quirk.

Granted, we aren't doing it I front of her army or deep within the cave, I have no other choice but to help deceive the Crimson Demons to tell them my "partner" isn't the enemy that have been facing for whoever knows how long. To my surprise, they believed it and welcomed us with open arms. The Crimson Demons are really...something you know. They are civilized people, it's just that they sometimes act like their action out a Live-action Haryy Potter skit in the high school auditorium.

Which, in my opinion I kinda find cool and funny. Mostly when the guys do it. I can only sigh in relief that I manage to have a room with Sylvia alone. Meaning that we have a room all to ourselves to not bother anyone living among us as the voluptuous dark skinned women took off my robe that covered her sexy figure.

Sylvia: Are you sure you wish to do this?

She walked over to me, her hips swaying from side to side as I sat on the edge of the bed with nothing to say. The moment she suggest sex, I was at a loss this whole time because I'm a virgin. I didn't know how to take this a step forward as Sylvia ran her hands on my cheeks towards my chest.

Sylvia: Talk to me. I'm willing to call this off if you don't want to keep going.

Why is she being way too nice to me!? Am I missing something here!?

Sylvia sat on my lap, her well toned thighs cuddling up with the side of my legs. My face was red as the dark skinned woman giggled at my facial expression.

Sylvia: How cute~.

I really don't understand how this killing/taming mission basically came to the conclusion to having sex with the enemy. She's even going slow on me without forcing to take the lead.

Sylvia: You still haven't answered my question yet.

Oh yeah, I haven't.

(Name): Well, we are here so...

She hummed.

Sylvia: But it seems like something is bothering you.

I looked into her eyes as her purple ones stared into mine. I can feel that she was considerate to actually know more about me, which is surprisingly different from being a member of being a part of the Demon King's Generals.

(Name): How could you tell?

Sylvia: Call it a hunch.

I felt her hands comb through my hair. Her hands soothing through the strange of my hair as we were mesmerized into each others eyes. One wanted to understand the lonely male as the other wanted to possibly find someone to open up to. To Do it with an enemy is an entirely different step since they can deceive you. Towards a woman like Sylvia, he can't seem to see that.

Will intimacy be the way for a mutual bond to start? She did say that the battle of whits will be determined if I can last long in sex. That would make her stop trying to destroy the Crimson Demons. However, there was also something else beyond those lines that I didn't quite get that she would tell me as she gave me a gentle kiss.

This was my first kiss that shocked me. Another surprised face of mine that made the dark skinned bombshell sitting in my lap giggle before lapping her lips on mine again. I started to get into it. Granted I wasn't a good kisser, so Sylvia led the kiss as I picked up on how I should do it better. That's was her time to swirl her tongue over mine since I was inexperienced.

I can tell she was enjoying this since I felt her arms over my shoulders to grind on my lap. I can feel both of our privates grinding against one another, no matter if the fabric over our privates are covered. Sylvia's grinding made her moan in my mouth. Her hands cupped my cheeks as she separated her mouth from mine, our connected saliva forming a bridge from each of our tongues.

I was getting into this as my hands trailed on her sexy body to the point that my hands got a feel of her nice plump ass. Sylvia jumped a bit from my actions as I can only groan in pleasure and pain because of my pent up member being fired down by my pants and Sylvia.

Sylvia: Are you finally getting into this, naughty boy~?

I can only nod as she giggled once again. She seized her movements as she kneels to spread my legs.

Sylvia: Lets see what you got pent up in here, shall we.

She fumbled with my pants to unbuttoned them then unzip my zipper. I unknowingly stood up a bit so she could pull down my pants with my boxers to let my cock sprung to life.

Sylvia: Oh my, your big. Possibly bigger than mine.


(Prepare to be bamboozled if you're still reading from this point. I promise you it's not what you think.)

I didn't have time to question her as I felt a kick on my throbbing cock. It's was a small lick then a longer one from the base. I groaned from her tongue as she kissed tip. She swirled her tongue around the head before puckering her lips around it then separating.

Sylvia: Am I doing good?

She jerked my off as that questions was way too modest than teasing. I could only moan to make sure she did count that as a yes.

Sylvia: Then I'll keep going.

This time, her warm mouth started to coat the head of my cock as she went down to the middle. She didn't take it all in as she started to bob her head then and there. Pleasure rushes up to my torso from being sucked off by a dark skin beauty that I ran my hand through that soft hair of hers. She was looking up at me with those beautiful purple eyes, watching my reactions as she pleases me.

She used one of her hands to jerk off the remaining skin that wasn't being massaged by her mouth as the head and head moved in rhythm.

(Name): Sylvia~.

I groaned out her name as she took it a step forward. The loose hand pulled down the top of her red dress that hid her erect perky nipples. She stopped giving me oral much to my confusion until my dick was sandwiched in those busty melons of hers. I was so close to cumming my moans basically gave it away. This surprised Sylvia as she smirked.

Sylvia: My, you almost fun from by breast, huh?

Another thing I didn't know was that there were brown tentacles that seemingly came from Sylvia so it could take charge to move her this to massage my dick. Again, I groaned from the warm feeling of her breast assaulting my cock as she went back to bobbing her head on the remains of my shaft. That gave her the freedom to reach her arms being her neck to take off the gold necklace and set it aside.

She really was getting into this as her actions from giving me oral has made her wet folds soaked within her panties. She reached down to grip her pussy from the stimulation of giving me a blowjob. Not to mention her mind was flooded with thoughts about what she would do with it about she receive my first pent up load that assaulted her mouth.

She was surprised since I didn't give the warning, but more to the fact on how much came out that leaked onto those melons of hers. She swallowed what was in her mouth.

Sylvia: That tasted bitter, but still good.

She cleaned the rest off of her before standing up to reveal a secrete. A secrete that I thought was real since she said "my dick was bigger than hers."

Sylvia: I think we should take all of this a step further, shall we?

She used her teeth to take off her gloved then reached fro her dress to show me what's under the dress..

A leaking...


I won't lie that I sighed out loud that got Sylvia to loom at me weirdly.

Sylvia: Pardon me for asking, but why did you exhaled your breath just now?

(Name): No offense, but what you states before has me to believe that you were a guy.

Sylvia: Well... you partially aren't wrong...



Wait a second now? Why am I'm this shocked from a Chimaera of all species?

Sylvia: Does it bother you that I am part male?

Sylvia sounded generally hurt from this that I had to clear something up.

(Name): No, No, No, No! W-Well... It's hard for anyone to understand what exactly a Chimaera is. Especially bringing gender to the equation. I know when I comes to Chimaera, the head of each represent animal is either male or female. Considering that you possess powers of a Chimaera, it won't be surprising that you can use your powers to alter your appearance to look more like a 100% male or female.

I rubbed my hands through my head.

(Name): It's a weird topic to talk about since its 2020... Chimaera aren't subjected to one gender after all.

Sylvia nod.

Sylvia: You are correct. Chimaera's like me have the ability to be completely 100 percent male or female. In this case, I am female. Luckly, I'm not the low level Chimaera's that have to resort to artificial body changes to look feminine. You're very perceptive. I can see a little of myself in you.

(There you go ladies and gentlemen. I found this to be very weird to talk about. (because 2020) Could have left it out but I won't! I changed how Chimaera's function in KonoSuba. Take it as you like but this is still a Female X Male Lemon, so...)

(Name): How so?

Sylvia pulled her panties down and stripped out of the dress to show me her nude body. A sight to behold. She sat on my lap while pushing me to lie on the bed.

Sylvia: Even if we came from different world, I can see the lonely look in your eyes. It's the same as mine back then.

My eyes was staring into her as I felt one of her hands on my chest.

Sylvia: Something in your past bothers you to not make any companions at all. I've been through this even if I'm a part if the Demon Kings army. But that won't matter anymore.

She aligned her wet snatch against my cock as she slowly descends down. There was a barrier that I hit that surprised me for some reason. I guess I shouldn't since she told me that she kinda had a similar backstory like mine. But why can I trust an enemy to know if she's telling the truth or just plainly trying to deceive me? I mean, she did let me go and has actually been really considerate of our sexual stimulation.

She literally could have done what those other hentai does of what people drew of futanari' s when they basically dominate the male protagonist with no repercussion, but that wasn't what was happeneing. She has the power to become a 100% woman and she about to give her real virginity to me. I felt her wrap her arms around my shoulders.

Sylvia: I'm ready for you to be my first.

I held her waist as I broke through the barrier. I only heard her slightly his before she started to move her hips around. She was already ready to go. Well she isn't a human so it should be a no brainer that the pain from breaking her hymen would subside in a matter of seconds.

Sylvia: (Name), you're so big~.

Her hips was swirling, my dick inside her being massaged by the walls of her inners. I can her steady moans lightly coming from her mouth as she looked down upon me

Sylvia: I don't mind, but are you going to me take control of our time together?

I sat up too look in her eyes once more.

(Name): I don't get why you have an interest in me. Were enemies, right?

Sylvia: Even you deserved to be cared for, (Name). No matter if we are enemies.

It's like she confess to me which makes my heart beat so fast. For so long I played nice with others just to hide to sadness and loneliness I felt inside. Since the times in third grade made me never thrust anyone as I always isolate myself from people. Now I'm here, being cared for an enemy who could have just killed me when she captured me, but she didn't.

I caught her lips with mine with a kiss. Sylvia happily accept it. It felt so lovingly as I tool charge to thrust my hips at a moderate speed. Doing this made Sylvia moaned in my mouth as the tentacles from her skin reached to massage my ballsack.

Sylvia: Oh yes, (Name)~. Just like that~. Make love to me~.

We continued our kiss, now adding tongue as I felt the voluptuous woman's body. I think I can actually give her a change if she actually means what she said. Granted, this was suppose to be a battle of whits to try and "tame" her. Funny thing about that is were acting like lovers. But are we actually lovers?

Sylvia separated from my mouth as she started to moan my name.

Sylvia: I need this in my life~. I need someone like you who makes me feel loved as well.

I guess that answers my question. I kissed her once more a I sped up my hips a little bit and added a bit a force to it that made Sylvia hitch her breath in glee. I was hitting a special spot as I kissed her shoulder.

Sylvia: Oh fuck~! Right there~!

I keep hitting at that same spot, making her squeal with pleasure. I not at her neck to leave a mark there.

Sylvia: If you bite there, people will see it~!

She isn't stopping me so I guess she doesn't mind at all. One of her tentacles slithered under her breast to pour my eyes onto them. I took one of the nipples in my mouth as Sylvia caress my head.

Sylvia: Oh yes~! Faster~! Harder~!

I was getting used to fucking her at a moderate pace, but now I lied her on the bed and pushed her toned thighs towards her just to thrust back into her wet folds. She was still wearing heels so I find this position to be very sexy. She moaned my name as I was willingly fucking her like an animal. The speed and power in my thrust was making her moan as the head of my cock was kissing the womb.

Sylvia: Oh goddess~! It's so deep~! I'll losing my mind~!

(Name): Sylvia~!

I was pounding her on the bed as the creeks didn't mask our moans and sounds of clapping skin. Our bodies we sweating from the intense sex we were having.

Sylvia: (Name)~! If You keep this up I'll...~!

She didn't furnish as she came before me. I was still going since I have a lot of stamina as a crusader class. Not to mention a lot of power. Using that while plowing into her is sending her mind all over the place. I decide to change position with her back facing me. I held onto her arms as I started to pound her pussy hard. I want see it, but I bet she was gritting her teeth with a groan.

A bit of droll was coming from mouth as my cock was assaulting her womb. I was close to climaxing.

(Name): Sylvia~! I'm close~!

Sylvia: Don't pull out! Gum in my pussy big boy~! I want it all~!

I pulled her to lay her back on my stomach to play with her big breast. Her ass felt so soft from every thrust I gave to fuck her pussy. It jiggled slightly on my pelvis as a burning sensation squirted inside Sylvia that made her eyes cross side. She was hit with a wave of pleasure that was rushing to her womb that made her shudder with delight.

Sylvia: S-So warm~~~

I pulled out of her and I gave her the chance to catch her breath. She rolled off of me to lay her hand on the pillows.

Sylvia: That was great, (Name). You're getting the hang of having sex, are you?

I didn't answer as I stared at her ass. She said that this would be a battle of whits so I bet she isn't tired out in the slightest. Neither am I, courtesy of being a Crusader class and all. As she was laying down on her belly with my semen leaking from her pussy, I already moved behind her that already got her giggling.

Sylvia: Oh, you're not tired yet?

(Name): I could be asking you the same thing.

I smacked her ass as she jumped in surprised but grinned at me.

Sylvia: Someone's being forward. Before, you were very cute and shy.

She was making her ass cheeks move before me. Teasing me as I stared.

Sylvia: What are you waiting for big boy, we got all day to have more fun.

(Name): Yes ma'am.

I grabbed my dick to aim it in a different entrance.

Sylvia: Going there are we?

I have to force myself in because of the friction. It was a little easy to penetrate her anus because of her vaginal juices. We both groaned from my dick stretching out her inside to adjust to my size.

Sylvia: I love it that you're big~!

With a single twap, her booty jiggled a bit as I was completely inside of her. Sylvia used her tentacles to please her vagina and clit as I got started pumping my hips. I was building momentum that her ass cheeks created ripples from my thrusts. I held onto her waist as I slowly started to fuck her hard and fast.

Sylvia covered her face in the pillow to mask her moans from us going round two. Feeling my hangs placed on her hips, I forced her to meet my thrusts that I hit the voluptuous woman to moan my name, even if it's muffled.

Sylvia: Oh Fuck~!

I waste no time going to town on her ass, groaning from the intense anal session. Her wall were sweeping my cock to gum fastsr, but I held on to feel as much as I can muster.

Sylvia: Oh Fuck, I'm cumming~!

She squirted on the bed sheets again as I kept going with her thrusts. I forced her on her hands and knees since her legs must of felt like jelly at the moment. I was big enough to lean over her and grope her while running her clit. I was trying to supply her with multiple amount of pleasure that she came in my hand. I wasn't that far from my own release, so I went as fast and as hard as I could go.

Sylvia was dreaming my name before my last thrust shot ropes of semen into her ass. I squeezed her breast from the cum shooting into her anus before letting her go to flop on the bed once more. We were both sweating like hell, the room filled with nothing but sex. Sylvia looked back at me with hearts in her eyes as she was panting from our intense sex.

Sylvia: I'm not done yet~

She waved her ass in the air at me.

Sylvia: Fuck me. I don't care how many times you fun at me, make love to me until you pass out.

And that's how it all came down to me waking up the next day. I spent so much time having sex with, I guess, my lover that we locked ourselves in the room the whole day. Constant love and sex until probably 2 in the morning until we couldn't even go on. Seems like I won the battle.

(Name): I can't believe I had sex with the enemy.

???: Is that an issue?

I turned to see Sylvia looking at me with a smile. It was a loving smile that I never thought I would see when waking up in the morning.

(Name): I-I guess not...since its you.

She sat up to give me a kiss, I'm still shocked about that.

Sylvia: It doesn't matter now since you have won our little game. I'll call off future attacks on the Crimson Demons for one reason.

(Name): And what's that?

Sylvia pulled me close so my head rest on her exposed breast.

Sylvia: Even if we only have been with each other for a day, I want to spend my life with you. I would even become a traitor to the Demon King just to be with you.

I looked at her shocked.

(Name): W-What!? All for just having sex with me?

Sylvia: Even if our first meet was odd on a rocky start, I have fallen for you, (Name). I never thought that finding the love will fill the void I masked with being with my army. But that's only if you wish to make this work. I'll still call off the invasion for your stead.

I didn't know what to say expect what was on my mind. I sighed and leaned into her breast.

(Name): We already went this far to cater to each other feelings and frustrations, so I we can try to work this out.

Sylvia hugged me with joy that I accepted her as my potential lover.

Sylvia: I'm so happy!

That put a smile on my face.

So from there on out, I managed to recruit my first teammate who was a former Demon King General. For her to truthfully be apart of society as we wander the future of this world together, I had to convinelce the Crimson Demons that I persuaded their enemy to join my side...to which they instantly congratulated me for what I done. They even turned a 180 on Sylvia, which was a shock for her.

What is with these guys? Funny enough that Kazuma's useless group with the inclusion of Yunyun was hear watching the weird roundabout happened. They were here almost for the exact same reason I was here. But What surprised me was that one if the crusaders was missing. Unknown to all of us, the masochist girl was passed out in the closest watching me and Sylvia having rough sex that made the blonde masochist rapidly finger herself with red hue cheeks.

Darkness: Such...indencey...

She could only imagine the Male Crusader fucking her senseless but with more of a sadistic nature as the mission was finally clear for the day.




ERIS: 1,800,000,000


There are some errors I need to change.

Anyways, what do you guys think?

I find this to be a bit weird, but it was fun to try to do.