
Male Pregnancies

CJ_Sumrall · Others
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Jonah's Pregnancy

Thirteen-year-old, Jonah Mcguire was 8 1/2 months pregnant with twins. His best friend had impregnanted him, as a dare. Now they were both living in Kaden's basement, to hide Jonah's pregnancy from the world.


Jonah waddled around the basement, with both hands across his very huge belly. He was miserable, and wish that the babies would come already. "Ugh, my back hurts....I cannot see my damn feet anymore....why won't they come already?"

Kaden sees the distress look across his friend's face. He sighed, hating to see his best friend in this much pain. "You are due any day now. Maybe you need a little help.''

"A little help? what do you mean?" Jonah asked, grabbing onto the wall, to keep his balance. He hated being pregnant, it was killing him. "I cannot fucking do this, any longer! My belly cannot stretch any further."

Kaden walked over to his heavily pregnant friend, wrapping his arms around Jonah's huge belly. "The only way...is if I fucked you. That would break your water and get your labor started."

"Let's do it. This pregnancy is tough, and I want these babies out of me, as soon as possible." Jonah says, agreeing to be fucked into labor. He pulled down his boxers and turned around. Then got into a comfortable position, with his ass pointing into the air.

Kaden pulled down his own boxers, jerking out his dick. "Well. Let's get this process started." He says, slowly sticking his dick into Jonah's ass. Slowly thrusting in and out. "Mm....this feels so nice." He mumbled, wrapping his hands around Jonah's hips, going deeper into him.

Jonah moaned loudly, spreading his legs apart, just as a gush of water splashed on the floor. "Ugh..." He cried out, looking down at the liquid between his legs. His water broke.

"Oh shit- your water broke!" Kaden says, panicked. He pulled out his dick, quickly getting into clothes. Kaden helped Jonah, lay down comfortably on the matress. "Looks like you are going into labor!"

"Ugh, the pain is horrific!" Jonah cried out. He ran his hands across his tightening and contracting belly. The babies were already positioning themselves.

Kaden spread Jonah's legs apart, seeing the head of the first baby. "Sh- I see a head!" He yelped, grabbing towels and placing underneath Jonah's thighs. "On the count of three, I want you to start pushing!" He says, looking between his friend's legs.

Jonah breathed deeply, grabbing his inner thighs and bringing them to his chest. " UGH!" He screamed, feeling his body began to push.

"One....two....three...." Kaden watches the head slowly come through, Jonah's canal. He placed two fingers inside of Jonah, feeling around the baby's head. ''Good job! you are doing so amazing."

The boy panted, pulling his knees to his chest and screaming at the top of his lungs. The head pushed completely through. Jonah looked between his legs, and saw the tiny shape of the baby's head.

"The head is out, Jonah. Take a deep breathe and push as hard as you can!" Kaden says, placing a hand underneath the baby's head.

Jonah leaned forward, pushing very hard. The first baby easily slid out and into Kaden's hands. He heard the cries of the new born.

"We have a little boy!" Kaden says proudly, cleaning the baby and laying the naked newborn on top of Jonah's chest. "Our first baby! He is gorgeous. Now we have our other baby to get our of your belly."

Jonah smiled at the little baby on his chest, he was glad that his son was finally here. Now it was time to get the second baby out of his belly. Which didn't take long. The second baby slid out quickly and into Kaden's waiting hands.

"Another boy!" Kaden says happily, cleaning the second baby and laying him beside his twin. "You did so amazing, love. You birthed our babies, now let's get you cleaned and relaxing in bed with the twins."

Once Jonah was showered and laying down, Kaden laid the twins beside him. "Alexander and Grayson. Two beautiful boys." He whispered, kissing Jonah's lips. "Good job. I am so proud of you."

Jonah smiled, grateful to have Kaden in his life, now he was blessed to have two more boys. He cannot wait to watch his sons grow into wonderful young men. He was already in love with them.