

Dan: h-hi

The smaller angel rushes over to Dan and gives him a handshake

???: Oh my Lord, you must be one of Charlie's friends I can't believe redemption actually works

Dan: y-yea…

???: Oh, where is my manners? I'm Emily, and this is my sister Sarah with Seraphin angels some of the most high ranking. How did you get here?

Dan: Adam, the first man kind of killed me I don't really know too much more about any of that since I died before I seen anything else, but all I really know is it was super chaotic

Emily: what do you mean chaotic?

Dan: well, just to keep it from being too graphic I'm just gonna say there was a lot of gold around

Sera Looks at Dan with pure disgust and hatred in her eyes is obvious she doesn't want Him here

Emily; we'll talk about this later. Show you around heaven

Grabs Dan's hand and begins to drag him all across heaven Dan looks at her and he sees a little bit of Charlie and her sees that overly optimistic charm about her. Sarah just follows behind the both of you with a look up pure hatred and discuss after a 50 minute tour of all of Heaven. Emily shows Dan where he's going to be living.

Emily: Why I hope you enjoy your stay here. I'm gonna go try and contact Charlie.

Emily leaves the room as Dan walked to the back door. He notices that there's a long walkable path in your nature. Dan it takes the opportunity and begins to walk and he walks for at least three hours and as he gets tired, the door opens up again revealing the exit he walked out and his shower appears dan jumps inside, and it makes all the tension in his body release that ever had made feel stress Literally wash off of him as he walks out of the Shower Emily appears right in front of him out of nowhere. He jumped back and he covers himself.

Emily: What's wrong?

Dan: I'm literally naked right now what do you mean was wrong

Emily Looks down and says oh that we don't have genitalia here so you don't need to be worried about that Then looks down and sees he actually doesn't have any genitalia

Dan: Well, that's something

Emily: Well, you could always make some with magic theoretically, of course

Dan: y-yea Theoretically, ask you a question

Emily: … Wanna try it out?

Dan: w-what way!

Emily: Come on, I Really want to see if it works

Dan: f-fine

Emily: Let's do it

Emily and Dan dance close together. Emily closes her eyes as she tries to concentrate. Dan does the same feeling angelic energy entering his body and then he feels a giant surge of energy course through him he imagines his old dick and then he begins to feel Ethan station but it's not a sensation he's used to or remembers. He looks down and sees instead of a cock he see a pussy He looks over towards Emily and he sees she has a big throbbing cock

Emily; d-dan Can you help me please?

Dan mind: All right, who made Made my life is this some type of sick joke?

Dan Very annoyed gets onto his knees And starts to kiss Emily's cock Emily shivers because she never had Genitalia before and definitely not a cock her cock is only 4 inches long Dan simply opens his mouth and starts to suck on her cock his tongue twisting around tasting every inch of her cock she grabs onto his head and starts To Force her cock down his throat after a little bit more choking finally cum down dan throat Dan Dan immediately Back up and begins to cough up a little bit before swallowing her cum but emily is still hard Dan get on his back and spreads his pussy that he is still Wondering how it Even manifested when he was thinking of something completely else emily Blushes as she grabs his hips and start the rub her cock on his man pussy dan looks the waist slightly irritated

Dan: Emily, could you hurry up, please

Emily: o-oh ok.

Emily slowly begins to put her cock into dan

Dan: You're way too slow

In an instant shelves, the rest of her cock into him

Emily: Aaaaaahhhh!!!

Dan pin emily bed and start the bounce up and down viol I'll grabs his thighs, clenches her teeth. Dan continues to go up and down bouncing. On her cock

Emily: im g-going to c-c-cu-

Before Emily can finish her sentence, then bends down and kisses her on the lips as she Releases her semen into him Emily passes out and her cock disappears and but his pussy stays then a bath appears and picks Emily up and take her into there and put her in the bathtub and begins to wash her off Pacific body wash and hair cleaner pacifically made for her and then he takes a shower, clean up all the sweat then he put back on her clothes and after like 30 minutes she wakes up

Emily: What happened? I don't really remember anything.

Dan: Just randomly passed out when you came in here I don't know, but don't you have something else to do?

Emily: oh yeah, I have to go tell Charlie about you. I have to go see you later Dan.

I'm leaves the room as goes back to his bed and goes to sleep

End of chapter hatred