
Male Inferiority and Female Supremacy in the World of Immortal Cultivation

Fang Zhou transmigrated into the immortal cultivation world, and the first thing he did was personally cancel his engagement. As a straightforward and macho man, he decided to cancel the engagement to a beautiful girl with a great figure. In this world where men were inferior and women were esteemed, the righteous were women, the villains were women, the cultivators were women, and even the gods who created the heavens and earth were women. Female warriors robbed the rich to help the poor and explored the world with their swords. Men, on the other hand, had to be cautious when going out so that they could protect themselves, lest they be robbed of their wealth and dignity, leaving them with nothing. Transmigrating into such a world, Fang Zhou, a handsome man who was desired wherever he went, felt immense pressure. Girls wanted to play with him and even tried to capture him and take him home. For the sake of his own life, Fang Zhou had no choice but to fight against women to the end. "Get lost, you annoying woman! Don't disturb my cultivation!"

Pigeon Slayer · Eastern
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40 Chs

Gender Mistake in the Divorce Plot

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The "divorce plot" is a genre in online novels, popularized by the surge of Dou Qi Hua Ma. But due to its overuse, readers grew tired of it, and it's now seldom seen.

Fang Zhou had never imagined that after his unexpected journey to another world, he'd find himself at the center of such a divorce story, going through a classic divorce scenario.

But there was one huge problem – the genders were all messed up!

"You want to annul our engagement?! What wrong has the Xiao family done to you?"

A thunderous roar snapped Fang Zhou out of his deep thoughts.

In front of him stood a striking young woman clad in a deep green robe, her eyes ablaze with anger directed squarely at Fang Zhou.

He found himself in a grand, sunlit hall, filled with a mix of seated and standing figures, most of them women, each wearing a distinct expression.

At the hall's center sat a regally poised mature woman who was also gazing at Fang Zhou, her look far from welcoming.

And behind Fang Zhou stood a group of women, forming a formidable collective, ready to confront the mature woman and the girl in green.

This was classic drama—a man looking to break off an engagement.

As a straightforward guy, Fang Zhou found it absurd that he was the one calling off a wedding with a woman blessed with beauty and grace.

Damn, am I gay or something?

Or had he been cursed before this world-jumping adventure, destined to remain forever alone? And had this curse followed him even here?

Under the young woman's heated reprimand, Fang Zhou was at a loss for words. All around, murmurs filled the air, their incessant buzzing reminiscent of a swarm of flies.

Out of the blue, a statuesque beauty dressed in moonlit-white robes stepped forward from behind him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. She whispered, "Let your Senior Sister handle this."

Li Ruyu, a disciple of the revered Xuan Ji Sect and the current body's senior sister of Fang Zhou, was the driving force behind this bold decision.

With her warm smile gone, Li Ruyu addressed the mature woman and the fiery girl in green. "Indeed, my junior brother, Fang Zhou, is here to annul the engagement. Having joined our Xuan Ji Sect, he has transcended mortal bounds. The marriage pact with your Xiao family is no longer valid. It would be wise for both our sakes if you'd agree to dissolve this engagement and cultivate a positive relationship with our Sect."

Her voice might be gentle, but the assertiveness was clear. This stance visibly irked the young woman in green.

With clenched teeth, she shot back, "Your Xuan Ji Sect thinks very highly of itself, doesn't it? To audaciously come here and talk of annulments. What about our Xiao family's honor?"

Li Ruyu let out a derisive chuckle, "The Xiao family might hold some sway in Wu City, but you remain mere mortals. What right do you have to speak of honor before the esteemed Xuan Ji Sect?"

The green-robed girl's eyes flashed with fury. "How dare you!"

"That's enough, Yan Er," the mature woman interjected. The hall went eerily silent.

The moment the mature woman spoke, the entire hall fell into a pin-drop silence.

Li Ruyu looked intently at the older woman, alert to every move.

Although she had the Xuan Ji Sect behind her, Li Ruyu was well aware of the influence of the Xiao family. And this matriarch, Xiao Zhan, was among Wu City's most influential figures.

Xiao Zhan fixed her piercing gaze on Fang Zhou, saying in a stern tone, "Fang Zhou, our families have been allies for generations. Your engagement to Yan Er was sanctioned by your own grandmother in agreement with our family. Now, with her passing just under three years ago, you dare to go against the wishes of your elders? I'll ask once more – do you truly wish to end this engagement?"

By the end of her statement, her tone was fierce, and her eyes were filled with lethal intent.

To himself, Fang Zhou screamed, "No, I don't!"

The girl, Xiao Yan, had been the city's shining star since she was a child. But for reasons unknown, she lost her abilities three years prior, becoming the laughing stock of many.

Look, everyone come look at this main character treatment that is about to blind my dog's eyes, did I offend her because I had too much to eat?

Look at this, everyone! The protagonist's lot is nothing short of blinding. Did I offend her in some past life?

Fang Zhou wished he could voice these thoughts, but his recent arrival in this world made him a mere pawn in the grand scheme. The decision to annul the engagement was driven by both the Fang family and the Xuan Ji Sect, leaving him with no say.

Why this need for an annulment anyway? They could simply wed, share the wedding night, and after rejuvenating Xiao Yan's soul, he could join the Xuan Ji Sect for further learning.

But voicing such thoughts would undoubtedly have dire consequences.

Li Ruyu, standing beside Fang Zhou, suddenly took his hand and whispered, "Don't heed her threats, junior brother. Now that you're a part of my Xuan Ji Sect, nobody can touch you. As your senior sister, I'll ensure your safety."

Her tender hand holding his incited some fantasies in Fang Zhou's mind. As he looked into Li Ruyu's eyes, he seemed to see intense lust.

That's right, it was lust.

A raw yearning to undress him and consume him entirely.

Damn, is she a slut?!

Taken aback, Fang Zhou's fleeting fantasy vanished. He attempted to retract his hand, but Li Ruyu maintained her grasp.

Witnessing her fiancé openly holding hands and sharing an intimate gaze with another woman, Xiao Yan, in her green attire, seethed with anger, her eyes turning a shade so intense it nearly matched her dress.

"Mother, we don't need to ask any further." 

With fiery eyes, Xiao Yan picked up a brush, scribbled on a paper, and with swift strides, confronted Fang Zhou, thrusting the paper into his hands.

Fang Zhou caught it reflexively and saw a big "divorce" character written on the paper.

Xiao Yan, pointing at Fang Zhou, declared furiously, "I, Xiao Yan, hereby divorce you, Fang Zhou. From this moment, our engagement is null and void. Yet, the disgrace you've cast upon the Xiao family today will not be forgotten. In three years, I'll personally seek retribution at the Xuan Ji Sect."

Oh, wonderful, now he's made an enemy of the protagonist and ignited a duel plot.

Although Fang Zhou felt disheartened, he wasn't excessively anxious. If need be, he'd willingly accept defeat later.

The hall reverberated with applause at Xiao Yan's proclamation, and Xiao Zhan nodded in agreement.

Conversely, Fang Zhou seemed like the antagonized villain.

The lustful senior sister whispered seductively into Fang Zhou's ear, "Junior brother, do you wish for me to intervene and teach them a lesson?"

Aware of the societal stigma for a man being divorced, which posed challenges for future unions, she saw this as a man's disgrace.

But Fang Zhou shook his head. It's better to avoid it now. The deeper he offends them, the more energy he would have to spend in the future. He didn't want to be squeezed dry.

Li Ruyu gracefully addressed Xiao Zhan, "Mistress Xiao, our paths will cross again. Now, with the Fang family overseeing the Xuan Ji Sect's procurement, we hope for the Xiao family's support."

Her words served as both an assertion of the Fang family's newfound alliance with the Xuan Ji Sect and a subtle warning to the Xiao family.

Xiao Zhan, face taut with tension, slammed the table, "Escort the guests out!"

A nagging discomfort gnawed at Fang Zhou, feeling an unsettling void, like someone obsessed with symmetry spotting an imbalanced design.

As they prepared to depart from the Xiao residence, Xiao Yan remarked with a hint of forewarning, "Fang Zhou, you might be soaring high now, but don't mistake yourself for a phoenix. Remember, fortunes have a way of reversing, never underestimate the underdog."

That was it! This was the wisdom he felt was missing earlier.

Relieved, Fang Zhou bid Xiao Yan a casual farewell, his demeanor suggesting a casual visit rather than the severance of an engagement.

But Xiao Yan, perhaps reading between the lines or envisioning some affront, exclaimed, "Unforgivable!"


After leaving the Xiao family, Li Ruyu helped Fang Zhou onto a carriage.

Before getting into the carriage, it seemed like she touched Fang Zhou's butt, or maybe not.

Fang Zhou stiffened and turned around to see Li Ruyu's smiling face, "What's wrong, junior brother?"

Fang Zhou shook his head, was it a misunderstanding?

Once he was on the carriage, Li Ruyu put her hand to her nose, deeply inhaling, her face in a trance.

"The fragrance of a virgin is even better than wine!"

Fang Zhou, sitting in the carriage, faintly heard Li Ruyu's murmuring and was shocked.

Li Ruyu and several women carrying long swords rode on tall horses, while Fang Zhou sat in the carriage.

The carriage was pink and smelled sweet, it was the original owner's private ride, full of youthful charm - or more accurately, boyish charm.

Inside the carriage, two skinny boys were waiting. When they saw Fang Zhou get on, they immediately chirped, "Young master, you're back."

Fang Zhou's scalp tingled instantly. Even though the two boys were pretty and delicate, their effeminacy strongly upset him.

These two boys were Fang Zhou's personal male attendants. Their hair was tied up in a circular braid, they wore clothes that looked like skirts, and their faces were lightly powdered.

The two male attendants wanted to help Fang Zhou touch up his makeup, but he stopped them.

Holding back his disgust, Fang Zhou washed his face and laid down on his own.