
Mako mermaids sea life

What as Alex goes through life with a op ability

Kingston112 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


It had been afew days since we somewhat moved in at Ritah's place, I using the term somewhat quite lightly because she might kick us out at anytime.

As for my relationship with the girls, they all basically want nothing to do with me, Chloe told Ritah with telling any lie.

I was thankful to God that I told Ritah the somewhat truth because I had a feeling that Chloe wouldn't lie.

The girls tried removing her powers but it back fired, I wonder why hehehe, as for me and Liam well training has been going swimmingly ha get it .

Okay, well he is like a sponge everything I taught him, he learnt it within a day or two and that's good.

Chloe tried to join one of our lessons but the girls said they would teach her instead, so I had just come back from my swim with Liam and I was going back to the main house but on my was I so the girls playing with Ritah's things.

He Serina look at me am the queen of the sea Nixie said, oh here is your dress my queen Serina said.

She then handed Nixie the dress, then Lyla told the girls to look at the photo of Ritah and some man.

And conveniently Ritah walked, in put that done Ritah said, the girls immediately put done the things they were holding.

We were just looking at the Serina spoke up innocently, so you go around telling your secret to whoever you like Lyla said.

He was my husband Ritah said in a somewhat angry tone, You were going to marry a land person Layla asked.

I was Ritah said, okay I want all of you guys out of my house including you Allen, the girls all looked at me.

What about Zac and Cam Lyla said, Just leave them alone because you if any of the land people find out your a mermaids they will come looking for me she said.

But we will be careful Serina spoke up, You don't understand the human world like I do, so please do me a favor and leave by the time am back.

She then left the place, Waw you guys got me kicked out I said, Oh shut up Lyla said.

I have a question why do you guys hate merman so much, because they are dangerous Lyla replied.

How so I asked, i know their was a great mermaid and merman war afew centuries back but just because you created the mermen that doesn't give you the right to strip their powers.

Have you even considered the idea of training them, That's nonsense Lyla said, Well just given it a thought you can educate them on the way of the mermaids and merman.

instead of trying to take away something they have gotten used to.

Think about it, I said

I then went to the main house and I got something to eat after eating I decided to go and get a few things for the house I knew Ritah wasn't going to chase us away so I was basically on chill mode you feel me.

As I was leaving I saw the girls get into an argument meant, and then Lyla left, as Serina tried to follow her.

Nixie dragged her back, I overheard something about shopping and Ritah's treasure.

I immediately stopped them you can't buy clothes with that money I said, What do you know Nixie said.

Well all am saying is that money won't go around here I responded.

Okay am also going to buy clothes what if I buy for you guys as well i offered.

Why are you offering to help us Nixie asked suspiciously.

Well, I am going to buy clothes and your going to buy clothes so you can take the offer or leave it I said.

Okay but don't try anything funny she said, I promise I won't so don't worry about it.

We then left to the ocean cafe clothing section.

We arrived within a few minutes and on the way I trying to remember which episode this was.

And before I knew it, I was Evie asked me a question.

Ahhhhhh sorry I didn't hear you I responded, will you be getting clothes she asked.

Ya I but first talk care to Serina and Nixie I said.

Oh okay she said, so she took them and I started looking around.

Then I noticed Lyla outside she was heading to the cafe.

Well I am not going to stop her the laws of the show will stop her instead.

So I waited for like 30 minutes then I heard a Nixie, calling me, I looked only to see her face to face with some woman.

And the woman looked pissed, I immediately went up to them and asked them what's going on I asked.

Are you in on the shop lifting scam the woman asked me, What shop lifter scam I asked confusedly.

This girls here tried to steal from me, we weren't Evie chimed in, Keep quite the woman said, Am sure I can pay for the shoes I said, Are you sure she asked not believing me.

I pulled out my card, are this the shoes that were almost taken I asked.

The girls just nodded, okay am buying them I said, It's okay you don't have to buy them Serina said.

Nonsense, I asked the woman if she takes cards, she nodded and asked one of the employees to bring a scanner.

The employee went and brought it, they scanned the card and the shoes were bought.

They packed the shoes and the Crisis was evaded, I then took Serina and Nixie aside If you want anything come to me and I will buy it for you guys don't just try and take them out the shop without permission I said.

We weren't trying to steal them we just so Evie on and followed her, then Evie tried to put on some shoes but Evie said she so them first then they got into and argument and the shoe fell out of bound then that's when the woman and the man showed up.

Serina explained, okay I responded, I didn't even want those shoes Nixie explained, so gift them to Evie I proposed.

What why Nixie asked a little bit confused, well you can give it to her to show peace between the two of you and if possible became friends and if you become friends you can get closer to Zac I said.

You right she replied, well I know I am so go and buy you things and I will buy mine I replied.

They both said okay and we went our separate ways.

Soon after we bought our things and we decided to go to the cafe, hey Nixie are you wondering were Lyla is Serina asked her.

Nope she probably somewhere trying to remove Zac and Cam's powers she said sarcastically.

Am serious am starting to get worried Serina said,

Don't worry Lyla can take care of her self, Nixie responded.

Then it hit me, shoes, clothes Lyla, oh shit she is in the cafe freezer area, you guys I think I might know were Lyla is I said.

Where Serina asked she is in the cafe in the cooler or freezer and that place is felled with water I said their faces turned pale.

Are you sure, Serina asked, Judging by how it's Lyla I am sure, okay we gotta go we all started booking it we ran to cafe.

How are we going to distract them Nixie asked, I have an idea Serina said.

And with that she went to the counter and started singing, within a few seconds people started gathering around to hear her sing.

And that gave us ample time, we went to the freezer and Lyla removed her invisibility, it's about time she said.

And why he here, Don't worry about I said, so how are we gonna do this I said.

We have to carry her Nixie said, His not touching me, Lyla said, Do you even have a chose Nixie retorted.

Lyla just rolled her eyes and said fine.

We then carried her to the staff room that was dryer and she transformed back into a human.

Then we managed to leave the cafe, Serina was talking to David ow and that reminded me.

I have to show David his powers.

But after a few minutes of talking Serina finally came out, By the way how did you guys get so many clothes Lyla asked.

Simple Allen bought them for us Nixie said, Lyla seemed surprised, I can get for you clothes as well I said.

What ever she replied, By the way Nixie did you give Evie the shoes I asked.

Oh I almost forgot, She got the shoes and gave and looked for Evie to her Lucky Evie was in the cafe she gave her the shoes as a way of thanks and before Evie could say anything she just left.

We all went to Ritah's home the girls said that they wanted to tell her sorry or something like that.

She wasn't in the main house so we went to the cave and she was their.

Serina then gave her a speech on how they won't endanger Ritah any more blah blah blah, and Ritah ended up allowing us to say.

Till Next time