
what's wrong with Eric

Eric apologized Shriya for his brother's behaviour to which shriya said it's fine. They both went to college together. And in the class there had been rumours about Eric and Shriya together. This affected Shriya very much . Many girls started hating her . Eric didn't say anything about the rumour which sounded weird to Shriya. She thought Eric liked her too . But she was wrong Eric told Shriya that he didn't bother about it cause that's normal for a popular guy like him .. Shriya found it very hurtful. But she wanted to know the reason why was he ghosting her. She tried to contact him but he didn't respond.

She then broke into his house and suddenly fell into Edward's arm . They were looking into each others eyes and i guess they ahd a moment again. But Edward dropped her suddenly . Shriya exclaimed ouch!