
The day i met you

The story revolves around a teenage girl named Shriya . She has always been a happy and loving child but now she has to tak a big step and move out of the city to study abroad. But her parents cannot afford her expenses of studying abroad. All she has to do is qualify the test which she did. She left for higher studies to New York. She is excited and who won't be. It's the dream of every teenager to move out of the house and live freely, no restriction nothing. Just you and fun . But that's not actually true . Living away from your parents isn't easy . You've to deal with everything yourself ! And you miss your people everyday! Shriya was very excited to go to the college and especially excited to watch New York . She wanted to see Ney York so she decided to visit famous places there. But her luck is always bad , while eating ice cream she bumped into a tall young man and ruined his shirt. He was very angry . Shriya never had such situation where she was being scolded by a stranger! She stood for herself and she put the rest of the ice cream on his face . His look was terrifying so she ran from there!