
Let's make her fall in love again

Shriya had left hope to fall again . But Edward was trying very hard to make her happy so he treated her very nicely. He took Shriya to his fav location where he went when he was lonely. Shriya was very touched and couldn't stop crying and hugged Edward. Edward had something for her . Suddenly it started to rain and they had to run to a cottage nearby . Shriya was fearless and Edward feared the thunderstorm... He was scared so he grabbed shriya tightly making an awkward moment.

Shriya never felt something like this before. Edward was very scared so she tried to calm him down and she kissed his forehead and said whenever there's rain the lovers unite and whenever there's thunder the love enhances even better. That made Edward to calm down. Edward was humiliated. Shriya made fun of his fear. Edward said he wasn't scared , he was protecting her. She said she doesn't need protection from someone who's scared of thunder . Edward hit Shriya with a pillow and then they had a cute pillow fight . They laughed in the end and looked into each other's eyes