
Making You All Mine

Caleb Johnson, the Governor's 19-year-old son is abducted by a local Drug lord. The state is in a frenzy looking for the young man. When Detective Issac Smith, an undercover agent, gets intel he does everything he can to free the boy without having his cover blown. The situation shifts and his under-cover persona rapes Caleb Johnson. Can Caleb forgive him? Can Detective Smith forgive himself for crossing a line he didn't have to cross, a line he chose to cross? WARNING- This story contains a detailed depiction of rape. Do not read if this offends you or causes trauma please do not read or read at your discretion.

CF_Yamako · Realistic
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


The next morning their house was crawling with police and detectives. They took statements from the governor and then interviewed Caleb and Issac about their encounter. Once finished Caleb went back to his room. He saw Issac speaking to Detective Rucker.

"I thought you were going to report me."

Issac questioned his colleague.

"I did want to report you but I didn't" he confessed. " and then this shit happens so I'm glad you were here.

Issac smiled.

Don't look at me like that." Detective Rucker said seriously. "I mean you're doing some borderline crazy shit."

"I know, but you don't have to worry about me I've come to my senses."

Detective Rucker looked at his colleague in thought. " I hope so." He said. " The real issue is what is the governor involved in. I mean why is Mark still coming after Caleb?"

"I don't know but I will get to the bottom of it," Issac said in confidence.

"Good. Let me know what you find out."


Caleb lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. Natalie had left early this morning. He was feeling not the best.

Max brought Caleb a cup of coffee. "It's not Starbucks but I think it will do the trick." He held the cup out for Caleb to take.

Caleb only eyed max suspiciously. "Why did you tell her about my birthmark?" Caleb yelled angrily he sat up on the bed looking at Max.

Max set the cup of hot coffee on the nightstand.

"She asked." Max shrugged unbothered.

"I gave her what she wanted to hear," Max said. "I'm not apologizing for that."

"You didn't have to say anything," Caleb yelled getting out of bed. "Why do you have to interject yourself in my life?" Caleb said pushing Max. Max allowed Caleb to push him. Caleb pushed Max against the wall of his bedroom. There was fury in his eyes.

"Are you done?" Max asked.

"No," Caleb said grabbing Max's shirt collar.

Max smirked at Caleb's behavior. It was kind of cute.

Max wrapped his arm around Caleb's waist pulling him close to his body kissing him.

Max deepened the kiss pushing his tongue inside Caleb's mouth. Caleb allowed Max to kiss him. He kissed Max back allowing Max to run his finger through his hair. There was a hunger and a need. Caleb's dick throbbed as Max kissed him. He pressed his body against Max needing the contact. Max picked the boy up laying him in the bed. He crawled on top of him continuing his assault on Caleb's lips. Caleb continued to kiss Max as Max's enjoyed his make-out session with Caleb.

Max broke the kiss looking into Caleb's eyes. He sat up adjusting his clothes.

Calebs sat up wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Why did you stop?" Caleb asked.

"Because I don't want to do anything you don't want," Issac said walking away from Caleb.

Issac took a seat in the chair which faced Caleb's bed.

Caleb had laid back down on the bed. The evidence of his enjoyment could be seen as his pajama pants were tight around his dick.

"You need me to help you with that?" Max pointed.

"I don't know," Caleb said honestly. He wasn't sure if he should let Max touch him again. He had allowed Max to kiss him in the moment.

It felt good and it made him feel in control. Did he want more?

"Come here," Max whispered gently. He didn't want to scare Caleb. He didn't want Caleb to be fearful of him anymore. He was a different man.

Caleb walked over to Max and leaned in kissing Max on the lips. He broke the kiss unsure. As he stood up and turned around to walk away Max pulled him onto his lap. "Don't run," Max whispered. "Trust me," he said as he nibbled on Calebs's ear. Caleb inhaled relaxing into Max's embrace.

Max skillfully removed Caleb's clothing leaving him nude and exposed but it made Caleb feel excited because he knew that Max liked his body and desired him. This was the man that had raped him. He shouldn't be attracted to him. He wanted to despise him but his body wanted Max.

Max had Caleb's legs spread wide open, right leg over the arm of the chair his left over his left thigh. Max pulled Caleb's hair back so he could put his lips on his neck. Max's had caressed the youthful body laying on him. Max pinched Caleb's nipples making Caleb arch his back in pleasure. A slight moan escaped Caleb's lips. He couldn't believe he was doing this. What was he doing? This whole time he had been fighting this feeling this need and now so easily he'd succumbed. No matter how gentle Max tried to be with him his roughness came out and Caleb liked that. He would never admit it but he liked Max's masculine tough guy exterior. Max's calloused hands touching him. His wanton body craved the attention.

Max wrapped his right hand around Caleb's erect member which elicited the most delicious moan from Caleb. "Ugh."

His big hands stroked Caleb's dripping cock.

"Mhmm" Caleb moaned feeling good. He began to buck his hips matching Max's rhythm as he continued to play with his cock.

"Max." Caleb whispered feeling his climax beginning to peak. "Right there-" Caleb whined as Max used his free hand to pull Caleb into a passionate kiss which sent electricity down both their spines.

"Mhmm," Caleb's muffled cries rang out as

Caleb erupted in Max's hands. Caleb continued to lay on Max as his body recovered. He could feel Max's dick poking into his back.

Caleb got up turing around he straddled Max who looked at him questionably.

"He reached for Max's belt buckle only to be stopped by Max.

"Don't you want me to help you with that?" Caleb asked coyly.

"No," Issac said with a smile. "I'll handle him myself besides I wanted to please you...going forward I'm only pleasing you.

Caleb nodded understanding. Issac picked Caleb up putting him into his bed. Why don't you get some rest? I'll wake you for lunch. Issac said kissing the boy once more. He covered Caleb up. Issac also grabbed Caleb's clothing folded them up and placed them on the bottom edge of the bed.

He smiled because he made some progress.