
Chapter 3

He thought I’d hire somebody without seeing what he could do? Not a chance.

“Yeah, now. You got somewhere else you gotta be?”

He looked down at his jeans and Vans, then back up to me.

“Nope. Show me which tools I can use.”

We walked back into the forge area. I outfitted him with my biggest apron and longest gloves since he wasn’t dressed to work but to interview. I wasn’t going to let him get burnt just cuz he hadn’t come ready to work.

As I watched him get set up, I could tell he was thinking hard about what I asked him to make. Okay, point to him.

Then he got going. I turned an eagle eye on him.

As I watched, I thought about how if I hired him, I could sell more stuff. There’d be more kinds of jewelry for both men and women and a lot more trivets and household stuff.

Jax was finishing up a little after noon when Jimmy walked in. “Okay, I have something I want you to try…” Jimmy stopped a couple of steps inside the door and stared at Jax. “Well, who do we have here?”