
Making The Duke Mine

Her slender finger began tracing his facial features as she spoke, "My desire to make you mine," Her finger moved towards his plump lips as she sensually caressed them under her thumb, wondering how they would feel on hers. Will it be as mind-blowing as she had always imagined it to be? "Is still as solid as a rock, but...." She suddenly stopped her movement and stepped away from him. He frowned. When did she become so bold to touch him like that? He knew her for being timid and naive. Yes, he knew the girl fancied him a lot, but she had never dared to act on her feelings. Did he like it? Yes! And he was ready to see how far she could go in her game, so before she could take another step away from him, he brought her back to her previous position. Maybe closer than before. Oh, how he wanted to feel those round breasts on his body and run his hands along those delicious-looking curves, but he held himself back. Susan wasn't his regular woman. He could still feel the fierce innocence in those hazel eyes despite how daring she presented herself. It was her innocence that sent him running for his life. He couldn't trap her in his darkness- the darkness she was begging to be part of. To distract himself from throwing her into the bed and satisfying his demons, he repeated her last word as he was curious to know her mind, "But?" "But I won't force you this time around...."

stranger2_no1 · History
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53 Chs


"....Humphrey's smile shined more than the full moon illuminating the night as he looked at everyone around the table. Family. That was what he was surrounded with. Everything was perfect. His joy was so deep that he could taste it on his tongue. He felt warm hands engulf him on the table. His beautiful perfect, Grace, wife stared at him with that loving smile he could never get enough of. What did he do to deserve such a fulfilling life? He felt his eyes water when she mouthed 'I love you,'" Susan's lips tilted upwards with a dreamy look in her eye.

"This is so satisfying to read, don't you think so Madeline?" Susan's eyes went to the mirror and her brows pinched together when she saw the absentminded look on her companion's face, "Madeline?" No response. "Madeline?" Still no response from the young girl. Raising one of her hands, Susan grabbed one of Madeline's, making the young flinch. "Earth to you, my friend! Just where did you go to?"