

Do we really need to rely on destiny for everything? if it is possible for us to make our own destiny Will Aiden Tyson and Vaela Amora succeed in the destiny they want for them to be together until the end?

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6 Chs

3. CAR

" follow me. "

Those were the words that came out of Aiden's mouth and then he immediately left the mansion.

Even though I was not sure to go with him, I just saw myself following him out, I do not know but it seems like there is a part of me that wants to follow him.

I want to restrain myself, I want to stop my body from walking and find out first where he will take me, but no. I could not restrain myself from following him and I did not know why, I did not know.

He walked first while I was just behind him, later he suddenly stopped his car parked in the garage of our mansion, his car was luxurious, as far as I know its price is even higher than the building and only the rich and large people can afford it. It is one of the most expensive vehicles in the world.

We both had the same car, because that was also my dad's gift to me on my birthday. It's just that its design is different.

I saw him open his car as he stood next to it, and when I got to him. Only then did I realize what I was going to do in here, what is this man's plan?

" aiden where are we going? " I asked him awkwardly, knowing that if I did not speak, nothing would really happen.

Instead of answering he turned to the side of the driver seat and then sat there.

great, isn't this one rude?

" hop up " he said suddenly, which turned my attention, he did not even look at me but he looked straight ahead, there was no emotion on his face.

I could not move immediately for some unknown reason, my feet were planted where I am now.

"were you born really slow to act?" my soul was suddenly alarmed when aiden said that to me as he looked at me irritably, his forehead was furrowed and there was a trace of his impatience and frown.

" uh, oh y-yeah im sorry. " I stammered and then got into his car next to the driver's seat.

When I closed the door I put on a seatbelt, soon after I fastened them to my body, I was surprised when aiden suddenly ran his car fast.

" oh my gosh! " I suddenly screamed in shock, I did not expect him to run so fast. I was suddenly embarrassed by what I did, I was not new to running fast cars, I was just surprised earlier by his sudden operation.

" i am not used to driving a car like a turtle and a snail " I turned to look at him again when he spoke, maybe he said that because he noticed my shock.

I do not know what to say to him. He is very sarcastic when he speaks, I am also not used to running slowly but I am not that brutal to surprise my rider.

" oh yeah, i see. " that's all I said and I shifted my gaze back to the window, suddenly something came to my mind at those times. I remember all the problems I had with me before. Before I came here and before I saw this man I was mourning earlier.

While aiden's car was running, we passed the place where jackson and I used to stop. It was the day care center, where many children study here. Jackson and I used to stop here to greet the children, because jackson knew I was very comforting to children. He used to be very happy when we played with the children and shared with their laughter.

Every time we go here then, those are the only times I forget all my problems and stress at work. Jackson used to accompany me whenever I wanted.

But all of that is just a thing of the past. All of that was a time I should have forgotten. Things I used to do with someone I thought would keep me, that I need to get rid of in my life.

I know I will have a hard time forgetting everything jackson and I should have, but I also know that I need to do that for my own good.

Even now, I will think of my own welfare. With all the cheating that jackson did to me, now I will just give myself a chance to lift myself up from all the pain from what he did to me.

There is nothing wrong with thinking about myself, right? There is probably nothing wrong if I also care about how I feel because I am already struggling, already struggling.

I know that the grief and pain I feel now will pass, even though it will be difficult for me to overcome it, but I will promise myself that I will be able to endure this trial. I am a strong woman and I will never let my problems affect my personality, I have been through a lot.

I know that the day will come when all my troubles will be gone, and I will also have the peace I hoped for.


" are you crying? " i was suddenly surprised when aiden suddenly asked me, then I realized that there were tears already dripping from my eyes.

i immediately wipe them off.

" uh, no. im not crying " I told him as I shifted my eyes in the other direction, forcing myself away. Cause I do not want to be asked if I am crying,i will cry even more. And I don't want him to see me like that.

" so that's why you've been tearing for a while because you're not crying?" I looked at him again, he still looking straight at the road.

Again, I do not know what to answer. I didn't realize that I had cried before.

This is also the first time he has spoken quite a bit.

"my stomach just hurts, I think I ate something that my stomach didn't like. " that's the reason I told him, clearly I have no reason to tell him the real reason behind my tears earlier. Because I just saw this man, A Vaela like me does not just trust anyone.

He did not answer, but still looked straight at the road and was driving seriously. He didn't even have an emotion on his face.

I did not speak, I held my hands, and again tried to calm my screaming heart because of all the pain that was blocking it. I have a hard time right now but I have to cope with it.

As I pondered, I remembered that I did not even know where we were going. Curiosity revisited my brain so I couldn't help but ask the question that had been bothering my mind for a while.

" where are we going anyways? You have not even said where you will take me even though we have been traveling for a while. " I feel like I have said so much, but my brain will not silence me until I ask what I want to ask. We are also far away from the mansion, so maybe there is nothing wrong if I ask him where we are going.

He sighed before speaking " we are going at my place " again, he said without any emotions.

And why are we going to his place? Is that a kingdom for us to discuss? what is the difference between our mansion and his, it's just the same.

" why are we going there? " again i asked him.

He did not answer immediately, he repeatedly sighed while driving.

" its peaceful there, we can talk better " because of what he said, it was as if my feelings had a little joy, I also do not know why. So he's willing to explain it to me?.

But my only wonder is, why do we have to go to his place?It's also peaceful in our mansion. No one is making noise there, we can also talk well there. Why do we even have to leave, and move to his place just to talk peacefully?

" if that's what you want, i'll accept. " I said sparingly when he suddenly stopped the car, again I was surprised.

" wh-why did we stopped? " i asked him.

" make sure after I finish explaining, you have to explain " his eyes met mine, when he suddenly covered me with his direct stares. I stiffened from my seat, What does he mean? What do I need to explain to him?.

" what do you mean? " I asked him emphatically as I looked straight into his eyes.

He averted his eyes but the ferocity on his face still did not disappear

"you have to explain the real reason why you cried, not your pretense" he said seriously as he drove the car again.

what does he mean?.