
Making it out the trenches through the help of my gangster system

I would have said my life was a boring story to read at all …… not until my encounter with this system thingy in my living room at night . changed my life From being a broke looser to becoming the greatest Mafian god on earth who has ever lived till date join me in this journey and regret not. Also promise two or more updates every 24 hours if you support with power stones and GIFTS

siplgnd · Urban
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23 Chs


"I can't believe I just left the house.

Where the hell do I go? I thought to myself, as a lot of ideas went through my mind. I could do anything I want right now; I have no limitations. Nobody can stop me.

I could literally lodge in a hotel with a big, badass bitch and have the night of my life. Ha! I'm free like a bird

I could literally buy a fucking mansion right now, and a couple of cars. But where the hell do I start from here?

I wondered, anxiety running through my veins, as I took a seat on a very short fence and let out a deep breath.

Opposite me was a closed barber shop's glass door; before me, I observed my reflection on it. I was quite surprised my parents didn't ask why I came back home with a half-ripped-off trousers or why I looked really rough.

But hey, who cares? Everything happens for a reason, right? Maybe I was meant to leave the house - who knows? The thing now is that I had left, and that was all that mattered. Now the main question was, what next? I thought to myself when:




- Get shelter quickly

- Take a shower (you stink)

- Get something to eat

- Get some rest

But is this how I am going to keep living the rest of my life now? Completing dangerous tasks? Thinking about it just made me more worried than I was at the moment, but if it was going to keep bringing that cash to me... Hmm, I don't think it's going to be a problem for me.


I could go to a club...

I just wanna try different things tonight.

But definitely, I wasn't going to do them near the house. So I just headed towards the road and got in a taxi.

'Where?' The taxi driver asked. 'Um, just take me to your last bus stop, anywhere far from here, and make it quick, please.' I said, as the driver hit the gas immediately.

The streets were lively and the streets lights made the express really soothing to the eyes. Such a beautiful night.

The night time was like a whole different day out here in the streets. Maybe I didn't notice because I had never been out so long.

My parents probably would be thinking that I would be at the gate waiting for their mercy. But not today.

I finally felt the car come to a sharp halt pulling me from a long ride of thoughts.

I payed the taxi driver twice the amount for the ride and told his to keep the change. Yeah!

I always wanted to do that. And it felt good afterwards.

As I stepped out of the taxi, my eyes widened in awe at the massive mansions lining the street. They were enormous, with perfectly manicured lawns and sleek, modern designs. The streets were spotless, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

So this is what it feels like outside

I looked around, trying to get my bearings. And then, I saw it - a club, just a short walk away, on the other side of the road. It was a normal-looking club, with a sign reading 'Eclipse' in bold letters, and a doorman standing guard outside.

I had to find a place to sleep, but the night felt like it was never going to end. Besides, I thought, there should be hotels around here somewhere. But my feet seemed to move of their own accord, carrying me towards the club.

'Hey, you okay, man?' the doorman asked, eyeing me curiously.

'Yeah, I'm good,' I replied, trying to sound confident. 'Just looking for a place to stay.'

'There are hotels nearby,' he said, nodding. 'But if you're looking for a real experience, you should come in.'

I hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. 'Why not?'

I pushed open the door, and stepped inside. The music was loud, and the air was thick with the smell of alcohol and sweat. I made my way to the bar, and ordered a drink.

'What brings you here?' the bartender asked, as she handed me my drink.

She was really pretty with a fair skin and blonde hair that complemented her pink lips and golden eyes.

'I'm just passing through,' I replied. 'I didn't expect to find a club in a neighborhood like this.'

She smiled. 'We get all kinds here. Rich kids looking for a thrill, and people like you, looking for a place to escape.'

Escape really ? Well I can't blame her I did look like one who escaped from at he captivating on of some king or kidnappers.

I sipped my drink, as I watched her expertly wiped down the counter with a rag, her movements swift and precise. She was chatting with me, but her eyes were scanning the room, keeping an eye on the crowd.

'I'm Sophia, by the way,' she said, flashing me a smile.

'I'm... um, nice to meet you,' I replied, feeling a little out of my depth.

Sophia laughed. 'Don't worry, I won't bite. Unless you're into that sort of thing, of course.'

She said bitting her Lower lips which sent a shiver down my spine.

Oh my goodness was she doing that to me ?

I blushed, feeling a little overwhelmed. I knew where she was going but for some reason killed the vibe even though I liked where She was taking things

I looked around the club, I saw many of my age mates drinking and smoking, laughing and having a good time. I had never taken alcohol before, but why not give it a try? Everyone else seemed to be doing it.

'Hey, Sophia, can I get another drink?' I asked, trying to sound casual.

She raised an eyebrow. 'You sure you can handle it?'

I nodded, feeling a surge of determination. 'Yeah, I'm sure.'

Sophia smiled, and poured me another,her eyes sparkling. "Well, in that case, let's get this party started!"

I downed the shot, feeling the alcohol burn my throat and a rush of exhilaration coursing through my veins. The music was getting louder, more intense, and I felt myself moving to the rhythm with abandon, my worries left at the door.

Sophia grabbed my hand, her touch sending a thrill through me, and we hit the dance floor together. I lost myself in the beat, my body moving automatically, my heart pounding in time with the music.

As I scanned the crowd, my eyes locking onto familiar faces, I suddenly saw a face that made my heart skip a beat.

It was the same girl who had served me at the food joint earlier that day, the one with the bright smile and kind eyes.

But she looked different now, her eyes glassy and unfocused, her movements sloppy and uncoordinated. She was drunk, and she didn't see me yet, but my concern for her was instant and overwhelming.

"Should I go meet her?" I asked myself, my mind racing with questions. "But how is she here, in this state?"

I felt a surge of protectiveness, my heart going out to her, and my eyes locked onto hers, willing her to see me, to come closer. But I hesitated, unsure of what to do next.

"What if she doesn't want my help?" I thought, my doubts creeping in. "What if she's okay, and I'm just overreacting?"

But my concerns for her safety won out, and I took a step forward, my heart pounding in my chest, my eyes never leaving hers. I had a lot swimming in my mind.

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