
Making it out the trenches through the help of my gangster system

I would have said my life was a boring story to read at all …… not until my encounter with this system thingy in my living room at night . changed my life From being a broke looser to becoming the greatest Mafian god on earth who has ever lived till date join me in this journey and regret not. Also promise two or more updates every 24 hours if you support with power stones and GIFTS

siplgnd · Urban
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17 Chs


"I was just out of control. I didn't know why it happened,"

I explained to the guy standing before me, as I put the fork back on the table.

"What about me?" The wounded fumed, shooting me a glance. "He shot me, and you're letting him give a fucking explanation?"

The guy on the ground kept complaining and wailing in pain.

Just then, I walked up to him and ripped open his pants, revealing the spot where the bullet had hit. "What the hell are you doing, you maniac? Get away from me!" This guy just kept going on and on.

"Yeah, that's quite a big hole. What kind of bullets would cause such damage?"

"It's an FN Five-Seven pistol. Its bullets pack quite a punch," one of them said, his voice trailing off.

I was yet to know what these guys needed guns for but I already suspected they were robbers

"But what are you trying to do, man? We should take him to a doctor or something; he's losing a lot of blood," another guy said.

I squinted my eyes and could see the bullet in his flesh, like an X-ray. He was lucky it didn't hit any bones. I needed to get the bullet out of his leg, but I couldn't use a spoon or something to pick it out, as it would cause more damage, maybe cutting his veins or worse.

I put my right leg against his chest, making him lie flat, and stepped on his left leg, putting it still. I used my right hand to hold his wounded leg down as I poked my finger into his lap, going deeper until I felt the bullet and pulled it out. He kept screaming until he passed out.

"He's going to be fine; there's no need to worry," I said, dropping the bloody bullet on the ground and wiping my hands on the unconscious guy's outfit.

The look on the rest of their faces almost made me laugh. The poor guy was now unconscious, and the bleeding was getting worse.

Fortunately, one of his friends brought a first-aid kit, and I stitched up and cleaned the wound in less than thirty minutes.

As I tidied up, the one with the deep voice asked, pointing at my lap.

"I thought you were injured; how did your leg heal so quickly?"

I remained speechless as my brains tried booting the perfect lie, just when one of when with glasses on and long, silky hair stepped out and said, giving me that look thanos had on his face when he finally had all the infinity stones,

"Queen Mother always told me about this man, but I never believed it was really something true in reality." He walked towards me, fell flat on his face, and said,

"I am not worthy... I am so sorry, my lord. I apologize on behalf of my foolish actions and those of my colleagues. Oh, I hail you, oh Osiris, hail you."

I kept my gaze fixed on him, wondering what was going on. What did Osiris mean, and why was this guy calling me that?



Oh, so this guy believes I'm a god, huh?

"You may rise," I said in a deepened voice.

"I will only forgive your sins if you and your pairs show remorse."

To my surprise, the rest of them bowed down to me, including the girls, although most of them looked confused. They just did as they were told.

Ha! What fools! They really think I'm a god?

The one with the deep voice said, taking a seat at the center table. "Don't mind him; he's just wailing in false beliefs about his Egyptian gods and all that."

" If you do not now to the saved one now, I will make sure your life is attain wreck from Your accounts to your socials and your deepest secrets you think only your know about will be all over the web in less that 12 minutes " the Egyptian guy said

Well that was a well detailed threat if you ask me

I could see the fear in martins eyes as he fell to his face. " Oh hail you great Osiris hail thee"

Surely, he was right... I think, but I wanted to see how this was going to end.








"Mantle?" I thought.


All this fucking system wanted was just for a couple of guys to bow before me?

Well, it should have said so, and I would have gotten a couple of guys and told them to do so."

Ugh!!! What a waste of time!" I said out loud, punching the wall next to me making a hole in it.

The guys lay on the ground, startled.

"Oh my goodness, how did you do that? That wall is made of hard concrete. It's bulletproof; human bones are no match for it... and you just punched a hole in it. Who the fuck are you?" Martin asked, our eyes locking.

as he threw himself on the ground face flat

"my lord"

"Um, I don't... I just..."


I looked up but didn't see anything.

Then I heard it again, but this time I felt a vibration in my pocket.

Oh! It was my phone. I took it out, and my eyes widened at what I saw on the screen.


I remained speechless for a moment, then turned my phone off and on again just to be sure."

I must be dreaming. Forty million? What's wrong, my lord? Is it a message from the gods back home?" the Egyptian guy asked.

I was too shocked to respond to his really stupid question . "There's forty fucking million in my account... Me... four fucking millions in my... oh... oh my God."

Another guy asked, tapping me on the shoulder, "Are you okay, man?"

I quickly turned off my phone. "Huh? What did you say?" I asked, looking tense. "I just... just... water... I need water."

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