
Making it out the trenches through the help of my gangster system

I would have said my life was a boring story to read at all …… not until my encounter with this system thingy in my living room at night . changed my life From being a broke looser to becoming the greatest Mafian god on earth who has ever lived till date join me in this journey and regret not. Also promise two or more updates every 24 hours if you support with power stones and GIFTS

siplgnd · Urban
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28 Chs


"This is your legacy now, kid," Bony said, leaving my hand and taking up his cup again. "What is going on? I still can't understand anything you're saying. What legacy are you talking about?" I asked.

"Take a look at the watch and tell me how many minutes are left till seven," he asked, ignoring my question.

"It's six forty-five," I replied, taking a glance at the wristwatch in my hand. He chuckled deeply and said, "And I thought I had up to thirty minutes left." He let out another loud laughter.

I noticed the weather change rapidly; everything became darker by the second. I began hearing the dogs bark from downstairs as the wind made its way through the curtains in the room we were in, and it was very strong. It blew the scattered sheets of the bed.

"What is going on?" I asked again, feeling a sense of unease. I had a feeling something was about to happen. I moved towards Bony, who was gulping down the whole bottle of whisky. I pushed it away from his grasp, making it fall on the ground and shatter. Bony continued with his loud laughter.

I had enough, so I gave him a very tight slap. So tight that he fell to the ground. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked, as he got back up, looking like the slap brought him back to reality.

The winds kept whooshing in my ears; I could barely hear anything. It became more intense by the minute, blowing off everything that didn't hold strong to the walls. The wall clock, Bony's huge portraits on the walls, and the mirrors - everything went crashing down to the ground.

I had enough and ran to the window, attempting to shut it. Just when Bony held me back. "No, it has come to take back what it has given. It is time I gave it all back. It was never mine," he said, just when a heavy lightning bolt made its way into the room with a loud, blinding flash, setting part of it on fire instantly.

I could hear screaming from downstairs; I was so scared to death. I got back up on my feet and found Bony laying on the ground. I had my watch; I had no more business here anymore. I made a decision to leave immediately, but my conscience and curiosities didn't let me. I tried pulling him out with me, taking him by the arm and began dragging.

"No, stop!" He said, struggling but managed to get up and went back to his bed and brought out a book and handed it to me. "Take this; it will help you on your journey. Don't let the rest of us down," Bony said, as he turned back and lay on the bed.

I stared at him with total confusion as he stretched on the bed, like I was the only one who noticed the room was burning down. When our eyes met, he said with a loud laugh , "Go away from here, lad. There's nothing we can do now. Destiny is taking its place. I have had my fun."

The middle of the room began cracking, and it was about to break down. It was too risky. I put the book into my coat and made my way out of the room. Immediately, I realized he was crazy and wanted to die. I made my way down the stairs, and I could already see smoke making its way up the building.

The whole place was burning down. The front main entrance door was off its hinges, and far away over the couch, I could see everything burning as the light of the flames enveloped everywhere.

The heavy raindrops forced their way through the doors and shattered windows.

I didn't waste any more time as I ran into the storm.

I didn't look back. I could hear screams and cries of different voices from different angles of the building, and I could see bodies on the ground. No one was standing or moving.

The gates were fallen, along with the pillars that held them. The dogs all lay dead on the ground.

I stopped, shocked at what was happening at the moment, as I took my time to look around the huge landscape.

I noticed all the cars were blown to parts, and I could see engine parts all over the ground - about 69 different brands of cars, all destroyed. But strangely, only my stolen Ferrari and a G-Wagon were still intact.

I observed when I finally noticed someone crawling away towards the second gate. "Oh my Goodness!" I exclaimed, beginning to scream to call out to him. When a huge bright thunderbolt hit the last of their cars, the only G-Wagon left, sending its parts into different directions. funny enough, none came my way. But this wasn't the case with the guy crawling towards the gate. I raised my head only to find a whole wheel drive upon his head as it pressed into the cement ground.

I stood and watched as this little world full of beauty and elegance - a huge mansion - fell before my very eyes. I remained lost in my thoughts when a huge heavy thud brought me back to reality.

I took my heels again, thinking to myself, "Lord, please, if this is really the day, then I'm sorry for my sins I'm sorry for grabbing the old man's daughter by the ass and I'm also sorry for hitting him and taking his clothes without paying have mercy lord!

I ran down the huge staircase leading towards my stolen car.

I shut the door so hard out of panic, pushed the button, hitting the gas before the engine's void pick up, making a 180 drift instantly, facing the way out of the premises. I took off, dodging every obstacle in my way, pressing that gas pedal to the last.

The engines roared loudly, the rain making harsh drop sounds against my windshield. I finally shot out of the final gate, almost running into the clothes store opposite, but I was quick enough to step on the brakes, making a drift as I hit the road picking up about 320 miles per hour instantly.