
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Video Games
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315 Chs

You don't want Teriri to be known, do you?

Luo Mo and his three companions arrived at an office building near the school gate after a short walk. Theresa, who looked like a sour lemon, introduced the place to them.

"This is your new workplace. You will be working here as student employees for the Valkyrie Project. You will get internship certificates, credits, and some money for your efforts. Any complaints?"

Luo Mo scratched his chin and smiled wickedly.

"No complaints about the internship part. The location is fine too. But I heard that anyone from St. Freya Academy can be an employee, not just students, right?"

Theresa snorted and glared at him.

"Don't tell me you want to be a teacher. We have a shortage of teachers in our academy. You are lucky that Grandma asked me to let you join the Valkyrie Project."

"Actually, I need a teacher like the one next to you," Luo Mo said, ignoring Theresa's hostility and pointing at Murata Himeko, who looked puzzled.

"Miss Murata Himeko, the game needs you to do some important voice acting. We also need a history teacher from the school to help us with the background setting. And of course, the most important thing is that our world's first adorable principal is a key role."

Theresa was about to feel flattered by Luo Mo's compliment, but then she realized what he said and gasped.

"Did you just say that you need the principal's involvement?"

"Of course, I have already asked Lord Bishop, and she has agreed," Luo Mo nodded, "and,"

He leaned close to Theresa's ear and whispered softly. He could smell her milky fragrance and feel her softness.

"You don't want anyone to find out about magical girl Teriri."

He saw Fu Hua and Himeko looking at him suspiciously, while Theresa's face turned red like a tomato. He coughed and stepped back.

"It's better for you to join and see if I'm doing good or bad things for the school, right?" Luo Mo said. "It's the principal's duty!"

Participation can better persecute, ah no, protect, Luo Mo thought to himself.

Theresa was furious and embarrassed. How did he know? How did he know about her dark history of being an idol fan?

"Yes, yes!" she blurted out. "I need to join and supervise you. You better not do anything bad!"

Then it hit her. Was this why her grandma wanted her involved?

I understand Grandma's plan now! she thought. You're up to no good, and I'll expose you! And I'll protect those sweet students at the academy too!

She puffed up with pride, feeling like Grandma's favorite for being given such an important task. She completely forgot about the "ordinary" woman standing next to Luo Mo. (Fu Hua?)

She didn't understand why Lord Bishop (her grandma) allowed this stranger to work with St. Freya Academy so freely. It even involved her, a former S-class Valkyrie, and affecting the funds as well.

This meant Lord Bishop saw more potential in him or his project than in an S-class Valkyrie. But such an important matter couldn't be left unchecked. Someone had to supervise.

And who better than her?

So, they made a deal. Theresa quickly arranged for a construction crew to start fixing up the building. The interior details could wait until they had more people. The priority was to show some results. Luo Mo knew what was important.

"MiHoYo... What a strange name." Theresa glanced at the sign being hung up, then at Luo Mo directing the workers. She sighed and walked towards the school with Himeko, holding the list Luo Mo had given her.

"Let's just hope this all turns out well," Theresa said.

"And there's Fu Hua," Himeko added. "He didn't ask her to be a class leader, but she just walked right in anyway."

The list had five names on it, and claimed that the other three were good at animation. Luo Mo wishes to include Sirin as well, but she is still engrossed in her studies. She rarely attends classes, and Kallen said she was a hikikomori. What had the experimenters done to her, turning such a sweet angel into that?

Besides, having Raiden Mei on the team was already risky enough. Adding Sirin would be a disaster. Kallen had even asked him if he had a grudge against St. Freya. Two Herrschers... did he want to blow up the island?

He decided to forget about Sirin for now. He could always use Bitter Worm as a backup.

The final list was:

 Finalized list:

 [First grade, Kiana Kaslana]

 [First grade, Raiden Mei]

 [First grade, Bronya Zaychik]

 [First grade, Fu Hua]

 [Combat class teacher, Murata Himeko]


The animation would be done by three students from St. Freya, and the programming was mostly borrowed from Schicksal. Bronya would be the tech lead, and the others were just actors. The bishop only limited how many people from St. Freya could join, not from other companies.

So, Luo Mo started looking for apartments near the office where the staff could live and work easily. They could also play games in their free time, which was like contributing to the fight against Honkai without any danger.

"I hope Schicksal headquarters gives me enough money to pay them well, so they don't hang me from the streetlights," Luo Mo sighed to himself.

Saving the world by making and playing games... Who cares about money if that's the case?

Luo Mo wandered around the beautiful island, looking for a nice place to stay. He also wanted a relaxing spot where he could take a break, maybe a villa. The island had plenty of pretty girls, but not enough places to enjoy the scenery.

"But it's still beautiful here," Luo Mo sighed. He was surrounded by the blue sea, with its clear horizon and gentle waves. The sky was bright, the air was fresh, and he felt much better than in his past life.

Luo Mo was amazed by the size and beauty of St. Freya Academy. It felt like the only lively place on the island was around the school, and all the shops were there for the Valkyries. On the other hand, it was a perfect, peaceful place to make games where no one would bother him.

When he saw the school gate, he was stunned. He didn't expect Theresa to be so rich, a real heiress. Maybe he should try to get on her good side? He still had the Favor chapter he collected in his folder!

The ancient marble, the detailed carvings, and the stone statue of the ouroboros were all impressive. He could see the tall, unique buildings, the colorful gardens, and the sparkling fountains.

He felt like he was seeing two big words flashing before his eyes: MONEY.

"Wow, wow, wow! How much money did Theresa get from headquarters?" he said out loud. "If I could live here for the rest of my life, it would be amazing."

He understood why Theresa was so proud of her school. She wanted to give the Valkyries a good life, and this was her dream place. He wished he could have gone to college here; it would have been so much fun.

He felt a surge of excitement. Maybe he could try to fit in?


edited, thank you for reading this fanfiction. 

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*