
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Video Games
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309 Chs

What you have to accomplish is your own mission.

"Taixu Sword Qi? That's your signature technique, isn't it, Master?"

The conversation in the ward had stalled, leaving a strange silence between them. They gazed at each other, unsure of what to say next. The air grew thick with an unspoken awkwardness.

Cheng Lixue, however, felt a sense of familiarity in this quietness. This was how she and her master usually interacted. They weren't the most talkative, and her master's earlier outgoing behavior had thrown her off.

But, no matter what kind of master she is, she likes her.

Throughout their conversation, her eyes never left Fu Hua's face. She had been convinced she would never see her master again. 

But then, to her incredible surprise, she woke up and there her master was. 

It felt like a miracle.

"..." The Book of Fuxi remained silent. It observed Cheng Lixue's intense gaze, then shifted to Fu Hua, who was clearly flustered and at a loss for words.

In the end, immortal is still a lump of wood!

Forget it; let's just let me help her.

"Ahem... well, let's change the subject for now. Cheng Lixue, let me show you this game. Your master, Immortal as she is, might not be the most talkative, but she does care deeply for her apprentice."

The Book of Fuxi picked up a piece of equipment in the ward and began to fiddle with it, clearly eager to demonstrate something.

Fu Hua's eyes narrowed as she considered the explanation. It lacked detail and had some holes, but what if the information came from this game? Had the Book of Fuxi forgotten their guest was still recovering?

Still, any information about Schicksal wouldn't appear immediately. Fu Hua logged into her account and launched the newest chapter of the game.


"Yes, Lixue. Schicksal invested heavily in this game, created by a mysterious producer. It supposedly holds secrets about the organization and hints at what the future might bring."

Fu Hua paused, but still saved a little face for Luo Mo. Even Fu Hua found the other party's various operations bizarre.

But apart from being mysterious, the most notorious thing about the other party is that he are 'not human beings'(joke). he have a prominent reputation among players and employees.

Cheng Lixue noticed the hesitation on Fu Hua's face. Her master's intriguing description piqued her interest – this game sounded extraordinary!

Then the opening line flashed across the they mind:

The protagonist claims Fu Hua lives inside her mind. Plus, it supposedly takes nearly a hundred days of constant effort to cultivate her Taixu Sword Qi. Is this for real?

Fu Hua's eyes narrowed. She knew first-hand how demanding the Taixu Sword Qi was, because she the Creator. It wasn't unusual to struggle for years without visible progress.

Kiana, the protagonist, undoubtedly possessed exceptional talent... but even so, the claims seemed exaggerated.

"This is just the beginning, Lixue. Once you've cleared away those inner demons – those impurities that hold you back – your potential will truly shine through..."

She noticed Cheng Lixue's troubled expression. Perhaps her apprentice was feeling insecure, comparing herself to Kiana's talent? Fu Hua gently reassured her, "Don't worry, your own abilities will blossom in time."

Cheng Lixue lowered her head, her face still pale from her recent ordeal. She lay weakly against the pillows, hands clasped on the quilt, a complex mix of emotions flickering across her face.

Master... has a new apprentice?

Is it possible that she has been indifferent because she is dissatisfied with herself?

But the caring look on her face when she woke up didn't seem to be fake!

Cheng Lixue grappled with these conflicting thoughts. One thing was for sure – she wouldn't surrender her place as Master's favorite disciple without a fight!


Kiana, drained from using her Herrscher of the Void powers to escape the black hole, found herself back at the experimental base facing Durandal.

Faced with Durandal's questioning about the source of this power, 

Confronting Durandal about her alliance with Otto, Kiana's anger crackled in her voice. "You have incredible power. It's clear you're not a bad person, so why? Why help Otto? Why side with Schicksal?"

Kiana stared at Durandal, desperate to understand. Even after everything Otto had done, she couldn't reconcile that with the woman standing before her. 

Their time together, however brief, had revealed a depth to Durandal that clashed with her loyalty to Schicksal.

It didn't make sense. Kiana needed to know the reason why.

"If there is no Schicksal, who will protect the billions on this planet from the Honkai?" Durandal's answer was chillingly calm. It carried an air of unwavering certainty.

"There is no absolute good or evil or right or wrong in this world; We only have our missions," she continued. "And my mission is all that drives me."

Despite their similar age, Durandal exuded a maturity far beyond her years. It was unnerving.

"... " Kiana stared at her, sensing the unshakeable determination behind those words. This was no joke. Durandal's resolve was as strong as that of any warrior Kiana had ever encountered.

Their confrontation was cut short. Alarms blared through the base as World Serpent mechs launched their invasion, throwing the complex into chaos.


[The classic trolley problem: there's no right answer here, is there?]

[Everyone knows the damage Otto caused Kiana! If he's out of the picture, wouldn't things be better? Durandal could step in, take control of Schicksal, and set things right!]

[Forget staying indoors – Otto's the root of all this mess! If he wasn't so twisted, Kiana wouldn't have suffered like this!]

[Mission? Is any mission worth destroying the lives of innocent girls? They deserved happiness, and he stole that from them!]

Players are clearly on Kiana's side. They've seen her struggle every step of the way, fighting tooth and nail while barely holding on. Her journey breaks their hearts, and they want a better future for her.

"Mission?" The Book of Fuxi repeated the word, a hint of amusement in its voice. "It's funny hearing that from someone else. Your Immortal was always going on about missions!"

The Book of Fuxi swayed slightly as it spoke, occasionally glancing at Fu Hua. There was a knowing glint in its 'eyes'.

"Back in the day, she was so focused on missions and duty... barely spared a thought for herself. I tried, more than once, to nudge her towards taking on a disciple. Someone to share the burden, y'know? But she'd always find a way to slip out of it."

"Master, I didn't get a chance to ask earlier, but who is that?" Cheng Lixue's curiosity finally got the better of her. She'd been wondering about the little figure floating around. It was so unusual, and she'd never seen it before when she with her master.

"That? It's a gift from an old friend, she It was only recently restored," Fu Hua replied.


There is no threat, Cheng Lixue concluded.


"Durandal would totally do this," Cecilia muttered, staring at the screen where Durandal's words were displayed. There was a conflicted look in her eyes.

"Huh? Why is she so rigid? Why would she still help that awful Otto?" Sirin fumed. For a moment, she actually wondered if this was a mistake in the script. 

Here she was, ready to team up with Kiana to fight Otto, and Durandal was clueless!

"This is so different from the anime I watch! Shouldn't the good guys unite against the big bad? Even if it means teaming up with temporary allies?" Sirin couldn't understand Durandal's logic.

"Actually, Durandal isn't rigid at all. She knows better than anyone that in this world, Schicksal is the only force that can truly protect most people."

Cecilia paused, then continued, "Sirin, don't let the game fool you. In reality, the Valkyries aren't the only ones in the organization. Most of Schicksal answers to its leader, the Bishop. And from what we know about that man, he likely holds even more power than Kallen ever did."

"Ugh, I still don't get it. If it were me, I'd punch Otto right in the nose!" Sirin grumbled, crossing her arms. To her, the game was just that - a game, something to enjoy without getting too caught up in reality.

"What's more important is that he actually launched a missile at you, mom. Who can bear this?" Sirin whispered.

Cecilia smiled fondly and tickled Sirin's nose. The smooth and tender skin made her a little envious, which made Sirin close her eyes in annoyance.

"Mother..." Sirin trailed off, her usual boldness replaced with hesitation. She had a question, but it felt a little awkward to ask.

"You know Durandal's the ultimate Valkyrie," Cecilia reassured her. "She's strong, dedicated, and always does what she believes is right. That's the part I've never worried about."

"What I do worry about is... with someone so focused on her duty, it's easy for cunning people to take advantage of her. Especially when they seem to be on the same side."

Cecilia sighed softly. "It seems like the game tricked her, didn't it? Back then, even she was still so young."

A smile returned to Cecilia's face as she playfully poked Sirin. "Now, let's get back to teasing Bella, shall we? Just the two of us!"


The World Serpent forces had arrived. 

Although the World Snake tracked the traces of Durandal in the previous chapter, but the swiftness and scale of their attack caught everyone by surprise.

Amidst the chaos, Kiana saw her chance. While Durandal valiantly held off the invading mechs to protect the base, Kiana seized the moment to escape. 

She wasn't about to square off against Durandal head-on – that would be a fool's errand!

Fleeing into the surface city, Kiana winced in pain with every step, keeping a watchful eye out for enemies. 

Then, amidst the confusion, a figure caught her attention...

face Kiana felt a chilling familiarity with: white hair, icy blue eyes, and the unwavering resolve of a warrior... Kevin Kaslana.

He was the same man she'd witnessed in Fu Hua's dream.

Kiana tore her eyes away and fled. Just when she thought she'd escaped notice, the unthinkable happened.

Somehow, he was there – right in front of her. Kiana froze, unable to even tremble. His gaze was chilling, seemingly capable of piercing her soul and awakening the deepest, primal fear within her.

The man remained silent, meeting Kiana's shocked expression with cold indifference. Suddenly, she felt a phantom scorching pain in her chest – it's like a fiery blade had pierced her!

The sword, alight with flames, pointed straight at her heart. He didn't hesitate for a second.

Viewers held their breath, hearts pounding in fear for Kiana. But then, the scene warped and shifted...

The red-gold illusory feathers fell from the sky, and the figure of Fu Hua, whom she had not seen for a long time, appeared in front of Kiana.

She looked at her former comrades in front of her as if they were facing a formidable enemy. She was focused on looking at Kevin and had no time to pay attention to Kiana behind her.

Kiana struggled to breathe, shock etched across her face. She was certain that man intended to kill her. His cold, unyielding gaze was seared into her memory.

Without glancing back, Fu Hua spoke, her voice urgent. "Kiana, you must leave now. Don't look back."

"Remember our promise in ARC City? You swore to change the world," Fu Hua reminded her. "If you die here, that promise becomes nothing but empty words."

"But..." Kiana trusted Fu Hua's words and knew staying was dangerous. Yet, how could she bear to abandon everything? To simply run?

The girl lowered her gaze, fists clenched so tight they trembled. No one could see the storm of emotions swirling within her. With immense effort, she turned heel and fled, leaving the battleground behind.

After all, she's not the same person she once was. There are promises to keep, missions to complete for both herself and the sake of others.

People say growth is found in the courage to face difficult challenges. 

Others say it means accepting loss and letting things go. 

But ultimately, most agree that true growth is about transformation. Changing for the better while still staying true to the core of who you are.

But at the same time, everyone also believed that Kiana was already on the path of growth.

Even if that road is full of thorns, even if she is scarred.


[Kiana just reunited with Fu Hua, and now she's on the run again! Escaping like... like this? What's going on?] 

[Why did they turn Kiana into a deserter? It's heartbreaking... It feels like Siegfried on the moon – brave but ultimately, they don't live up to the Kaslana legacy of facing impossible odds head-on.]

[The same is true for a father-in-law. For all the talk of duty, sometimes running away must be even harder. I have to respect that.]

[Yeah, there are promises to keep. Kiana swore to Himeko, to Fu Hua, that she'd make the world better. But... what about herself? When does she get a chance to just...be Kiana?]

[Screw this writer! Himeko's ghost hangs over every scene, reminding us she's gone! I'm furious... who writes this kind of torture?]

Back in the dorm, Kiana stared blankly at the screen. 

Her fists were clenched so tight her fingers ached, yet she couldn't find the strength to release them. Running away? She never imagined herself doing that.

The Kaslana motto – 'Never abandon your comrades' – had been ingrained in her since childhood. She'd always admired heroes, and this was the line she'd sworn never to cross.

Yet... in that desperate situation, staying would've only been a burden on Fu Hua. 

It hurt, but it was the truth. 

And then there was the even more pressing question: how could she, in her current state, be of any help at all?

"Kiana, you did the right thing. Don't dwell on it," Mei said gently, pulling Kiana closer. She straightened a lock of Kiana's hair, then tenderly met her troubled gaze.

Mei's gentle touch gave Kiana the space to let her guard down. Her eyes were still damp, but she stubbornly refused to let the tears spill over. 

Kiana turned away, not wanting Mei to see her embarrassment.

It didn't make sense. She hadn't cried when she saw herself in pain, hadn't cried even in the depths of despair...

But the thought of running away was unbearable.

"Mei, I don't want to leave anyone behind... if that's what growing up means, it feels so... wrong." Kiana's voice cracked, and she couldn't help but throw herself into Mei's arms. This hug, the warmth she'd yearned for in the game, was her only comfort now.

Kiana can endure almost anything. Pain, torture, hardship... she's proven time and again that she'll grit her teeth and push through.

But losing her comrades? That's an unbearable thought, a lesson she refuses to learn, no matter the cost.

"I know, Kiana. You wouldn't leave me behind, would you?" Mei's voice held a tender reassurance, a gentle comfort for her friend.

"Never. How could I ever abandon you, Mei?" As Kiana spoke, her voice softened. Mei's gaze, the slight smile playing on her lips, triggered a distant echo in Kiana's memory.

It seems that she did give her coat to Mei for ARC City and then went to save it. 


"That game is totally unrealistic, Mei! I would never do anything like that in real life," Kiana protested, a hint of indignation in her voice. The game had made her look like such a coward!

"Hmph." Mei snorted playfully, tilting her head. "Well, at least you realize it's a game. Now you don't have to feel so bad."

Then, in a softer voice that only Kiana could hear, Mei added, "Maybe now you understand a little how it feels to let someone you care about face danger alone."

Kiana's face flushed. She playfully tried to pull away from Mei's grasp to tickle her as payback, only to find her wrists gently but firmly held in place. There was a teasing glint in Mei's eyes.

Kiana's subtle movements broke Mei's focus. Suddenly self-conscious, she realized how flustered she'd become.

"Ahem." She cleared her throat, quickly releasing Kiana's hand as if nothing unusual had happened.

Kiana rubbed her slightly sore wrist, a grin spreading across her face. Mei was definitely different – she'd never reacted quite like that before! But that just made Kiana like her even more.

The warmth in their cheeks made it impossible for them to meet each other's eyes.

Watching from the side, Bronya couldn't help but let out an amused sigh. "Hey, guys? Could you maybe keep it together? There's still an audience here."