
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Video Games
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356 Chs

The Far East Devil's Cave, Group has arrived at the station.

And so, under the leadership of Elysia, Luo Mo and a group of Heroes embarked on their journey. Elysia, holding a red flag high, led the way to the airport. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and her good mood remained undisturbed by the varied expressions of the Heroes trailing behind her.

Mobius, however, maintained a certain distance, as did Eden, Elysia's close friend. They both seemed to be observing the proceedings from afar.

"The Pink Elf Group Tour is officially underway! Everyone, remember to fasten your seatbelts!" Elysia announced cheerfully. She moved up and down the airplane corridors, her face lit up with a radiant smile. She was fully immersed in her role-play, embracing her self-appointed position as the tour guide.

Mobius, seated comfortably, couldn't help but chuckle at Elysia's antics. "Heh, you really see yourself as a tour guide, don't you?" she whispered, amusement evident in her voice. Nonetheless, she followed Elysia's instructions and buckled her seatbelt.

Eden, observing the scene, commented softly, "Ellie's in an unusually good mood today."

Luo Mo, overhearing her, responded, "Doesn't she always look like this?"

Eden shook her head, "No. This is different. This time, she's genuinely happy, it's coming from the bottom of her heart."

As someone who knew Elysia better than anyone else, Eden could see the genuine joy radiating from Elysia, who was still bustling around with a smile on her face. Her words served as a testament to Elysia's happiness.


"Welcome back, Mr. Luo. May I inquire about the identities of your companions?" Kallen asked, her voice steady. She had been informed in advance by Luo Mo about his impending arrival with friends. Her primary concern was to ensure that these individuals posed no threat.

As she surveyed the group of Heroes standing before her, a frown creased her forehead. Luo Mo had brought along a larger group than she had anticipated.

However, the number of people wasn't the main issue. What concerned her more was the fact that they were heading towards the World Serpent.

"Lord Bishop, these individuals are my comrades," Fu Hua interjected, stepping forward to provide an explanation.

Her intervention seemed to reassure Kallen more than Luo Mo's words would have. She trusted Fu Hua and knew she wouldn't act recklessly.

Despite this, Kallen was still puzzled. To her senses, apart from the young girl with long pink hair who seemed to pose a potential threat, the others appeared to be ordinary people.

However, their demeanor and appearance suggested otherwise. There was no way they could be just ordinary people.

One of them, dressed in a magician's gown, was engrossed in fiddling with small props in his hand. A little girl with snake-like pupils was smiling at her. Another young girl was playfully teasing a cat, her own tail swishing behind her. In the back, a young girl was engrossed in painting, a teenager standing protectively by her side.

But what caught Kallen's attention the most was a pair of magical ears… Wait, that pair of ears?

A wave of recognition washed over Kallen. Memories flooded back, causing her to snap to attention. She turned around abruptly, her voice shaking with emotion as she asked, "Sakura… Is that really you? Sakura?"

At the far end of the room, a girl with fox-like ears, who had been quietly polishing her sword, froze. She had been meditating while polishing her weapon, a technique she used to calm her nerves and minimize anxiety.

She looked up at Kallen, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "I am Sakura," she admitted hesitantly, "but I'm not sure who you are?"

"I… I'm…" Kallen stammered, struggling to find the right words. For the first time since she had become a bishop, she was overwhelmed with excitement. She wanted nothing more than to rush over to her long-lost friend and envelop her in a warm hug.

Despite the logical part of her mind telling her that Luo Mo couldn't have possibly brought Sakura back from the World Serpent, she couldn't ignore the evidence before her eyes. Yae Sakura was standing right in front of her, admitting that she was indeed Sakura. How could she possibly be mistaken?

With her arms outstretched, Kallen moved towards Sakura, intending to embrace her.

"Wait, Lord Bishop!" Luo Mo and Fu Hua exclaimed in unison. They exchanged incredulous glances before Luo Mo stepped forward to clarify the situation.

"This is Fu Hua's comrade-in-arms - Sakura, not your best friend Yae Sakura." His words hung in the air.

"Ahem-" Kallen, caught in an awkward situation, quickly composed herself. She pulled back her hands, which were poised to embrace Sakura, and hid her flushed face behind them as she coughed twice to clear her throat. Regaining her composure, she apologized, "I'm sorry for my outburst. You bear a striking resemblance to a dear friend of mine."

Sakura, who had been quietly polishing her sword, looked up at Kallen, her eyes filled with confusion. She was unsure why she had been thrust into this unexpected situation.

Recognizing the need to steer the conversation away from the awkward moment, Kallen decided to change the topic. "Since you're friends with the Red Kite Immortal, I presume you're from a time hundreds of years ago," she stated, her tone more composed now.

Caught off guard by Kallen's assumption, Fu Hua responded hesitantly, "Uh… It might be a bit longer than that." She too had recently started recalling memories from her past civilization.

"Thousands of years ago?" Kallen ventured, thinking about the era when the Red Kite Immortal was known to have existed.

Before Fu Hua could respond, Elysia chimed in with a soft laugh, "Well, it's not polite to keep probing a girl's age, is it?" She then added, "We are Heroes from a former civilization, invited by Luo Mo to lend him our assistance."

As for the question of their exact age, Elysia playfully dodged it. Twirling around like a young girl, she said, "Of course, it's not appropriate to disclose that. Just think of me as a beautiful 18-year-old girl!"

Mobius, overhearing their conversation, couldn't help but interject, "Huh, what are you pretending to be?"

Elysia glanced at her and laughed, "Well, in that case, Ms. Mobius here is a 12-year-old!"

"Ai~Li~Shia~!" Mobius exclaimed, shooting an angry glare at the pink-haired woman standing in front of her.

"Rest assured, no matter the time or place, Elysia will always rise to the occasion!" Elysia declared, her laughter ringing out softly in the room.

Kallen, maintaining her composure, responded, "I'm inclined to believe Fu Hua's words. However, the Red Kite Immortal never mentioned anything about being from a former civilization."

Fu Hua, caught off guard, began to explain, "I've only recently…"

Mobius, sensing Fu Hua's discomfort, intervened, "No need to explain, Fu Hua. It seems our Lord Bishop is keen on learning more about the civilizations of the past?"

Mobius chuckled lightly. She typically steered clear of political matters, but occasionally, she found herself having to navigate through them. She could tell that Kallen was trying to verify their identities and had picked up some knowledge about former civilizations along the way. Fu Hua, she realized, was merely a scapegoat.

"If it's information about a former civilization you're after, I'd be more than willing to share what I know!" Vill-V chimed in, setting aside the instruments she had been tinkering with.

"The Blank Key, or as you call it, the Godslayer Armor, is indeed a masterpiece crafted by Dr. Mei. While it's not without its merits, in my opinion, it lacks a certain aesthetic appeal," she critiqued, her enthusiasm evident in her voice.

She continued, "It pales in comparison to the Judas and the Seven Thunders that I created!"

Kallen was taken aback by this revelation. She wasn't familiar with the Seven Thunders, but she knew all too well the power of Judas. To think that the woman standing before her was the creator of such a formidable weapon was truly astonishing.

With a look of genuine curiosity etched on her face, Kallen posed a question, "In what ways do you believe it falls short?"

She was all ears, ready to absorb the insights of someone who claimed to be a Hero from a former civilization and who had also earned Fu Hua's endorsement. She was keen to gather any nuggets of wisdom that could potentially inspire the future development of the armor.

"Where it lacks is in the realm of fresh ideas and creativity!" Vill-V responded enthusiastically. "Take a look at Judas, for instance. Apart from the basic constraints designed to bind the enemy, it also functions as a flying machine, a storage unit, and can be used for surfing as well!"

"And that's not all," she continued, her eyes sparkling with excitement, "If the circumstances are right, it can even assist the user with paperwork!"

As she spoke about the God's Key, a creation she had painstakingly designed, a proud smile spread across Vill-V's face. She seemed oblivious to Kallen's growing discomfort, her mouth twitching more with each passing moment.

Taking a deep breath to regain her composure, Kallen asked, "And what about the Seven Thunders of Retribution?"

Vill-V's response was immediate, "Ah, the Seven Thunders of Retribution. Unfortunately, the development timeline for that was rather tight. I only had time to incorporate features like shooting out ceremonial flowers and randomly changing weapons. I didn't get the chance to infuse it with the inspired creations of this genius."

Her words hung in the air, met with silence from all the Heroes present. Even Kallen, who had been actively participating in the conversation, fell silent.

A gust of wind swept through the area, carrying a fallen leaf with it. The atmosphere had turned somewhat awkward, the silence punctuated only by the rustling of the leaf as it danced in the wind.

"What, you all don't have faith in my invention?" Vill-V asked, her eyebrows furrowing into a frown. She snapped her fingers with a flourish, her expression one of exaggerated confidence.

"Well then, prepare yourselves for a spectacle!" she declared, her voice ringing out with excitement. "The moment to witness a miracle is upon us!"

In the blink of an eye, a transformation took place. All the Heroes present, with the exception of Elysia, underwent a dramatic change. Relying on the device, they morphed into beams of light, their bodies glowing like radiant human-shaped light sources.

The silence that followed was abruptly broken by a resounding roar. "Vi~ll~vi!" It was Mobius, her voice echoing throughout the Room

You know, the novel I promoted in past doesn't seem to be going here, I lost ah writing things like that is awkward.

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