
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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313 Chs

She Smiles From the Fire, Reborn From the Fire

"But… Kiana's school life is truly enviable. Though her later experiences were heartbreaking, the warm memories she cherished must be one of the reasons she's endured until now."

"In her confrontation with Sirin, she mentioned how the warmth and kindness others had shown her, the blessings and heartwarming daily routines, were all carefully preserved in her heart..."

Elysia smiled gently, brimming with anticipation for Kiana's future. With so much trust and blessings from others, where would she end up?

However... when she saw Himeko

Her heart skipped a beat, and her eyes welled up. It wasn't sadness, but a mix of emotions, like something really powerful was moving inside her.

Elysia wasn't sure if she actually cried, but her heart felt warm and fuzzy. 


Kiana finally started talking about what happened after the big battle with Schicksal. She went into detail, and Himeko listened carefully, her eyes getting wider and wider in surprise. 

Her students... were growing at a much faster rate than she had imagined.

Whether it was Kiana, Bronya, or Mei, they had all performed exceptionally during this period, fighting with remarkable resilience.

"Just being back here brings back so many memories," Kiana said. "You know, I've always known that I'm the one who's been helped the most."

Her voice trembled a little as she said, "Mei, Bronya, the Class Monitor, Theresa, and... Himeko-sensei. It's all thanks to you that I've come this far and that I can keep moving forward with confidence."

"But... I still have some worries."

"What are you worried about?" Himeko asked.

"If I had figured things out earlier, everyone wouldn't have to worry so much about me, and Mei wouldn't have gone to World Serpent..."

"Sometimes, I feel like I've let everyone down."

Himeko looked at Kiana with concern. "Then let me tell you a story..." 

Kiana pretended to be surprised, "Eh? Is this going to be a lecture?"

"What? Don't you want to hear it?"

"...No, I want to hear it." Kiana teased a little.

Then, Himeko started to tell her story, the reason why she became a Valkyrie,

and talked about Captain Ragna, the one who guided Himeko onto the true path of a Valkyrie.

She spoke about the first time Captain Ragna encouraged Himeko to make this imperfect world the way she wanted it to be.

She also shared a story about the post-disaster aid and the words she got from the Archbishop:

—Disaster relief cannot mend the past or eliminate Honkai... but Schicksal has always used this method to convey its beliefs.

In her final letter, Captain Ragna wrote about protecting the beautiful things, protecting those who are becoming beautiful, and protecting those we care about.

It might seem like a small thing, maybe even pointless, but that's because they're just like seeds.

The spirit and belief of a Valkyrie is passed down from generation to generation, from one predecessor to the next.

So when Himeko put on that red armor, she instantly understood what Captain Ragna meant. 

Himeko's voice was soothing, slowly healing the wounds in Kiana's heart,

"…Kiana, I read the mission report. It was undoubtedly a disaster, but… the out-of-control Herrscher was suppressed, and Siegfried, who unleashed Judgment of Shamash, survived,"

"Someone there must have made a choice they thought was right. Captain... must have seen something she wanted to protect in you."

"We believed in you. We believed you could save more people, that you could make the world a better place."

"And you did, Kiana."

"Everything you did in ARC City, everything you did in Mount Taixu, and everything you're doing now to deal with the Herrscher of Dominance..."

"You've saved many people, and they will go on to help even more."

"That's the human legacy, the everlasting flame."

Himeko whispered,

"Kiana, you're the most mischievous of all my students, and the one who never gives up."

"You have the power to change everyone, the power to make those around you move forward with you."

"So, Kiana, trust your companions. They've always believed in you."

[That's the human legacy, the everlasting flame. May the flame be passed on, virtue never ending.]

[It resonates, it resonates - The side story about Himeko before, now it's coming to this!!]

[She smiles from the fire, reborn from the fire...]

[Kiana, you're the one I'm most proud of... Himeko-sensei, Wuwuwu!!]



"The flame is passed on, huh..." Eden thought for a moment, then smiled softly.

"Such romantic words. From Himeko, you always hear so many words filled with romance."

"Perhaps... because she is a true hero, fighting for humanity," Eden added. 

Kevin looked at the words, his eyes reflecting the faces of old friends.

But they all fell in the previous civilization. In reality, only he remains to carry on their will.

"Humans... are truly a peculiar species. Their legacy seems so strange. Passing on the flame? Interesting."

Mobius said, her snake eyes focusing on the others for the first time.

"Yes— that's the kind of humanity I aspire to. They never give up in the face of despair, they pass the torch to the next person in the darkness, they enact the true meaning of life, so brilliant, so beautiful."

"Even if their bodies are gone, even if their stories are recorded, something must have passed on... I firmly believe it,"

Elysia's eyes glistened slightly as she looked at the scene of Himeko comforting Kiana, reciting those words from her heart. The beauty passed down from the ancestors will eventually be passed on to the next person's hands.

The words of the Herrscher of the Void, the Herrscher of the Domination, all faded at that moment.

Humans... have always passed on their legacy this way!

One person will save a group, a group will go on to save more people.



A sound from outside reached them, the sound of her comrades battling. The battle with the Herrscher caused time to flow in this space.

"See, I told you, Kiana. You're never alone," Himeko said, smiling softly as she looked at her proudest student.

"Boom—" The second sound was even louder, like thunder splitting the space.

"..." Kiana said nothing, just looked at Himeko.

Himeko smiled and looked back.

The hands of time began to turn slowly, and this space was no longer stagnant.

—That means it's almost time to say goodbye.

"Are you ready, Kiana?"

Himeko suddenly asked.

Kiana nodded with determination. "I understand, Himeko-sensei."

"Come on, let's walk a little further."

Himeko beckoned gently, and she and Kiana walked together on this long, yet short path.

"Yesterday at St. Freya feels like it was just yesterday," Himeko said, her voice full of warmth. 

Kiana listened quietly, saying silently in her heart,

For me, too...

"Remember when you first enrolled, you were shouting about becoming the strongest Valkyrie," Himeko chuckled.

I also miss that moment. If I can become that... will I have the chance to let you see it too?

"Honestly, I'd love to watch you,"

"I'd love to go back to St. Freya, continue teaching you, train with you..."

"Write on the blackboard again, go back to my room and have a drink."

"That time at St. Freya, that's also my most precious memory."

I'd love to... that's also my most precious, most precious memory.

"Unfortunately, it's no longer possible."

Yeah, we can't go back, Himeko-sensei... but, I, I...

"The road ahead is still long, but it seems like... I can't walk it with you anymore."

"But it's okay, Kiana, you never disappoint me."

"Always remember, there are many people around you, always supporting you, protecting you."

"And that includes me."

She chattered on, trying to reassure Kiana, but it was more like she was watching her child before they left, unwilling to say the word goodbye.

But no matter how hard it was to say, the moment of parting would eventually arrive.

"My journey ends here."

She said softly and gently, making her farewell,

The brown door in the distance, out of place in this white world, illuminated the path outside.

"From here on, Kiana, is your path."

"After you leave that door, everything will disappear, right?" Kiana asked, even though she already knew the answer.

She couldn't help but want to confirm it again and again. 

"I don't know. But... probably."

Kiana didn't dare face her, taking a deep breath and answering.

"Remember to say goodbye to everyone at St. Freya for me."


"Tell Mei that I support her choice, but next time she can't be so rough on her friends."

"I will."

"Tell Bronya that I'm happy to see how much she's grown, she'll definitely be a great leader in the future."

"I think so too."

"Tell Fu Hua that even though we can't meet in the future, she will always be everyone's class monitor, whether St. Freya is still around or not."


"From now on, only Theresa is left to take care of you, so you all have to be good, don't make the Principal angry, okay."

"You should help her more. Don't look at her like she loves to show off, actually, she's much harder than us."

"I know."

"Oh, right, I remember Ragna was also Rita and Durandal's teacher."

"If you have the chance, convey her will to them too."

"No problem."

"Finally, tell yourself, Kiana... I'll always be by your side." She looked at Kiana, her eyes shimmering with anticipation.


[Mei, Bronya, Fu Hua, Theresa... and Rita, Durandal, Kiana... she remembers everyone]

[She told everyone, but she couldn't mention herself... she can't go back to them anymore]

[Himeko-sensei, why, why cut off Himeko-sensei's last hope... Is she really saying goodbye?]

[We will always remember that precious time, the ordinary days... that journey, with you]


Kiana didn't answer this time. Her eyes were already filled with tears, and she lowered her voice, not wanting Himeko to notice anything unusual.

But when she spoke of herself, her emotions finally broke.

"..." Himeko watched her stubborn student, who had grown into someone she didn't even recognize.

She was proud of her, but she couldn't bear to see her like this.