
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Video Games
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315 Chs

She's just a child

"Oh, so you all started planning this together back then," the Herrscher of Sentience said with a sarcastic clap. "What a brilliant idea! Let me just say, it's absolutely fantastic!"

She has a heart-to-heart connection with the other person, but the other person is playing tricks on her?

She had agreed to trust them and didn't want to pry into their thoughts, but they were still taking advantage of her. The Herrscher of Sentience clenched her teeth in anger, now understanding what was going on.

Okay, you, Bronya, Kiana, and Old Antique, can you coax me together?

This wasn't just disappointing; it was infuriating. They had all agreed to this plan the moment they met, and then they continued to act like nothing was wrong for so long. Shouldn't they all win an award for their performances?

Even though she finally understood the truth, it didn't make her feel any less upset. She couldn't believe they had all been in on this together the whole time.

"The story's over now, Little Senti," Kiana said gently, nudging the Herrscher of Sentience's arm. "Don't let this get to you."

"Ugh, I know, Kiana," the Herrscher of Sentience sighed, her eyes still filled with anger.

"But it's just so frustrating... The other 'you' from that world was really out of line. Just don't follow their example, okay? It's not cool to lie to your friends!"

The Herrscher of Sentience pouted, but her anger was slowly starting to fade.

"Oh, don't worry about that," Kiana said with a nervous wave of her hands. "I'm terrible at lying. Whenever I try, my eyes start dashing around everywhere."

She gave the Herrscher of Sentience a sincere look, hoping to reassure her that she would never try to deceive her.

"Oh, right," the Herrscher of Sentience said with a realization.

"You haven't experienced the events at ARC City yet. You still have some growing up to do... Actually, scratch that. I don't want you to go through any of that, The malice of the world."

It was clear that the Herrscher of Sentience had complicated feelings towards the Kiana standing before her.

On the one hand, the other Kiana had deceived her in Taixu Mountain and had conspired with the Old Antique.

But on the other hand, this Kiana hadn't done anything wrong in this world and had always been a good friend to her. It was a confusing situation.

"Can you tell me more about it later?" Kiana asked, her eyes wide with curiosity. "The malice of the world? Is it another Herrscher?"

The Herrscher of Sentience frowned and gestured towards Luo Mo. "That was a crucial period of growth for you, but after making a promise to him, I can't reveal any more details. And I always feel uneasy when I say too much about the future."


The Herrscher of Sentience's words hung in the air for a moment.

Kiana took a deep breath and calmly posed a question in return:

"Then, if it were you, what would you do if you were in the same situation? When I was unable to accuse the Herrscher Core..."

She looking back to see appearance of the Herrscher of the Void running rampant appeared in front of her eyes.

The Herrscher of Sentience was stunned and started fighting with her in the illusion. Although she was a little weak at the time, fighting with all her heart was not a complete chance.

"Do you not believe that humans can control the Herrschers power?" Kiana continued, her blue eyes locking onto the Herrscher of Sentience's. "Must they always be destroyed just because they become a Herrscher?"

Kiana was no longer the same person she once was.

She had learned and grown so much since then. The experiences she had endured had shaped her into someone stronger and wiser.

Her question wasn't just a challenge; it was a reflection of the deep understanding and empathy she had gained.

She wanted the Herrscher of Sentience to understand that there was more to the story than just the fear of the Herrschers power.

There was hope for a different path, a path where humans and Herrschers could coexist.

"The idea of defeating a Herrscher with love..." the Herrscher of Sentience began, her voice filled with discomfort.

"I don't know. It's not that I don't believe it's possible, but... it just doesn't feel right.

It wasn't that she didn't know what she would do in that situation. It was quite the opposite. She knew exactly what she would have done, and that was precisely why she couldn't bear to face Kiana.

If Feather Fu Hua's actions had allowed Kiana to survive, while the only option available to her was to eradicate the Herrscher, wouldn't that prove that she wasn't as good as her past self? The thought was agonizing to prosses.

She bit her lip, struggling with the internal conflict and flashback to blond man and cloud.

"I don't know," she finally said, her voice shaking.

"I honestly don't know! But if it were me, I would have made a decisive choice and done everything in my power to eliminate the Herrscher. I can't afford to take risks, so I wouldn't."

This was how she truly felt. She couldn't follow Otto's advice, and the idea of defeating a Herrscher with love seemed ludicrous.

Yet, somehow, it had become a reality.

"Kiana's really getting through to her," the feather said, watching as the Herrscher of Sentience engaged in a passionate debate with Kiana. "She's doing a great job."


At the end of her life, she actually felt a little... guilty.

She is just a child…


[I think both of them have valid points. The Herrscher of Sentience doesn't trust that kind of plan and chooses what she thinks is the safest option for everyone. Kiana believes in the power of trust and friendship... It's a difficult situation with no easy answers.]

[ To be more realistic, even what the Herrscher of Sentience said is correct, destroy the Herrscher... right? In this game, the Herrschers seem to be most of our own people, 6 ]

[Two people bully a newborn child, right? She is just a child—— ]

"...Don't you get the feeling that the Herrscher of Sentience's way of thinking and acting is actually quite similar to Dr. Mei's? Could this be a case of love-hate relationship?"

At some point, Luo Mo, who had already removed the tape, watched this scene with interest.

When Elysia's mood improved, he naturally took it off secretly. This was just a sign of respect for the Pope.

He knew that although the Herrscher of Sentience always thought that MEI's plan was not good in this or that way, she was actually very obedient to MEI in the later plot, who was immersed in that bubble universe.

And in the later part of the story, the Herrscher of Sentience from that world was practically putty in Mei's hands.

He also knew that this was just a version of Mei from a different world.

Who knows how the Mei from the original world would have reacted? previous civilization humans held a certain level of respect for Mei, even believing her to be more important than themselves.

Even Fu Hua, and the Herrscher of Sentience herself, couldn't shake the feeling of being overshadowed by Mei that lingered deep within her memories.

It was a complex and fascinating dynamic.

"Don't be ridiculous," the Herrscher of Sentience retorted, glaring at Luo Mo. "I'll admit I might have a complicated relationship with the Old Antique, but Dr. MEI...ugh, her controlling nature is unbearable."

"MEI wasn't like that at the beginning," Kevin glanced at the Herrscher of Sentience and said calmly.

The Herrscher of Sentience, known for her stubbornness, wouldn't back down. "A person's character is their destiny, isn't that what you always say, MEI?" she challenged, turning to Kevin.

"As the one who knows her best, are you really so sure she hasn't changed at all?"

It didn't matter to her who she was arguing with. She wasn't afraid of Kevin, and she wasn't going to hold back her opinions.

Kevin sighed, not wanting to engage in a debate.

"She started out curious about the starry sky, but ended up carrying the weight of humanity on her shoulders." He left it at that, not offering any further explanation.

But Kevin knew deep down that Mei wouldn't completely change in everything changes.

It was just impossible.

She was always focused on the bigger picture, the vast expanse of the starry sky, and couldn't quite grasp the importance of the smaller, more personal connections between humans.

"But now I'm confused. Whether it's from that world or this one, it seems like destroying the Herrschers was the wrong thing to do. Why is that? Old Antique, are your divine words just meant to trick people?"

The Herrscher of Sentience rubbed her chin and turned to question the Old Antique. if she couldn't understand something, it had to be someone else's fault.

Fu Hua's face hardened, her lips tightening into a thin line. She took a deep breath, choosing to remain silent and ignore the accusation.

Elysia, with a gentle smile, tried to soothe the Herrscher of Sentience's frustrations. "The problems we face change over time, Little Senti," she explained. "You're still young and learning. It's okay not to have all the answers yet."

The Herrscher of Sentience sputtered in resentment. "I... I'm little?" she stuttered, her eyes flashing with anger.

The idea that they all treated her like a child was infuriating, especially since they had previously decided that she was only a year old in this world.

Despite her anger, she knew she couldn't argue with Elysia's logic. With a huff of annoyance, she conceded, "Fine, fine, you're older. I get it."


"Alright," the Herrscher of Sentience declared, waving her hand with a hint of impatience. "Now that you've heard enough, it's time to make your decision. Who will be your Squad leader?"

The other's persistent questioning had given her a sense of unease, and she wanted to move things along.

"Well, I already know enough about the tough side, but I haven't gotten to know you in real life yet. At that time, in ARC City, I also saw the gentle side of the squad leader..."

"If it were you... what would you do? "

Kiana tilted her head and thought, speaking in a decent manner.

"Of course, I will do my best to help you! " The Herrscher of Sentience said directly without much thought.

But in the simulated chase in ARC City…

For all enemies, the Herrscher of Sentience always attacks directly, without any regard for realistic factors or the ineffectiveness of her own abilities against robots and foe.

Needless to say, the infiltration was a total failure.

"I'm sorry," the Herrscher of Sentience said, scratching the back of her head sheepishly. "I really didn't mean to mess it up. But I'm really not used to pretending to be weak."

For her, the concept of being weak, let alone pretending to be, was utterly foreign and bullshit. It frustrated her to no end.

She was undeniably stronger than her past self, countless times over.

So why wouldn't they accept her for who she was now? Why did they cling to the past?

Kiana, sensing her turmoil, met her gaze and spoke softly, "Maybe you are stronger than the squad leader."

"Maybe you can defeat more powerful enemies."

"You might be a better Squad Leader..."

The Herrscher of Sentience perked up, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"But you're not our squad leader."

Her gentle words struck the Herrscher of Sentience like a hammer blow.

Herrscher of Sentience's face contorted in anger, her brows furrowed, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Idiots! Idiots! You're all idiots!" she cried out, her voice shaking with rage and hurt.

"You all planned this together, didn't you? I'm the only one who was left in the dark... It's so unfair!"

The Herrscher of Sentience's fists clenched and trembled uncontrollably. She could barely contain her emotions.

In a sudden burst of anger, she snatched the feather from her side and thrown it towards Kiana.

"Fine!" she spat out, her voice dripping with malice. "If this is your answer, then take it! Take it, take it, take it!"

She turned away, streaming down her face. "She's going to die anyway. No one can save her. I won't give her any more of my strength! Go to hell, all of you!"

With the final break, the Herrscher of Sentience gave up the idea of continuing to insist that she was Fu Hua.

Do you think that feather can survive without her? If she hadn't taken the initiative to share her strength, the other party would have died long ago!


[Poor Little Senti is so angry she's crying. They all keep saying she's not Fu Hua, but if she's not Fu Hua, then who is she? It's heartbreaking to see her so confused and alone.]

[The great writer/Speaker —— Kiana, at this moment she has obviously gathered all the knowledge she has learned before]

[Little Senti: I can do anything! How could I be weak? There will never be a time when I am weak in the future!]

[Unfortunately, if she had just coaxed, begged, and had a softer attitude, this situation would have gone through perfectly. You all don't know how to coax children, right? Maybe the principal would be better at it? After all, she is a child to begin with... ]

"Kiana, you might be a master at video games," Bronya interrupted, her voice Full of sarcasm.

"but real life is a different story." She couldn't stand seeing Kiana's smug smirk any longer.

As for herself, well, since the game was already ending, why not just join in and fight the final boss together? It was unusual for her to not be the last one standing in a game, but hey, sometimes things turn out differently.

She bit her lip, trying to suppress her own desire to jump back into the action.

"Wow, Kiana, that was beautifully said!" Elysia exclaimed, beaming at her with approval. "You really touched Hua's heart."

Mei, too, was impressed. "Kiana, keep up the good work," she encouraged, a hint of pride in her voice. "I have no doubt you'll do just as well in the real world."

Meanwhile, Kiana and the Herrscher of Sentience had already moved on from the tense moment.

"Haha, sorry, Little Senti," Kiana teased, "but I was so cool just now, wasn't I?"

"Hey! You're asking for a beating!" the Herrscher of Sentience playfully retorted, shoving Kiana back.

The two dissolved into giggles, their earlier conflict seemingly forgotten.

Fu Hua closed her eyes slightly, thinking about how to coax the other party if she was in that situation now.


"...Huh?" A question mark floated above Sirin's head as she blinked her eyes, confusion hidden within.

Was that just... her little sister speaking?

If only Kiana had used those phrases in her essays, she wouldn't have ended up with daily critiques that felt like 流水账 (boring, 流水账 is a Chinese idiom meaning "running account", often used to describe dull or uninspired writing).

Surprisingly... it made sense. Even standing on the opposing side, Sirin couldn't come up with a suitable rebuttal.

" I can finally see that both you and Kiana are hiding their secrets! "

Cecilia exclaimed, "You both speak so eloquently and meaningfully, it's hard to believe you have poor grades!"

Kiana's debating skills in the game were quite impressive. Cecilia hadn't expected her silly girl to possess the protagonist's ability to persuade with words. She had always thought Kiana spoke without thinking.

Even though Kiana hadn't skipped classes recently and had been actively training, Cecilia only saw her as someone who could become a qualified Valkyrie.

"I really don't know how to do it. Please stop forcing me, Mom. It's obviously all those damn writers' ideas,"

Sirin said coquettishly to Cecilia, her chest pressed against her arm, her little head rested on Cecilia's arm, and she tried her best to stick to her.

"That also shows that you both have great potential. Kiana did a pretty good job, you should learn from her too."

Cecilia smiled, stroking Sirin's hair and comforting her.


"Alright, if you want to fight, then let's fight! I'll accompany you to the end!"

The Herrscher of Sentience looked at the stubborn look in the other's eyes, feeling even more anger rising in her heart.

What the heck, one by one, they want to take back that feather, steal her body, and even want her to voluntarily provide energy to that imposter.

How could there be such a good thing in the world?

Along with her voice, the world began to bend and twist, being wrung into a huge vortex. Streaks of light rushed out from it, flying towards the Herrscher.

"Kiana, old antique, since you two are so stubborn, don't blame me for getting serious."

"I'm kind to my friends, but I never show mercy to my enemies."

"This is the complete Red Kite Immortal, the complete Fu Hua - the complete me!"

As she spoke, her form shifted.

A multitude of black feathers submerged her, transforming her attire into something far more menacing than the Fu Hua disguise she had previously adopted.

The gem in the center of her forehead glowed with a burning red light, along with the enchanting red light in her eyes, which was particularly bright.

Three blades were suspended in the air beside her, and she looked at the two people opposite her with a somewhat morbid smile.

What the heck, it seems like a fight is inevitable after all!

Alright then, let's have a battle!

Whether it was an illusion or a display of overwhelming power, the sky itself responded.

The clouds in the sky were rolled into pieces by the wind, blurred to a slightly reddish hue, indicating that this was no longer a normal reality.

A stone platform appeared out of thin air, suspended in mid-air, with countless giant stone swords pointing directly at the sky, their blades piercing the clouds.

Countless huge chains hung down from the swords, as if locking part of her power.

The confident voice of the Herrscher of Sentience came out,

"Since my resurrection, I have never been defeated."

"Hmph... Kiana, how do you think you compare to Otto, Kevin, and Durandal?"


The Herrscher of Sentience made a gesture, closed one eye, and prepared to formally spar with Kiana.