
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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Meteoric Salvation

So people didn't say much when they saw this heartwarming scene. The growth trajectory of the two of them has been along the way, supporting each other and redeeming each other.

"Mei," Kiana whispered, her voice barely audible, "watching that video, I saw a glimpse of what our future could be."

Her breath was a warm caress, sending a tingling sensation through Mei's being, a gentle heat that seemed to echo the warmth in her words.

"I pushed myself to the limit in training after class. The thought of that game becoming our reality terrified me. More than anything, I couldn't bear the thought of being separated from you."

Kiana's confession was met with a heavy silence, the weight of her words hanging in the air.

"I felt the same, Kiana," Mei finally responded, her voice steady yet laden with emotion.

"When you said you wanted to face it all by yourself, a wave of despair washed over me. It was as if I was on the verge of losing the most precious thing in my life. In that moment, nothing else mattered. All I wanted was for you to stay."

[You understand now, don't you? The significance of Kiana in your life.]

[When the world turns its back on her, how will you stand by her side?]

Mei chose to remain silent, her gaze fixed on Kiana, her decision clear yet unspoken.

"You've already made your decision, haven't you?"

[Yes, but I can't wake up yet.]

"Can you be so kind?"

[Awakening. Now, you will die.] The voice seemed a little helpless.

With a newfound clarity, Mei resolved not to let Kiana's 'sacrifice' be in vain, understanding the gravity of the situation before them.


At Fu Hua's urging, the two went to the surface, intending to prevent the disaster from happening.

Rita was waiting quietly, but this time she was not here to stop Kiana.

The World Serpent's machinations were limited; they couldn't stealthily infuse a metropolis with Honkai energy.

Such a feat could only be achieved through conventional means—specifically, through the Eos, the Honkai reactor engine of her battleship.

In an unexpected twist of fate, Rita found herself aiding Kiana. Together, they battled the monstrosities unleashed by the World Serpent, striving to save the city from impending doom.

Rita, observing the unfolding events through her communicator, couldn't help but remark on the irony. "It's absurd, isn't it? In the end, humanity's salvation rests in the hands of a Herrscher." She ran her fingers through her hair, a gesture of contemplation.

"I have no intention of capturing you," Rita continued, her tone a mix of resignation and hope. "But I can't speak for Lady Durandal, who will be here shortly. Despite everything, I wish for your victory, K423… or should I say, Miss Kiana."

It is not difficult to see that Rita now also admires Kiana.

As the two were running towards their destination, Raven blocked their path. Out of hatred for the Herrscher of the Void, she would not let them go.

As for Mei, she was injured from the beginning of the battle, despite being exhausted both physically and mentally along the way, and could only become a burden.

Kiana gritted her teeth and knocked the opponent down. Listening to her accusation against the Second Herrscher, she put away her gun and let the raven go.

At this time, it was too late to prevent the disaster. Kiana regretted it but was helpless.

It was Fu Hua who broke the silence, her voice a beacon of hope amidst the despair. She assured Kiana that the power of the Second Herrscher was hers to wield without restraint, and she, Fu Hua, would aid in keeping the Herrscher of the Void's consciousness at bay.

"But mentor, are you…" Kiana's voice trailed off, understanding dawning upon her.

The girl reached out, her gesture one of desperate hope, seeking to anchor the fading presence before her. Fu Hua, though visibly weakened, affirmed her resolve with a nod.

"Kiana, you are right. People cannot look back at the past and find that they have been escaping."

Fu Hua said, "Those who have died can no longer see the good things you have done. But you can let those who are alive see all this."

Kiana looked back at Mei with sadness and reluctance in her eyes, wanting to retain and advise, but Mei couldn't say anything.

She understood what choice the other party would make, but precisely because of this, she felt even more sad.

Just this once, come home with me, ok?

Mei didn't say anything in the end.

And Kiana didn't say anything. She closed her eyes, and the red feathers fell from her heart. The fear that had been hanging over her head disappeared.

She started running.


Cecilia's applause filled the room, her eyes shining with pride as she watched Kiana. "Wow, little Kiana is truly brave and heroic," she exclaimed, her voice warm with admiration.

Kiana, basking in the glow of her mother's praise, couldn't help but beam. "That's right, Mom, I'm just that amazing!" she declared, accepting the accolades with a mix of pride and playfulness.

The next challenge was clear: Kiana was poised to become the hero the city needed, and a few words of encouragement were all it took to send her confidence soaring.

Obviously, Kiana's tail has now reached the sky.

Cecilia's smile held a hint of teasing as she added, "It's just that you'll have to leave Mei behind."

"Mei, Mei, Mei won't mind!" Kiana pretended to be calm. She had comforted Mei just now, so there should be no problem, right?

"..." Mei didn't speak.

What could she say? The image before her was a stark reminder of the gap between them. Kiana was racing ahead to save the city, while Mei's desires seemed selfish in comparison.

Mei longed to stand alongside Kiana as a hero, yet she felt like nothing more than a burden. If only she possessed Rita's strength, able to fend off raven or join Kiana in saving the world.

But the harsh reality was that she felt powerless, unable to contribute…

And so, Mei chose silence, the only option she felt was left to her.

Elysia's comment cut through the tension, her smile a gentle attempt to lighten the mood. "The bond between Kiana and Mei is truly something to be admired!" she remarked, her words encouraging a sense of camaraderie as they began their journey together.

Kiana, ever confident, responded with a hint of pride. "Exactly, our connection is so strong, we understand each other with just a glance," she boasted, her posture reflecting her self-assurance.

Sirin, however, couldn't resist a jibe. "Oh? Dear sister, wouldn't it be convenient if you could simply exchange looks with Mei during exams to get the answers?" she teased, her dissatisfaction thinly veiled.

Kiana's reaction was a silent stare, her eyes meeting Sirin's sarcasm before retorting, "Are you trying to provoke me?"

Sirin's smile was sly, her mockery silent but evident. "If you're incapable, just admit it. No need to pretend," she chided.

She and Bella can communicate without having to talk. The only pity is that This communication was only one way from the Queen and her subordinates, so she asked Bella about the exam, which is a bit of a pity.

Elysia, seeking to steer the conversation away from conflict, ventured, "It seems the sisterly bond between Kiana and her siblings remains strong, unaffected by the storyline, right?"

Kiana's reply was terse. "That's not the case," she stated flatly.

Sirin chimed in, her tone matching Kiana's. "It can't possibly get any worse," she said, the agreement between them clear as they stood their ground.

Elysia was a little helpless. The answer she got from Cecilia was a bit unreliable!

But then again, how could a mother openly acknowledge strife between her daughters? Elysia realized she should have seen it coming. The dynamics of sisterhood were complex, after all.


The short film begins with a blood-red pattern of an Ouroboros, heralding the appearance of the World Serpent.

in a futuristic cityscape brimming with cutting-edge technology and towering skyscrapers, Kiana ascends with haste, her every step propelling her closer to her objective.

Harnessing the Herrscher of the Void's formidable powers, she taps into the ethereal realm of imaginary space, drawing upon its energy to propel herself towards the Honkai Energy Reactor with breathtaking velocity.

Her movements are a symphony of agility and urgency, a parkour dance that speaks volumes of the urgency at hand.

Kiana took off her coat and took out a baseball bat from the imaginary number space.

With a deft swing, she strikes at the intrusive mecha, gliding down cables with the grace of a butterfly amidst a storm of missiles, weaving through the air with effortless poise.

Her voice cuts through the chaos, a clear and resolute command, "Don't get in the way!"

She rushed forward regardless of her own safety, and the girl's eyes were full of determination.


at the critical moment, someone was confused.

"A basketball bat?" he questioned, the term hanging oddly in the air. Kiana's preference for a baseball bat was well-known, but Kevin wondered if this choice was influenced by something deeper, perhaps a blood trait?

"Yes, uncle," Kiana replied with a chuckle, her tone light and playful. "Don't you think a baseball bat is incredibly practical? It's been the savior of Nagazora City!"

Kiana said she looked at her cool movements on the screen and was very envious.

when my own training can achieve such results! My movement Nothing superfluous, simple, and effective,

Perhaps it was because Fu Hua was teaching in her dream? Kiana thought briefly and decided to ask the squad leader in the future.

"That's true!" Kevin agreed, his nod an acknowledgment of their shared traits. He couldn't help but see a reflection of himself in Kiana's spirited demeanor.

The most similar thing is, of course, the person you like the most! But... MEI, she... Kevin lowered his eyes.

Su's mouth twitched. It was a rare sight to see other warriors using baseball bats to beat their enemies like kevin.

Although kevin didn't understand how Su could see it with his eyes closed, he just saw it.

"It seems that the two of us still have a lot in common. Unfortunately, you look like the villain."

Her familiarity with Kevin allowed for a playful banter, and as she engaged him in conversation, she couldn't shake the feeling of a deeper connection.

More than just a resemblance, isn't it obviously the same person with different genders!? Elysia wanted to complain, but she held back; she was a lady.


As Kiana neared the final reactor, the dense, purple Honkai energy seemed to coalesce into an almost tangible barrier, repelling her advance.

The cells within her, saturated with this same energy, beckoned her closer, yet threatened to faster the Second Herrscher's emergence.

With a determined grip, she reached for the handle, her hands etched with the intricate lines of Honkai energy.

The sudden flare of golden light in her eyes and her labored breathing betrayed the strain of her efforts.

At this time, the sound of music suddenly appeared, and the sad background sound seemed to be sentimentalizing the soldiers fighting for mankind.

She grasped the handle with all her strength, but her hands were only covered in deathly gray.

She covered her eyes with one hand, not wanting the gold to fill her eyes. She gritted her teeth, but it seemed that nothing could be done.

Reality will not bow its head because of one person's thoughts.

Disasters can hardly end with the sacrifice of one person.

"Kiana——" A gentle and mature voice suddenly appeared, which was both familiar and unfamiliar to her.

[ What is reflected in my eyes? Not the moonlight in a starless midnight ]

[What is reflected in my eyes?] 

[What is shining is not the moonlight of a starless night.]

[that showers on the people passing by. ]

[Projected onto the bustling crowd]

Kiana looked to the side, and Himeko's figure appeared beside her. She was looking at Kiana with a smile and placed a hand on her hand that was pushing the stove.

"Himeko, teacher?""

Kiana's voice was surprised and choked, but Himeko stopped talking and looked at her tenderly.


With a cry of wow, Pardo wiped away her tears and looked at everything in the video with tears streaming down her face.

Pardo can't stand this kind of stimulation. She has obviously seen a lot of partings.

But as soon as the music played, everyone couldn't help but feel sad.

Elysia also wiped away her tears quietly, and the elf lady couldn't help but feel sad!

Of course, Luo Mo looked at the crying people and wanted to take a photo, but after careful consideration, he decided that the probability of a group fight was high, so he gave up.

" Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Aunt Himeko—— " Kiana threw herself into Himeko's arms at the scene.

Himeko was confused. She didn't expect that the dubbing she had completed would be placed here, giving the player another severe blow.

Her gaze fell on Luo Mo, a silent reprimand in her eyes, before softening as she turned to the distraught Kiana. "Kiana," she said, her voice a blend of exasperation and affection, "how many times must I tell you? Please, don't call me aunt."


Himeko's figure disappeared, but an unknown power surged into Kiana's tired body.

"Ah, Teacher Himeko, yes."

Kiana put both hands on it. She used all the strength of her body to push with all her strength.

"I promised you."

"I will turn this imperfect story into what we expect."

With a cry in her voice, Kiana almost yelled out the last sentence.

In the last sentence, she seemed to see Himeko's phantom, repeating the same words in a pure white background, giving her strength at the last moment.

In an instant, the reactor was pushed into the air by a huge force and continued to fly upward.

Kiana also completed the transformation of the Queen of the Sky again, the figure that had given her countless nightmares, but this time, the difference was,

Her eyes are blue, the color of the sea!

She pushed the Honkai energy reactor and streaked a brilliant purple streak across the sky like a shooting star in Sky City.

Countless people saw it, made wishes, prayed, and exclaimed...

I don't know what kind of person is above him; he almost gave everything.

The sound of the music gradually changed from sad to passionate, and as the purple meteor in the sky traveled to the top, the music burst out directly.

This song was sung by Eden, and it directly broke everyone's ears and echoed in their minds.

[ Crash against the barrier above the crowd, ]

[Crash into the barrier above the crowd.]

[ Flaring up pieces in the air to show a Fairy Starfall. ]

[The debris passes through the atmosphere and burns into a meteor shower.]

[ I want no tomorrow or yesterday. ]

[I don't need the future or the past.]

In the picture, at the highest point, Kiana pierced the Honkai Furnace with the Archon Spear, exhausted her last bit of strength, and then fell from the sky.

In pure whiteness, the girl's voice sounded softly.

"This is... my promise."


"Luo Mo, bad!" Elysia covered her mouth, tears falling from the corners of her eyes, watching Kiana burn her life.

"You actually made such a beautiful girl cry. Didn't you say that the plot was not good this time?"

She looked at Luo Mo fiercely, her eyes full of distrust.

Seeing the unkind eyes on him, Luo Mo gave his own explanation:

"Isn't this incident perfectly accomplished? A world where no one dies, a world where Kiana becomes a hero"

Kiana was very angry when she heard this and showed her teeth, saying that she was by no means a kind person.

"Is this called perfection?" Kiana was very dissatisfied. Was he having trouble with her? Catch yourself and cause harm with all your strength.

If she had known that one day, when he invited her to be the heroine, she would definitely... still agree.

Kiana looked at the people around her. Mother Cecilia, Teacher Himeko, and her aunt were all looking at her.

There is a saying that the boss is right. The goal of the game is to avoid repeating the same mistakes. If he had not seen such misery in the game, he would not have felt that these beautiful daily lives were hard-won. He saved his mother and Ji Son; he has changed a lot, so he must change even more so that he can bear more sorrow and never happen again.

"Kiana, the perfection of reality is what you should protect more, isn't it?" Luo Mo said.

The game has passed no matter what, and the future, hope, and beautiful reality are still waiting for her to protect.

This time, what he handed over to her was no longer a broken world.

"Hmph! " Kiana curled her lips and tilted her head. "I will remember the revenge this time."

"No matter what, I am still willing to fight for all the good things in the world! That is also my promise!" Kiana said it with a smile, but her words were very solemn.

Everyone looked at the falling girl on the screen and the final musical solo.

This story is not long. The girl, who has been homeless for three months, no longer runs away. Reality has taught her to grow up. She has become a hero, that's all.