
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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329 Chs

Kevin: ?

"I can't definitively say yes or no," Tesla admitted, her voice steady. "But I do know that the equipment I need to utilize within the city was crafted by her."

Seeking confirmation, Luo Mo asked, "So, with the blueprints in hand, you'd be able to repair it without any issues?"

"Absolutely, don't underestimate my abilities! Isn't that right, mophead?" Tesla retorted, her voice brimming with confidence.

Upon uttering these words, Tesla's worry seemed to evaporate. As one of the most esteemed scientists of this era, such a task was merely a walk in the park for her.

On the contrary, she was a little excited. Researching unknown inventions was indeed a blessing for her, although she preferred researching mechas and missiles.

"Then, please review this blueprint during your journey." Luo Mo handed them the intricate blueprint and prepared to take his leave.

"Hey, hold on a minute; we haven't confirmed whether we're accompanying you or not," Tesla called out, halting Luo Mo in his tracks.

"According to Schicksal's investigation, Welt, the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, is currently trapped in the Quantum Sea. This device could potentially aid in his escape," Luo Mo explained.

" Eh? Is Yang there? Let's go quickly; don't go too slowly!"

Tesla pulled Einstein out furiously, not forgetting to push Luo Mo and signal him to hurry up.

But as soon as he went out, he saw two girls sticking together. Tesla covered his eyes, and he couldn't bear to see this scene.

"Dr. Tesla, save me!" Bronya said this after being forced into a corner.

It's a pity that Bronya is a three-no, so she can't see the change in her expression.

But looking at Bronya's retreating look, one could guess that she wasn't coping well.

Tesla's gaze then fell upon a pink-haired woman who was slowly closing in on Bronya. She recognized her from a previous encounter near Eden.

Tesla subconsciously shrank back, and compared with the way he looked at her last time,

She felt something was wrong with the pink-haired woman in front of her, referring to her sexual orientation.

"Hey, Dr. Tesla is here too." Elysia's voice broke through her thoughts. She turned around to face Tesla, who had been so engrossed in her work lately that she had neglected her personal care. her red hair was disheveled, and even her signature twin ponytails lacked their usual luster.

Elysia greeted him with a radiant smile, "Long time no see?"

Caught off guard, Tesla responded hastily, "Wha, long time no see; we just met yesterday."

"Hmm… let me ponder over it," Elysia mused, stepping closer to Tesla. With a gentle touch, she smoothed out Tesla's disheveled hair, her voice soft yet firm as she said, "For a beautiful girl like you, every fleeting second is incredibly precious."

Tesla's face turned a little red, and he thought to himself,

"Damn it, if that tree like Yang could say something like that..."

" Huh? It seems that our Dr. Tesla has a sweetheart. Can you tell me? I will never tell!"

Elysia keenly sensed Tesla's emotional changes and stepped forward with a wicked smile.

"Want you to take care of it? It's my business; bah, I don't have a sweetheart!! Tesla said, covering her face.

was snickering from the sidelines.

"Eh, tsk tsk!" Luo Mo made a long sound as a warning.

"Don't concern yourself with the affairs of a beautiful girl!" Elysia retorted, spinning around to face Luo Mo.

"No, my point is that Dr. Einstein, who is standing right next to you, is also a beautiful girl. You can't show favoritism,"

After a moment of contemplation, Luo Mo made a decisive move. He gently nudged Einstein forward, encouraging her to step into the spotlight.

"Oh? "

"No, that's not necessary!" Einstein quickly protested, lifting her gaze to meet Luo Mo's. Her voice was firm as she flatly refused his suggestion. "Let's focus on implementing the plan!"

"Get to know your comrades better so you can complete your plan better!" Elysia gave a suggestion, but no one paid any attention to her.


Following the directions of Einstein, Tesla, and the others, several people went to the secret base of anti-entropy, where the elevator to Abyss City was located.

In the deep blue ocean stands a beautiful ocean city.

The salty smell of the seawater seems to seep into the air, and the Mariana Trench, which should be extremely dark, is as bright as the shoals on the seashore.

Strange corals are widely distributed inside, and the colorful jellyfish and sea fish are isolated from the protective shield. There are many high-rise buildings inside, which are no less than the cities on the ground.

Everything is like a scene from an elf tale, like dreamy scenery.

It comes from some technologies of ancient civilizations, and cities can survive forever in the sea.

Here, there are many technological crystallizations of superior civilization, even though most of them have been destroyed.

Now, with the efforts of two doctors, the functions of some equipment have been restored.

Among them, there is a very important one...

"The one in front is the Eye of the Abyss." Tesla pointed to the portal-like thing in front.

It is erected on a stone platform, standing on a high place, and the surrounding area is very empty, which makes it even more unique.

The winding road leads to the final destination, as if the entire city is guarding it.

" Wow! What a nice sight! ♪ " Elysia was like a girl on a spring outing, not nervous at all about executing her plan.

I even had the time to take pictures aside, taking pictures of fish and seaweed in the sea, as well as several magnificent buildings.

"Come on, smile, lovely Bronya; don't be so shy."

She pointed the camera at the little gray-haired loli floating in the air and motioned for her to perform a movement.

But Bronya has no time to deal with her, and after what happened just now, she also knows how difficult Elysia is.

She casually put two fingers to the corners of her mouth, lifted them up, forced a smile, and then faced the camera.

"Is this it? That's it."

She wholeheartedly wants to welcome her sister Seele back, and she can't wait to see her again!

According to Tesla and Einstein, the normal functions of the Eye of the Abyss were successfully restored according to the drawings.

Several people opened the Eye of the Abyss, and the huge teleportation device started to operate, turning the light curtain as transparent as the deep sea, as if leading to a deep and unknown place.

Just as he was about to go in, he saw a foot stepping out of the portal.

Steady and steady, unhurried and unhurried.

Wearing black tactical boots, black trousers, and a decent combat uniform,

Finally, there is a pair of blue and cold eyes, like ice, and short white hair, with a firm and cold face, like an unwavering warrior.

He didn't hold any weapons, but it felt like he was a weapon in his own right and indestructible.

"Kevin?" Elysia exclaimed and saw Kevin as soon as she opened the door.

" Elysia? Why are you here?"

The person who came out was stunned for a moment, his unwavering face slightly frowned, and he looked at the current scene.

"And... Hua?"

He thought he would never have such strong mood swings again, but he didn't expect that the first person he saw after he escaped from the trap was his former comrade-in-arms.

But he clearly remembers her death, so who is she?

Kevin's eyes became colder and colder.

He raised his hand, and a stream of ice air invaded the whole place, and the ice pick went straight towards Elysia.

"Hmm? ♪"

Elysia was a little unhappy, but she still took action. A bow and arrow appeared without warning and shot down the ice crystal, causing a purple crystal flower to bloom.

"So, attacking your comrades is not what you should do! Kevin? ♪ "

Elysia winked at Kevin.