
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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Is Sister Rita overturned again?

The scene fell into a stalemate for a while.

Rita moved closer to Bronya. The bishop would not allow anything to happen to her.

Cocolia glanced at the two of them and sneered, "You two just want to kidnap me in my base camp?"

"Oh, it seems that the executor of Anti-Entropy looks down on me, an S-class Valkyrie!" Rita chuckled, folding her hands slightly, very politely.

"However, I respect Miss Cocolia very much! I have already issued an order for help before. I don't know about the current anti-entropy. Oh no, to be precise, some of the radicals of anti-entropy can resist the Schicksal. Attack with all your strength."

"Humph!" Cocolia snorted and ignored Rita. She turned to Bronya and said, "Bronya, how could you betray me? I trust you so much!"

Bronya looked at Rita with a trace of doubt, then said in a calm voice:

"She did not come here because of Bronya. Bronya did not ask her to come. Whether Matushka believes it or not, it does not matter now."

"What matters is that Bronya cannot let Matushka continue this madness. Matushka must stop this experiment."

Cocolia said nothing, but raised her hand. Instantly, several armed mechas emerged out of thin air and charged at Rita and Bronya.

Rita glanced at the two unconscious figures on the table beside her and said, "I don't care what you do, Miss Cocolia."

She added with a menacing tone, "But if you harm these two in any way, you will regret it."

"Hmph! " Cocolia stopped the Mecha after thinking about the situation.

Sin Mal was eager for a challenge. She had no qualms about killing anyone who stood in her way. She grinned wickedly and said, "Let me have some fun with the Schicksal maid!"

"Let me try the Schicksal of the S-class Valkyrie!"

She wielded her pike and rushed at Rita, thrusting it furiously. She aimed for her heart, hoping to pierce her in one blow.

Rita did not blink. She coolly pulled out her sickle from her belt and blocked her attack. The steel weapons collided with a loud crash, sending sparks flying.


Sin Mal was the one who staggered back, her feet scraping the floor and leaving two white trails behind her.

"You're not as tough as you sound, are you?" Rita taunted her with a smile. She was enjoying the fight, and she wanted to provoke her.

"Don't get cocky, you Schicksal bitch!" Sin Mal spat and lunged at her again.

She changed his strategy, abandoning her brute force approach. She moved more nimbly, and her attacks were more precise and varied.

"Oh, you want another round?" Rita said mockingly. She dodged and parried Her strikes with ease, her sickle dancing in her hand.

But then, she noticed something strange. Sin Mal's speed increased dramatically.

She narrowed her eyes, sensing something was off. She raised her sickle to block her next attack

Sin Mal's movements changed in an instant. She was faster than before, too fast for Rita to react. She barely dodged her pike, but felt a sharp pain on her side. She looked down and saw a tear in her dress.

Sin Mal held her weapon and panted. She smirked at Rita, who had backed away from her. She taunted her, "Is that all you've got, S-class Valkyrie? You're pathetic!"

Rita tried to calm her breathing and analyze the situation. She remembered how Sin Mal had suddenly sped up, almost matching the speed of Lady Durandal.

But that was impossible. her power level was not that high. Rita realized what was happening. Sin Mal had not become faster. Rite herself had become slower.

She had somehow tampered with perception of time, making her movements sluggish and her attacks swift.

"Your power is indeed something special!" Rita looked at Sin Mal and said it seriously.

"Shut up!" Sin Mal shouted, trying to hide her weakness.

She had used the power of the stigmata, but it had not given her the edge She needed. She knew that Rita was still stronger than her, and she was running out of stamina.

Cocolia watched the fight with a nervous expression, but she refused to give up. She had a backup plan, and she was ready to use it.

She discreetly pressed a button under her clothes, activating a hidden device. She whispered to Bronya, who was standing next to her,

"Bronya, please, they are your sisters. Take them to safety, will you?" She gestured to the two sleeping girls on the table.

Bronya did not reply. She slowly walked towards the table and gently lifted the two girls, one by one. She did not trust Cocolia, and she kept her eyes on her, wondering what she was up to.

Next to her, Sin Mal and Rita were fighting again. Even though Sin Mal used the stigma effect several times, she was unable to make any progress. Instead, she was suppressed by Rita and fought all the way.

Cocolia watched the fight from a distance, with a mecha standing beside her. She did not join the fray, nor did she order the mecha to attack. She seemed to be waiting for something to arrive.

Bronya had moved the two unconscious girls to a safe corner, away from the danger. She looked at Cocolia, her adoptive mother.

She made up her mind. She pulled out a gun from her pocket and aimed at Cocolia's leg. She pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit its target.

"Bronya, you!" Cocolia screamed, clutching her bleeding leg. She looked at Bronya with disbelief and fury. She had not expected Bronya to shoot her.

"Mom, are you waiting for rescue?" Bronya asked, as she walked towards Cocolia. She scanned the surroundings, alert for any threats.

She spotted a weak spot on the mecha's armor, and fired two more shots. The bullets pierced the mecha's power core, causing it to explode.

"Are you using everything I taught you against me?"

Cocolia said in a weak voice, clutching her wounded leg, as she watched Bronya approach her slowly.

"Mother Cocolia..."

"But, Bronya, you should be more careful!" Cocolia suddenly burst into laughter.

"W-what do you mean?"

Bronya suddenly felt a force of gravity descending on her body, almost crushing her body, and she suddenly honked from the air to the ground.

She lay on the ground, tried her best to open her eyes, and barely saw two people wearing black trench coats and hoods, whom she had never seen before.

Rita was the main target of the attack, unlike Bronya, who was only a secondary threat.

As she was exchanging blows with Sin Mal, she felt a sudden increase in gravity on her body, making her movements sluggish and her clothes torn.

But even under such pressure, Rita maintained her grace and composure, unlike Sin Mal, who looked exhausted and battered.

She was lucky that Sin Mal did not coordinate his attacks with the mysterious newcomers, who had intervened in the fight. If she had taken advantage of the gravity shift, she could have inflicted more damage than a rip in her dress.

Rita stared at the two cloaked figures, feeling puzzled.

As far as she understood, only the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance had this ability to control gravity.

Cocolia laughed bitterly, as she wrapped a cloth around her bleeding leg. She slowly got up, and looked at Rita and Bronya with scorn.

"This is the power of technology, from another organization. How do you like it, Schicksal's S-class Valkyrie?"

She turned to Bronya, her voice full of anger and pain.

"And you, Bronya, how could you turn against me? I raised you, I taught you, I loved you!"

Bronya shook her head, her eyes filled with determination.

"Because, Matushka, your plan was never just to save Seele!" Bronya said.

"Huh! " Cocolia did not deny it. She knew it was true. She had sacrificed everything for her ambition, even her own daughter.

She grabbed a gun from her pocket, and aimed it at Rita. She pulled the trigger, hoping to kill her.

But Rita was not defenseless. She lifted her scythe, and blocked the bullet. The metal clanged, and sparks flew.

However, Rita was not as fast as before. The gravity manipulation had taken its toll on her. She could feel her body slowing down, and her strength fading.

Cocolia was not happy with the outcome of the fight. She knew that the clones of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, who had joined the battle, were not at their full potential. If she had increased their power level, they might have triggered the gene collapse.

She had relied on Gray Snake, to help her control the clones and Control chips. He had no interest in the power of the clones, though. He only wanted Wendy's experimental data, which he had taken as part of their deal.

To be honest, she thought that what the other party wanted was the Serenity gem, and she kept hiding it, but the other party never mentioned it.

She turned to Sin Mal, who was lying on the ground, wounded and exhausted.

"Sin Mal, are you okay?"

"Mom, I'm fine!"

Sin Mal tried to reassure her, but she was in bad shape. She lifted her head and attempted to get up, but she could barely stand, even with the support of her Pike.

Cocolia remained silent. She waved her hand to signal the two Clone to increase their intensity.

gravity has increased, and the body of one of the Clone has begun to disintegrate because Gene collapse. The effect is also significant.

Rita felt the pressure on her body, and she could barely stand, even with her scythe in her hand. She was no match for the bullets that Cocolia fired at her.

The tide of the battle had changed again, in Cocolia's favor.