
Human, Don't be sad anymore!

Kiana stopped short after only a few steps. Arms crossed, she let out a huff and rolled her eyes dramatically at Luo Mo. Why was he playing dumb? Didn't he have a clue?

In terms of gratitude, she is naturally extremely grateful to her boss. If he is really in danger, she will definitely be willing to risk her life to save him.

As an employee who has been with me all the way from the beginning, I have a strong affection for the company, and the other person has also helped me a lot in my life.

But that was the thing... if only he could act like a normal person, things would be so much easier.

Kiana wasn't going to play his game of pretending he didn't know why she was upset. Time to give him the silent treatment.

Let him know that she, Kiana, is not someone to be bullied!

"You stroll in after me, and this is how you work? Seriously? Well, if that's how it's going to be, I guess I'll start showing up late too!" Luo Mo grumbled, shaking his head in disbelief.

He couldn't get over it – he was already pushing it with his tardiness, and someone still managed to beat him?

"Hey, don't blame me! Mei dragged me into another script review session yesterday. Your plot twists are crazy – how can I sleep after that?" Kiana retorted. "Seriously, what's with the attitude, lousy boss?"

She grumbled under her breath about how she could barely sleep last night. Her mind was spinning with the game's story.

Usually, Kiana loved a good meal, but ever since she started playing those games Luo Mo created, her appetite just wasn't the same.

Before, she could handle a whole feast and still feel hungry. Now, she barely got through three bowls of rice and lost her appetite. And don't even get her started on Mei! She seemed so much less carefree lately.

It was obvious: this was all his fault!

Kiana glared daggers at Luo Mo. He averted his gaze, feigning innocence.

He was just the messenger, not the mastermind behind those brutal game plots... Blame those twisted writers in his company!

"Ahem – Su Lu, let's move on to today's schedule, shall we?" Luo Mo cleared his throat and addressed Su Lu, his expression unchanging.

"Your company..." Kiana gritted her teeth, staring at Luo Mo, who stubbornly refused to show any remorse. "Seriously, do your plots always have to be this stabby? Can't you guys give those 'Happy Group' members a different strategy for once? Where's the fun in always resorting to Knife Plot?"

Sure, the Herrscher of Thunder was powerful, even awesome-looking, but getting her seven times out of ten pulls? That wasn't exactly cause for celebration... It just seemed to prove how strong her bond with Mei really was.

The difference between her and Mei in the plot still made her unable to calm down and lament.

It was tough to admit, but the dissatisfaction she felt was less about the game and more about herself.

Deep down, she believed that if she'd just been a little smarter, a bit stronger in those moments, Mei wouldn't have slipped away.

And in the end, she still felt powerless – like everything had been out of her control.

she still couldn't do anything.

"Kiana, come on, haven't I changed? From now on, happiness and beauty are the only things our group is about!" Luo Mo spun around, a carefree grin on his face. "Our company's whole purpose is to give players those good vibes, remember?"

Kiana snorted and sighed. "Yeah, yeah, happiness and beauty..."

She decided to drop the argument – Luna was here now, and Kiana had work to do. No reason to bring up all the heavy stuff today.

"Well, let's hope I can actually feel that happiness and beauty someday," she mumbled.

Images from the game flashed through her mind, and a familiar unease settled in.

If those situations were real, what could she possibly do to change them? The thought of her own helplessness brought a wave of resentment.

"What do you mean, Kiana?" Luo Mo glanced at the bright sunshine streaming through the window, a puzzled frown crossing his face.

"Honestly, compared to all that drama in the game, isn't real life pretty great? You've got Himeko, you haven't lost Mei, and there's no evil mastermind like Otto lurking around."

"However, it is obvious that you can make more money and be loved by more players."

Kiana's eyes were covered with reluctance, and she bit her lower lip helplessly.

Secretly, every time she saw glimpses of her and Mei's struggles in the game, it hit her hard. That feeling drove her to work harder, to improve... but the results seemed so minimal.

And here she was – Kiana, the one always envied for her talent – feeling jealous of someone else's abilities, of all things! It was Durandal, though, so maybe she got a pass for feeling that way.

"I know I have to rely on myself, but my strength improves so slowly. What if disaster really strikes? Will I always have to depend on someone else to save me?" she mumbled, a hint of frustration in her voice.

Of course, she wished Luo Mo would write the games a bit differently. It's all just fantasy, right? Why not give the main character some epic moments?

But that was beside the point. She's the protagonist, for crying out loud! In games, shouldn't she be the one calling the shots? Even the worst games have cheat codes or something, don't they?

Luo Mo froze when he heard Kiana's words. He was ready to offer some motivational platitudes, but something about her tone struck him.

This wasn't just about the game – her frustration seemed to cut deeper.

He looked at her.

This wasn't the Kiana he knew. Hands clasped behind her back, she swayed slightly, her head lowered. There was a vulnerability about her, the hint of tears in her eyes. Even her usual bouncy twintails seemed subdued. It was a familiar sight – she looked like this when she'd made a mistake, or when sadness washed over her.

"Kiana?" he reached out, the question soft in his voice.

What came instead was a somewhat helpless and miserable voice.

"I tried. Really, I did... but some things are just beyond me. If my big sister is truly this incredible, maybe I should just leave it to her."

"She's the one who wants to save the world... and that way, she'll always be close to Mei." Kiana looked up then, managing a small smile.

There was no sign of the sadness on the girl's face now – either it was gone, or masterfully hidden behind a practiced smile.

"Ugh, of course. It's just a silly game, and I'm not the real Protagonist. Alright, boss, sorry I snapped at you earlier. I'll head upstairs and get started on that dubbing." With that, she hurried off towards the recording room.What was wrong with her? She had promised herself to keep it cool, but instead, she ended up taking her frustrations out on her boss....

"What's gotten into you? No playful grins anymore? Someone lose her temper?" Su Lu set down her papers and looked at Luna with a mix of curiosity and a hint of amusement. She shot a pointed glance at Luo Mo.

"Speaking of Luna, when did she appear in the real world anyway? Kiana and the others knew, and you never told me? I was totally blindsided when it happened."

Luo Mo tried to keep the irritation out of his voice but it wasn't easy. He felt a wave of frustration wash over him.

"About Luna – tell people she's Theresa's sister. Keep it simple. She's been back for a while, but we need to keep things under wraps for now."

"As for Kiana, it's my fault. I've been pushing her too hard, haven't I? Go on, get back to your work."

And as he watched that bittersweet smile bloom across her face, it hit him: maybe he'd gone too far. Yes, he'd accomplished what he'd set out to do. Kiana, the girl who'd never truly faced life-or-death stakes, found the strength she needed, just like her in-game counterpart.

But he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Had he done the right thing? He asked himself, forcing a girl to grow up with this kind of pain...

It had never crossed his mind that Kiana would feel so let down by him. Now, she was left without her usual spark, and the thought of her carrying that kind of regret… it ate away at him.

This was not the ending he wanted to achieve.

At least, not the most perfect one in his mind.

Su Lu watched Luo Mo and Luna disappear down the hallway. A heavy weight lifted from her – at last, she could speak her mind. It felt good to be fully alive Luna's under protection.

Even though she knew why those things happened, she still wanted to give her lousy boss a piece of her mind. He'd made her cry for days!

She glanced at Susana, who stood beside her. "Well, if the boss doesn't care, then neither do I. Let's just move on."

"Hey——, oh, oh!" Susana nodded quickly and said,

She was still a bit lost about what just happened. All she saw was the third daughter of the Kaslana family, the little sister of Durandal, leaving with a sad expression.

Kiana's a total star on Schicksal's social media channels. She's like internet royalty! Especially with all the attention she gets from the game, she's practically in a league of her own.

There's definitely something going on between her and the boss, right? That whole scene where her mood flipped so quickly... I bet there's a juicy story behind it.

Oh, my brain is already spinning! I can practically see the outline of a whole million-word novel. Gotta tell Alvitr all about it when I get back!


"Human, aren't you happy?" Luna raised her head in confusion. She was very sensitive to emotions, especially those of the humans she cared about.

"It's okay..." Luo Mo spoke softly.

He looked down at Luna, her face a question mark, and a wry smile tugged at his lips. "Honestly, I'm feeling so bummed out, I could cry. Luna, would you mind giving me a hug?"

"If a human begs..." Luna's lips curled into a small, playful smirk – she must have picked that up from somewhere.

Luo Mo lay on the chair nonchalantly and said casually, "Please, Luna." 

He turned his thoughts to Kiana. Clearly, she'd been bottling up her feelings for a while, and they'd accidentally spilled out today. It dawned on him - maybe Mei and Cecilia knew something, but he didn't understand why no one else was stepping in.

Sometimes, people are good at keeping up a brave face around those they love most. But it's often those on the outside, the people we're not so close with, who get to see the real cracks in the armor.

"So... what does that say about me?" Luo Mo muttered, a hint of bitterness in his voice. Am I not part of her inner circle? All this time, he figured Mei, or maybe even his mother-in-law, were the ones who would help Kiana sort through her problems.

[No, I think it's because you're both the person most affected by this and the one causing all the trouble.]

But the real surprise was...

"System? You're actually alive?"

He could never find the system when he needed it – it wouldn't answer unless directly addressed, and even then, responses weren't guaranteed. Honestly, half the time he forgot the system even existed.

[Just needed a good power nap is all. Time to stretch my digital legs, so to speak.]

"Pah-chi," with a sound of water suddenly printed on Luo Mo's cheek, It turned out that Luna closed her eyes and suddenly kissed Luo Mo.

The warm lips were lightly pressed on the young man's face, gently and softly, like a girl's dream, leaving a little fragrance when he lifted it up.

[... My eyes are dirty, so I hide them]

"Luna?" Luo Mo's voice was a mix of surprise, a hint of panic, and a flutter of something else – was it excitement?

He glanced nervously at the office door, terrified someone would walk in on them. He was still young, had made a good amount of money already... well, forget it. Legal trouble wasn't worth the– no, he wasn't going to focus on that now.

Underneath the worry churned a simple, undeniable fact: he was happy.

Luna climbed onto the chair and curled into Luo Mo's arms. "Human," she murmured, "this is how I make things better. Don't be sad anymore!"

Her cheeks held a soft blush, and her heart was pounding, but she couldn't quite name the rush of emotions swirling inside her – just a strange excitement and warmth.

The other person's soft and fragrant little body warmed Luo Mo greatly, especially the fragrant kiss just now, which made him think a lot.

But when he saw that Luna's delicate face still had a hint of childishness, and there was a milky smell on her body,

"Luna, when are you ever going to grow up?"

"Hmm... don't humans like me the way I am?"

"Well, I do... ugh." Luo Mo felt himself getting dangerously close to admitting something he shouldn't. Whose fault was this anyway?

"Of course! It's all the system's fault!"

[? ? ]


And just like that, the game world flickered to life!

"So, tell me: what kind of world do you dream of?"

A golden ball of light pulsed on the screen, its voice tinged with mystery. The question was intriguing, but the answers it offered were absolutely ridiculous and packed with humor:

"A world where games decide it all!"

"A world where bishops keep their language PG"

" A world where humanity struggles in the endless fight against the Honkai."

"A world where swords, spears, and shields are the only way"

"A world where my dear Aunt Himeko lives happily ever after"

"A world without Bishop Otto's schemes"

But the game's live chat already has a different look.

[Let the game decide everything. Wouldn't that be... astringent is also okay? ]

[Aunt Himeko, I want to become the strongest Valkyrie! ]

[Fuck, if you kill the one in front, Sister Himeko will kill you too. If you don't want to live, should I kill you? ]

[In a world where Otto no longer exists, I'm a little excited just thinking about it. Wouldn't it be possible to open champagne every day? ]

[I get the sword and spear thing, but why the combo? Brave dude with a spear? Or a brave salesman? Also, is the Honkai fight thing a real option? Sounds rough...]

St. Freya has a surprise visitor today – Kallen Kaslana, Bishop of Schicksal!

"Obviously, this is another weird plot. Can we try to keep these to a minimum?" Kallen studied the options on the screen, a wry smile playing on her lips.

She felt amazing about the first one, as if this world had already seen this trend. After all, Valkyrie's treatment of game companies is almost as good.

Of course, it refers specifically to Luo Mo's game company.

And the rewards he gave are indeed needed in this world. Generally speaking, they are similar.

Now, about that second option...

" Huh? Grandma doesn't say dirty things! That guy..." Theresa said it with some anger on her face. She would not tolerate anyone slandering her grandma like this!

Speaking of chatterboxes, Luo Mo once said he might tackle Kallen's voice acting for the game. Theresa can picture it now... and yeah, probably wise to get out of the way if that ever happens.

"He's got to be talking about Otto. 'Bishop' in the game is basically code for that guy," Kallen said with a smile, rubbing Theresa's head affectionately.

"Little Theresa, what happened to you here? Tell me about it."

"Well, Luo Mo actually said that he would take Anna into Saint Freya." Theresa replied after thinking; her face was still a little embarrassed, and she didn't want to continue to explain the reason.

[in game]

"Let me ask you: What do you want to encounter in another world?"

"China Tablet"

"Retarded Goddess"

"Damn screenwriter."

"Universal Maid"

"Legal Lolita"

"Hokushin Itto-ryu Sword Master"

[China Tablet? Sorry to say it, but I think of a certain Valkyrie (funny)]

[I also thought about it, but the damn screenwriter seems to be very charming. Beating the screenwriter when he has nothing to do is really a beautiful thing in life! ]

[Damn it, there is actually a legal loli. Let me think about whether I should choose a screenwriter or this.]

[Who is Hokushin Itto-ryu Sword Master? There seems to be a Hokushin family in the Far East, right? ]

"Haha, if it really corresponds, is it the universal maid? It's a good title."

Rita smiled slightly and stayed beside Kallen as gracefully as ever.

Next chapter