
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Video Games
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308 Chs

Herrscher of Sentience want her mother's recognition!!

"I didn't expect that the invincible ancestor Kevin would have such an experience..." Kiana mumbled, leaning back in her chair in the recording Room.

She originally thought that her ancestor was a robot with a firm belief as unshakable as solid ice.

After all, judging from his face, there is nothing to do with weakness or fragility. As soon as his scene appears in game, he has becomes the image of a warrior in people's minds.

But who knew that losing Sakura would hit him so hard? It seems like her passing left a huge hole in his heart.

"Seeing the look on his face after Sister Sakura died... wow, Honkai is just something else." Seele whispered, her hand softly pressing against her chest. The way she thought about Kevin started to shift in her mind.

Maybe he doesn't actually want to seem cold and uncaring, maybe that's just how he has to be.

And what about them?

What about them in this era? What will happen?

"We got this," Kiana declared, a spark of determination flashing in her sapphire eyes. "With all the experience we have, there's no way we can lose. Plus, look at all the Herrschers we have on our side now!" She tapped her temple confidently.

"When did the Herrscher help defeat Honkai? The world is changing so fast." Cheng Lixue spoke helplessly at the side. She was caught off guard by the changes in the world when she woke up.

Although the game has been exposed that, it still feels incredible when she actually sees it in front of her eye.

The Herrschers, who were once enemies of all mankind, also sided with humanity one by one.

"Hehe, it's the result of the boss's leadership. Who told him to keep talking about gathering a Herrscher team?" Kiana shirks her responsibility and says so.

Boss Luo Mo always mentions it, and there are more and more Herrschers in the class.

she is most likely another Herrscher, according to the person who was just summoned.

she doesn't know what her aunt's face will be like when the time comes.


The video kept rolling, showing the next scene.

The Earth... it was completely destroyed, a wasteland of rubble. The once-great civilization, mankind, was no more. All that remained were a few scattered warriors and the last flickering flames of a dying world.

These warriors, the survivors of a brutal battle, would have to carry the weight of humanity on their shoulders for thousands of years to come.

A heavy burden for a handful of people.

"Hua! Humanity will definitely defeat Honkai."

In front of the [The Great Hibernation] Pod, Kevin said solemnly.

His expression, however, was a mask of uncertainty. It was hard to tell if those words were meant to comfort Fu Hua or a desperate attempt to convince himself.

Fu Hua thought a lot, whether it was saying something casually or repeating the sentence "Humanity will definitely defeat Honkai." She knew that was what Kevin wanted to hear.

But she said nothing in the end.

"Yeah. " Then she turned around and entered the pods.

The image flickered, revealing a desolate scene outside. The once vibrant blue planet was now a wasteland, its surface scarred by crumbling buildings and scattered debris.

This world, once brimming with life and ambition, reaching for the stars and the depths of the ocean, was now eerily silent. All that remained were ruins, a testament to a lost civilization.

Driven by the hope Dr. Mei ignited, the last remnants of humanity followed her plan.

They huddled together in the freezing hibernation facility, a desperate gamble on survival.

Dr. Mei, a woman who had poured her life into fighting the relentless Honkai, was their beacon of hope.

They trusted her calculations, their only chance to ride out the storm and emerge into a future, however uncertain, on the other side.

Fu Hua stared into the mirror, a bittersweet smile gracing her lips. "Honestly," she murmured, "out of my entire life, there are only 14 minutes that truly resonate with me."

Those 14 minutes held a kaleidoscope of memories: the rhythmic patter of rain, the sweat-drenched training sessions in the dojo, the vibrant energy of student life, the fiery spirit of a certain girl, the unwavering leadership of her Captain... even the scorching heat of the Australian fires.

It felt like fate had propelled her through life, leading her to this very moment, standing on the precipice of a long hibernation sleep.

The date was already set, a countdown to an uncertain future.

"Attention occupants. The Great Hibernation commences in one hour and thirteen minutes." Prometheus cold voice echoed through the pod room.

Even though over an hour remained before the pods sealed shut, Fu Hua felt a strange pull.

With a slow, almost deliberate movement, she reached out and grasped the handle of her pod. A click echoed as she unlatched the hatch, revealing the sterile interior.

There was a sense of finality in the air, a quiet acceptance of the inevitable.

Time had run its course, and with a sigh, Fu Hua knew there was nothing left to do but prepare for the long slumber ahead.


[The atmosphere is so depressing. Humanity—has it completely admitted defeat?]

[ 'Over the years, the appearance of my friends has also become blurred, swaying shadows in my memory.' If this is the only way to become immortal, it would be too sad.]

[Seeing the ruins of past civilizations is a constant reminder of Honkai destructive power. But then you see the Herrscher in the Valkyrie gacha...it just feels wrong. How can these beings even come from the same world?]

"Oh, Dr. Mei is trustworthy? Well, maybe it is true in terms of fighting Honkai, but don't you think she has too much control? She drives everyone's life at will." The Herrscher of Sentience spread her hands, trying to show people her incomprehension.

Mobius, ever the analyser, furrowed her brow. "True," she admitted. "But back then, humanity needed a strong leader like her. I wouldn't mind if she took charge a bit more, honestly."

Mobius studied the Herrscher of Sentience intently, dissecting her every word and gesture.

Obviously, if you analyse the other party according to Hua's character model, you will suffer a large loss, so you still have to carefully distinguish the other party's words.

She always felt that the other party cared too much about Hua. Is it because it was born in that body? Emm… Mother-Child instinct?

On the surface, she always disagreed with Fu Hua, but she would subconsciously look at Fu Hua every time there was an important topic, It was almost childlike, a subtle dependence.

"Well, anyway, I can't stand the behaviour of allocating all tasks. It feels like a robot, with no freedom at all." The Herrscher of Sentience crossed her arms with a huff.

"You seem to have a strong opinion against Mei?" Kevin frowned and looked at the Herrscher of Sentience in front of him.

" Hmm? It's hard not to admit it. After all, the Ember Project caused old antique to lose a lot, followed by her SWARA(Shenyin) modification. "

From the corner of her eye, the Herrscher of Sentience glanced at Aponia, who was standing quietly beside her, and said it with some resentment.

Deep down, the Herrscher knew that without Mei's Ember Project, Fu Hua would have come up with some other risky plan. But that knowledge didn't stop her from being angry.

Fu Hua, on her own, had added that dangerous SWARA modification – it felt like she didn't value her own well-being at all.

The Herrscher grumbled, comparing this Fu Hua to her old antiques.

Both the Fu Hua in their world and the one here seemed to neglect taking care of themselves.

Aponia's gaze softened, devoid of any annoyance. "If that's truly how you feel, then perhaps...Little Senti," she began, her voice laced with maternal warmth, "would you like me to apologize on your behalf?"

A hint of a smile played on Aponia's lips as she reached up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear, and Her eyes sparkled with a curious anticipation.

What kind of surprise will the Herrscher of Sentience bring her?

"Uh, how many times have I told you not to call me Little Senti?"

"Okay, um... great, Lord Herrscher of Sentence."

The Herrscher of Sentience rolled her eyes. "Look, you can save the apologies for that old antique. Besides, the one who got hurt wasn't me anyway." She waved a dismissive hand, still flustered by the unexpected display of maternal warmth in Aponia's gaze.

It always felt like Aponia was trying to trick her into something, but the Herrscher couldn't quite put her finger on it.


Kallen let out a heavy sigh as she surveyed the main room of Schicksal Headquarters. Her brow furrowed with concern. 

Unlike the game, where the world was a desolate wasteland, this reality felt strangely...unfamiliar. 

Were these truly people of previous civilization?

And as she thought about Luo Mo, that game, and the wonderful effect of Stigmata, she was secretly encouraged.

"When things are falling apart, all we can do is hold onto the good memories and keep each other going. Maybe they're right – maybe back then, humanity was already wiped out." Durandal paused, her voice heavy.

"They talked about a time when people were just numbers, worn down and fighting a losing battle against some terrible threat called Honkai."

She clenched her fists, feeling the strange power coursing through her veins from the Stigmata. A steely glint entered her eyes. "But that won't happen on our watch. Not if I have anything to say about it!"

"As expected of Lord Durandal ~" Rita spoke softly, the beauty mark(Stigmata) under the corner of her eye attracting attention, and her brown eyes always had a smile.

"Then, in that case," she continued, leaning in a touch closer, "perhaps my Lord Durandal would be willing to offer a brave Valkyrie like myself some protection?"

Durandal blinked, caught off guard for a moment. "Eh? Rita," she stammered, "we're in this together, of course! Fighting Honkai isn't a one-person battle, you know."

"Just kidding; of course, Rita will be by Lord Durandal's side, no matter what time."

Kallen let out a determined breath. "There's no doubt in my mind – humanity will win this fight against Honkai."

If she and all humanity defeats Honkai, shouldn't she also retire? When the time comes, pass the position to Theresa. Well, in Theresa's case, hiss.

I hope she will be busy and learn to do it step by step.

Kallen thought to herself, "Forget it; it's still a bit far away after all."


The scene cuts back to Fu Hua, hot on the trail of an demon(Honkai beast) that threatened a nearby town, and the Book of Fuxi was beside her.

In this journey to slay demons, Book of Fuxi seemed to be the one holding back, pulling jingwei (Fu Hua) to eat pastries on the street and preventing Fu Hua from using Fenghuang Down.

Finally, after the demon slaying, Fu Hua was questioned on the way out.

Book of Fuxi also recalled Fuxi and Nuwa words.

Their purpose for creating the Book of Fuxi was simple: to prevent Jingwei (Fu Hua) from continuing a relentless, emotionally draining mission.

However, altering that deeply ingrained purpose proved difficult.

So, they created the Book of Fuxi, hoping it would become Fu Hua's companion, observing her journey first-hand. 

The unspoken wish was that the Book of Fuxi would eventually share their desire to see Fu Hua free from this burden.

"I know I keep interrupting your training," the Book of Fuxi murmured apologetically. "And stopping you from using that... Fenghuang Down, right? But it's all because I want you to connect with people more." A slight hesitation flickered in the Book's voice.

"The truth is, seeing you interact with others...well, I really like this side of you, the kind and compassionate Fu Hua."

Fu Hua, her heart clenching slightly, replied, "But that's all I know how to do. Is it...not enough?"

"No, Jingwei, never!" Book of Fuxi reassured her. "You've done so much for everyone, and they all see that. You're a true hero."

"It's just...I guess I was hoping..." the Book of Fuxi voice trailed off. "I wanted to use my influence to change your destiny, to sabotage Dr. Mei's plan. I wanted you to experience the little things in life, the joys beyond your mission."


when Fu Hua hear this, her head bowed slightly, mumbled an apology. "I'm sorry..." She wasn't even sure what she was apologizing for.

However, she believed that the other party might feel better this way.

The Book of Fuxi offered a small, sad smile. "There's nothing to apologize for, Jingwei. Being by your side...it's brought me great joy. The only regret is that our time together won't last forever."

"A thousand years may seem like a long time," the Book of Fuxi sighed, "but it might not be enough for me. One day, my power will run out, my memories will fade, and I'll fall into a deep sleep."

A flicker of sadness crossed its voice. "But even then, I won't truly leave you, Jingwei. I'll wait, patiently, for someone who can free you from your burden… who can save you to appear."

"Even if you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the world, there will definitely be someone who values you more than the world. Such people will definitely appear."

"Red kite immortal, you will not be alone."

The last whisper was as light as a dream, carrying her last blessing.

The immortal also remembered it in her heart.


Luo Mo's eyes lit up with excitement as he scanned the dialog. "Whoa, hold on a sec! 'Someone who values you more than the world' - that's you, Herrscher of Sentience! You're the big cheese!"

The Herrscher of Sentience scoffed. "hey hey! What are you even talking about? It can't possibly be me. For Fu Hua...well, it has to be Kiana and the others, right?" A faint blush crept across her cheeks as she glared at Luo Mo.

Although this sentence spoke to her heart, she wouldn't admit that the old antique was important.

"At most," she mumbled, "I owe her a little something-something."

Elysia disagreed. "I still think it's Cheng Lixue. Remember, she sacrificed herself on the snowfield to protect Fu Hua?"

The Herrscher of Sentience scoffed. "Easy for you to say. Cheng Lixue just wasn't strong enough. Besides, didn't I also give Fu Hua my core? That counts for something, right?"

A hint of worry flickered across the Herrschers of sentience face. Though she wouldn't admit it out loud, she clearly felt the need to be recognized for her actions.

"Huh? Then, do you pay attention to Fu Hua? It's not okay to have a preface that doesn't match the follow-up ~ " Elysia's eyebrows were crooked, and she had long seen that the other party was inconsistent in what she meant and what she said,

which was quite similar to Mobius Tsundere action?

In this regard, Elysia is always surprisingly sensitive, so she is also happy to tease others, as long as she controls the scale.

"Who cares about her? I was just helping, that's all. I'm no worse than anyone else!" The herrscher of sentience stated, but her voice was not as strong as it usually was. 

She felt, in her heart of hearts, that she had most assisted Fu Hua. Without her, wouldn't Old Antique just wait to die slowly after that shot?

Cheng Lixue... the Herrscher acknowledged her kindness, but facts were facts. Strength-wise, Cheng Lixue simply wasn't on the same level.

The Herrscher of sentience pictured the universe in her mind, mentally comparing the two contributions. In the grand scheme of things, maybe there was just a hair's breadth of difference.

"Well, there's no need to discuss this."

Fu Hua was a little embarrassed about being discussed in front of others. She was still not comfortable being the center of the topic.

Usually, she preferred to just listen quietly.

"Hey——, I want to discuss that the weak consciousness that escaped Old Antique was also nurtured by me, and I even gave her body back to her; otherwise, she would be alive."

The Herrscher of Sentience did not intend to continue talking at first, but when she saw Fu Hua's embarrassed look, she suddenly became interested and excitedly showed off her great achievements.

Herrscher of Sentience want her mother's recognition!!

Elysia countered with a playful smile. "Hold on a sec. If Kiana's the main character of this whole story, wouldn't it make sense for the Book of Fuxi to be talking about her group? That's how it plays out in the animation, right?"

"If you say that, it's boring. Let's talk about real help. Kiana helped Old Antique open up the knot in her heart, but that's not because Old Antique is stupid and can't figure it out even after thinking about it for a long time." Herrscher of sentience rolled up her sleeves symbolically and spoke righteously.

Fu Hua surprised them both. "If there's a way to save Fuxi and Nuwa," she declared, her voice steady, "and you can help me do it, then I'll admit the Herrscher of Sentience might actually be the most helpful person in my heart."

The Herrscher of Sentience immediately frowned and looked back.

Fu Hua's eyes were still looking at her calmly.


The Herrscher of Sentience tilted her head, widened her eyes, and a meaningless syllable popped out of her mouth: "Huh?"

"I'm serious," Fu Hua said, a firm nod accompanying her words. "If you can help me save Fuxi and Nuwa, then you'd truly be the most valuable person I could ask for. I may not be the most flexible person, but I can recognize genuine help when I see it."

this is her strategy for deceiving children (not really), It's not like she can't learn things that not suit her.

She could see the other person's temper when provoked, just need a little bait for this.

"Don't you think your method is too clumsy? Do you think I'll be fooled?" The Herrscher of Sentience approached Fu Hua, really wanting to see what was going on in her mind.

Fu Hua met the Herrschers of sentience gaze with a helpless sigh. "Honestly, I didn't expect even someone like Herrschers of sentience wouldn't be able to do it..." A hint of disappointment flickered across her features.

The Herrscher of Sentience bristled. "Who said I couldn't do it?!" she snapped; her voice Full with mock offense. Like a fluffy kitten with its fur standing on end, she puffed out her chest and grabbed Fu Hua's arm. "Let's go! Where are Fuxi and Nuwa? We're rescuing them now!"

Her eyes glittered with an almost manic impatience as she clenched her fists. "Don't underestimate me! I can do anything I set my mind to!"


"Ahhh——! "

Book of Fuxi held her head and couldn't help but scream; she felt like she was going to go to the ground.

she bang bang bang bang bang kowtowed her head on the table; her voice was extremely clear.

Why! Why, oh why, did those seven extra figures suddenly appear in the vision? If only Cheng Lixue had shown up instead! Her words were so much more logical, Book of Fuxi wouldn't have felt the need to twist things.

Damn it, doesn't this make it appear that it has become an accomplice?

she gritted her teeth, full of sorrow, and glanced at Cheng Lixue with helpless resentment. Why, oh why, couldn't she have been born earlier? It would have saved her Immortal(and her) a world of trouble!

Cheng Lixue tilted her head in confusion, her brow furrowing in concern. "Hey, little master," she said gently, "what's with the glare? I didn't do anything wrong."

The Book of Fuxi buried its face in her hands. A whimper escaped her lips. "Oh, woe is me!" her cried dramatically. "Those seven...those scoundrels! And you, and my dear immortal, are much too traditional! Why couldn't we just solve things with a swift slash of the sword?"

Cheng Lixue's confusion deepened. Book of Fuxi theatrics were a little over the top for her. "Wait, what? Did I do something wrong?" she asked cautiously.

"Wrong? No, no, of course not!" The Book of Fuxi peeked out from behind her hands, a hint of panic in her voice. "Actually, it was Nuwa's...reservation program, yes! That's it! This wasn't my doing at all!

"I didn't expect you to be that one; ahem——, it's okay; you have good intentions too."

Just as Kiana was about to say that she was the one who tricked the squad leader and asked her to accept her seven apprentices, Mei secretly slapped her and signalled her to stop talking.

Hearing Kiana's words, Book of Fuxi wanted to cry even more. Originally, she was very moved by the scene of watching the game relive the love and kind reminder.

But when she thought about what would happen next, her eyes nearly blacked out, and she almost fainted.

Cheng Lixue didn't know how to help her. After all, she almost died unjustly during the second Honkai because her master always refused to recognize her as apprentice.

Now that he knows the cause and effect, her Grips of Tai Xuan cultivation has improved rapidly, and she feels that she is much stronger than before.

"Oh, anyway, little master, don't do this anymore." Cheng Lixue was comforted.

Fuxi Book still covered her face, feeling that she was too embarrassed to see anyone.