
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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356 Chs

Beauty is only worthy of the strong!

Veliona laughed and then stopped abruptly. She opened the bottle and took out the gem. She placed it in her palm and then fell silent, as her consciousness faded away.

Seele woke up, and she felt a fiery sensation in her hands. She looked down and saw the gem glowing with a red light.

She was scared and wanted to drop it, but then she heard Bronya's voice: "Don't let go, Seele! Hold on to it!"

"Okay, sister Bronya!" Seele said, trusting her.

She clenched her right hand around the gem, and felt a surge of Honkai energy from within. It was like a whirlpool that sucked in all the Honkai energy around them.

She knew that this was dangerous, and that if they were in the real world, this would cause a huge disaster.

The Honkai energy flowed into Seele's body, and the gem in her hand began to crumble. Inside Seele's body, a bright core was forming, as the gem merged with her.

Seele's body also transformed quickly, and her clothes became more elegant. She wore a stunning white dress that matched her pure personality.

The dress flowed down to her feet, and her hair grew longer and reached her back. She looked majestic and powerful.

Fu Hua, who was a seasoned fighter, noticed the most significant change in Seele. It was the change in her aura.

The original feeling of being one with the surrounding sea gradually disappeared, and Seele body returned to the feeling of the world of real numbers.

Seele let out a soft cry of pain, and her face twisted in agony. Bronya felt a pang of worry and looked at Luo Mo.

"Didn't you tell me that Seele would be fine with fusing that gem?" She asked him, hoping that he was right.

"Bronya, calm down. It's not a problem, trust me." Luo Mo said, as he watched the transformation with interest.

"Becoming a Herrscher is not easy... it's natural that she feels some pain, but she has already passed the hardest part, thanks to Veliona."

He added, "And you should pay attention too. You might notice some changes in yourself as well."

He smiled and said, "If Seele becomes a Herrscher, then Bronya... you will become a Herrscher too!"

Bronya nodded, with a firm expression in her eyes.

Luo Mo turned his head and saw that Welt, who was lying on his shoulder, had opened his eyes. He was staring at Seele, who was glowing with Honkai energy.

Luo Mo cleared his throat and asked him, "Yang, are you planning to stop her?"

Welt coughed and said, "Can you prove that she won't hurt anyone in the future? If not, I have to stop her."

He said, as he activated some mechanical cannons that appeared in the air, aiming at Seele.

Bronya did not hesitate to shield Seele from Welt's attack, and looked at him with fear and anger.

Luo Mo nodded at Fu Hua, and Fu Hua swiftly moved to knock out Welt, who fell to the ground again, and his mechanical weapons vanished.

"He is so stubborn." Luo Mo said, shaking his head.

"He has seen the horrors of the second Honkai Eruption." Fu Hua said, with a hint of sympathy.

Meanwhile, Seele's body underwent another transformation, and the gem melted into her. Seele rose up in the air, and her white dress fluttered as if there was a breeze.

She opened her eyes slowly, and a scale-like pattern appeared in her pupils, with black and white balancing each other.

"Seele... are you okay?" Bronya asked Seele, with concern and hope in her voice.

Seele looked at Bronya with a puzzled expression and then smiled warmly. "Sister Bronya, we can finally leave this place!"

"Ah..." Bronya embraced Seele tightly, breathing heavily, and murmured in her ear, "Seele, Seele, I missed you so much..."

"Sister Bronya, don't cry anymore." Seele comforted Bronya, stroking her back gently.

"I feel different now. I have new powers. Let's try them out later, okay?"

"Yes, yes, Seele, let's get out of here and go back to our home!" Bronya said, with tears in her eyes.

She had waited for this moment for so long. She had finally reunited with her sister! She didn't care if Seele was a Herrscher or not. She would always love her and protect her!

Seele was more precious to her than anything else in this world!

"Come on, Fu Hua; we're done here!" Luo Mo called out to Fu Hua, who was standing behind him.

The group of five, along with the unconscious Welt, started their journey back to the real world.

"Other me? Are you okay?"

"Answer me! Are you alright?"

[.... ]

[Not dead, but very tired, that jerk; he must have known what would happen.]

"Are you sure? What did you see there?" Seele asked with concern.

'Why did it try to lure us with the promise of destruction? Does it think we need its help?' Veliona thought to herself and Seele

[We don't need anything from it. We only need what Seele loves.]

She recalled the voice that had driven her mad, but she also felt a wave of exhaustion.

[Don't worry, Seele, I just need some time to recover.]

In the space of their shared mind, Veliona breathed heavily and covered her ears, as if she wanted to shut out the sound.

Like Seele in the outside world, her attire also changes greatly. Just like the other side of Seele, if she is white, then she is black.

She was wrapped in a black dress with with raven feathers sticking to her dress, and the scythe standing next to her was mixed with black and red, but she didn't care about all this, and the noise in her ears finally subsided.

She collapsed to the ground and sent a final message to her other self.

Then, she fell asleep.


"Hey, look who's back! ♪ " Elysia greeted them at the door, waving a sparkler in her hand. She set it off, and colorful confetti rained down on their heads and shoulders.

"Welcome back, welcome back! And you brought a guest... huh?" Elysia noticed Seele's eyes and leaned in to sniff her. "Is she a Herrscher?"

" What? A Herrscher? " Tesla recoiled. She was about to help Luo Mo carry Welt, who was unconscious. She was shocked by Elysia's words and instinctively grabbed her communicator, ready to alert Anti-Entropy and others.

"Don't be so scared of the Herrscher!" Elysia said, with a frown.

Luo Mo sighed and said, "Yes, I have a Herrscher with me too. Ellie, stay away from Seele, please!"

" Huh!? Elysia, I don't care about anyone else, only the pretty Herrscher girl! ♪ " Elysia said with a grin. But she still glanced at Welt and checked his condition.

Luo Mo shook his head; she had finally confessed her true feelings. He looked back and saw Bronya guarding Seele behind her and glaring at Elysia.

She was like a mother hen, shielding her chick from the hawk.

And Elysia seemed to enjoy the challenge, trying to sneak past Bronya's guard.

Behind them, Seele watched the two of them with a bewildered expression, not knowing what to do.

"Give me Yang, fast! I need to check his condition." Tesla said, as he grabbed Yang from Luo Mo and placed him on a medical device.

"How odd! Yang has many wounds, but none of them should make him lose consciousness."

Tesla examined the back of his head more closely. He noticed a fresh mark that resembled... a chop?

But who would use such a move in a fight? Dr. Tesla was puzzled by this.


Mobius was immersed in her experiments, hoping to find a breakthrough soon. She was about to reach a crucial point when she felt a sudden surge of light from a part of her body. She looked down and saw a faint glow on her arm. She cursed under her breath. The light would interfere with the sensitive instruments and ruin the data she had collected for days.

She tried to ignore it and hoped it would go away. She had prepared enough materials for several trials. She took a deep breath and resumed her work, adjusting the settings and recalibrating the measurements. But before she could finish, the light on her arm intensified and spread to her chest and shoulders. She gasped as the light enveloped her upper body, making her feel hot and uncomfortable.

The laboratory was illuminated by the unnatural light, like a disco ball. Klein, who was sleeping on a couch nearby, woke up with a start. She blinked and rubbed her eyes, wondering what was going on. She opened her mouth to ask Mobius, but she was already out of the door.

She stormed into the hallway, looking for the source of the problem. She had a hunch that it had something to do with the stigmata, the mysterious devices that gave them special abilities. She shouted the name of the person who was in charge of the stigmata: "Vill-V!"

She followed the trail of light to Vill-V's room and kicked the door open. She was shocked to see that everyone was there, gathered around a table with various gadgets and wires. They all looked up at her with guilty expressions. They all had the same problem as her: parts of their bodies were glowing with different colors.

"What the hell is going on?" Mobius demanded, her voice cold and angry. She glared at them, especially at Vill-V, who was holding a stigmata in her hand.

"Uh, well, you see…" Vill-V stammered, trying to hide the device behind her back. "Maybe… it's because the stigmata are not compatible?"

Mobius frowned. "What do you mean, not compatible?" She scanned the room and noticed something. "Hey, where is that annoying pink-haired woman?"

She quickly put two and two together and realized what had happened. She spoke in a low voice, full of disbelief and fury. "Tell me who is powering the stigmata device right now."

Vill-V bit her lip and shook her head. She remembered the instructions that Elysia had given her before she left. She was not supposed to tell anyone about the secret experiment. She thought that it would be fine, that the stigmata would work as usual. But she did not expect that the device would malfunction and cause such a mess.

She adjusted her hat nervously. She was flickering like a faulty bulb. How could she explain this?

"You'll find out soon enough!" Mobius said, narrowing her eyes. She had a bad feeling about this. She wondered what Elysia was up to.

"Mobius, don't forget that you are just a normal human now. You can't fight them." Vill-V said, trying to sound friendly. She knew that Mobius was stubborn and reckless. She did not want her to get hurt.

"I don't need to fight them. I don't care about that kind of thing." Mobius said, sneering. She turned around and walked away. She had more important things to do than to deal with these idiots. She hoped that the light would fade away soon. She had to finish her experiments.


A group of people returned with Welt, the leader of the anti-entropy alliance, and Seele, the one that Bronya missed so much.

Tesla and Einstein were busy treating Welt's wounds on the way, hoping to restore his health and strength. They needed him to lead the anti-entropy forces and deal with the crisis.

They were just ordinary scientists. They had no interest or skill in politics. They had left the issue of how to handle Cocolia unresolved.

On the other hand, Elysia was in a good mood, as if she was on a vacation. She had been like this ever since she met the two Herrschers, who were still conscious. She would often tease Seele when she was distracted, and enjoy her reactions.

She wished that Veliona, Seele's other personality, could come out. She would surely scold Elysia for her behavior.

Bronya tried to resist, but Elysia was too strong and too charming. She could not help but feel attracted to her. The result was that all three of them had a slight blush on their cheeks.

"Ah, this trip was so much fun; I want to go again! ♪ " Elysia said, jumping off the plane. She kept looking back at Seele and Bronya, who were keeping their distance from her.

"Seele, remember to stay away from that woman!" Bronya said, reminding Seele.

Seele looked at Bronya with a doubtful expression and said, "But Sister Elysia is not a bad person, right?"

"Seele, you are too naive; it doesn't matter if she is good or bad, what matters is what she wants from you!" Bronya said with a serious tone,

She felt a surge of jealousy in her chest. Seele had already started to call Elysia sister! She hated the idea of Seele being influenced by Elysia; Seele belonged to her only!

Starting tomorrow, practice more! Beauty is only for the strong! Bronya secretly made up her mind.

Seele noticed Bronya's anxiety and smiled inwardly. She realized that some of the tricks that Veliona taught her were working.

For instance, getting close to someone other than Bronya would make her more jealous and attentive. She didn't know why Veliona always blushed when she mentioned this, but she could see the results for herself!

Seele planned to try some more tactics, and Elysia seemed to enjoy her company.