
Chapter 42 Do Me a Favor

After Reagan and his family left, Camilo put off his cigarette, his face cold and emotionless.

"Let's go," he said indifferently.

"Yes." Alaia nodded. Somehow, she felt that Camilo looked very lonely.

As soon as he said so, a Bugatti stopped right in front of Alaia and Camilo with a bang, followed by two fancy and yet rather low-key luxury cars.

Cohen stepped out of the car, two buttons of his white shirt casually tied. Looking sexy and charming, he walked over to Camilo and Alaia with a woman with a sexy figure.

Behind him, Daxton and Edward slowly walked over. One of them looked mature, and the other looked elegant.

"Hello." Alaia greeted them with a smile.

They nodded slightly.

Camilo was eye-catching enough. Now, the four of them stood side by side, immediately attracting all women's attraction from inside and outside the hotel.