
Making A Pact With The Vampire King

[Mature Content. No Rape] Lucia's life is a puzzle missing crucial pieces left behind by her parents' disappearance. Desperate for answers, Lucia embarks on a journey into the past, where danger lurks at every turn. Amidst the chaos, a mysterious stranger enters her life, sparking an intense passion that ignites like a wildfire. But as Lucia digs deeper, she uncovers a web of lies and betrayal, realizing that love may be the deadliest illusion of all. ________ Updates: Mon-Sat Note: The copyright to the cover belongs to me, do not reuse.

g_d · Fantasy
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157 Chs


The darkness of the night covered the dense forest, its shadows stretching like bony fingers, eager to snatch any flicker of light that dared intrude upon its realm. Moonlight struggled to penetrate the thick clouds, casting eerie patches of pale illumination on the forest floor.

Amidst the haunting silence, a young girl found herself running, her breaths ragged and panicked. Her heart pounding in her chest like a frantic drum. Fear gnawed at her mind, urging her to flee from the terror that pursued her.

The sound of the wind whispered through the swaying branches, creating a dangerous symphony of chilling howls and rustling leaves. Each rustle seemed to be an echo of her own steps, amplifying her terror.

Her foot caught on a protruding root, and she stumbled, her hands grazing the cold forest floor. But she didn't dare stop to glance over her shoulder.

Just as she thought she might escape the horror that chased her, she felt a sudden impact, colliding with a force in the darkness.

lying motionless on her bed, her body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, as if trying to escape the clutches of the terrifying dream that had held her captive. Her eyes, clenched tightly shut, twitched beneath their lids, betraying the turmoil unfolding within her subconscious.

Suddenly, she gasped, a sharp intake of breath that pierced the silence of the room. Her eyes shot open, wide with fear. For a moment, she struggled to distinguish between the realm of her nightmare and the reality of her bedroom.

Placing her hand over her chest, she tried to calm her beating heart. After waiting for a little while, she moved her blanket and sat up with her feet touching the ground.

Just then, the sound of footsteps echoed. A familiar voice called out to her from beyond her closed bedroom door "Lucia, come on! Wake up and get ready, unless you want us to be late,"

"Alright, alright Rose, I'm up!" Lucia replied, her voice slightly groggy from just waking up. She quickly ran her fingers through her messy hair, trying to smooth it into some sort of order.

Lucia stood up with a small sigh as she made her way to the bathroom.

An hour had flown by, and now both ladies were standing, dressed and ready to go. Rose beamed at Lucia, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "We look amazing!" she squeaked. "I can't believe we got the invites."

A smile tugged at the corners of Lucia's lips as she gazed at her friend.

Taking hold of Lucia's hands, Rose pulled her gently. "Come on, let's go," she urged. "I can't wait to see what awaits us."

The two ladies, Rose and Lucia, stepped out of the house. Walking to the ledge of the stairs, Rose grew frustrated. "Damn this building, why don't they have a damn elevator?"

Rose sighed as she looked around the shabby building. "Lucia, don't you think we deserve better than this? I mean, look at the cracks on the walls, and the stains on the floor. This place is a dump."

Lucia shrugged and smiled. "Well, we got what we paid for. It's not like we didn't know what we were getting into when we bought it. Besides, it has potential. With some hard work, we can make it our own."

Rose rolled her eyes. "Hard work? Or magic and miracles?" She wished they could afford a nicer place, but she knew Lucia was right. They had to make the best of what they had.

Lucia, on the other hand, seemed more relaxed. She offered a simple solution, "Why don't we just wear our flats when we reach the ground floor? We can put our heels back on later."

Lucia reminded Rose, "Remember, don't run if you don't want to end up with a sweaty face. Let's take our time, ok."

Rose hesitated for a moment, but ultimately gave in to Lucia's suggestion. "Ok, fine," The girls quickly changed into their more comfortable flats before walking down the stairs.

Making their way outside the building, the city lights twinkling around them like stars in the night sky. As they approached the sleek, elegant car, a BMW 7, parked gracefully at the curb, Rose's eyes lit up.

Suddenly she turned to Lucia and announced, "Tada! Our ride is here."

Lucia gasped as she saw the car parked in front of the building. She asked in disbelief, "Where did you get this from?" Rose grinned and said, "A friend of mine went on a trip and she needed someone to take care of her baby, so I volunteered. Isn't she a beauty? Now come on, stop standing there we have a party to attend.

Lucia smiled as she walked to the car. Opening the passenger's door, she settled into the plush seat.

The engine purred to life as Rose started the engine, and the car began gliding smoothly down the streets.

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