
Making a Name for Myself

A gloomy suicidal shut in reincarnated into a gloomy middle schooler. Notice: I do not own any of the character There might be an OC but most of them arent mine. I also do not own the Cover, if owner wants me take it down I will gladly change it.

DreamingOni · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs



I will try different writing style here

this is kind of a one shot kinda thing :)

If there is any grammatical error, Spelling error dont hesitate to comment on paragraph where rror is located. Thankyou.


Izumi: "Hello" - Talking

Izumi: 'Fuck you' - Thinking

[Hello] - System

~Dreaming oni~


My name is Izumi, a average person where you can find everywhere, one day I tried my luck and mingle with popular people in my school only to be outright rejected and even bullied me. Thus ruining my school life and leading me to become a shut in.

My parents are working abroad and rarely visit me in when they come here in japan, they usually do their job and leave right away but they regularly send me money. They probably hate me since how can 2 top notch beauty and handsome parents have such average looking child.

Thus leading me to think they are abandoning me in a different way by dumping me somewhere and regularly give just enough money to keep me alive so they wont turn into criminals or bad parents in the eye of the public.

Since my father is a famous businessman and my mother is a singer they need keep their image in public. They even gave me a different last name, they gave me the last name of my great grandfather on my fathers side.

Probably so people wont know I am their child.

Izumi: "Sigh, last chapter of Horimiya is really bad, where is their children! They didnt even show Miyamuras adult future look!"

I was currently reading my favorite slice of life, romance manga 'Horimiya' i liked the male lead since we were kind of similar before he meet the heroine Hori. Though the only difference between us is that he is handsome and I'm not.

My favorite heroine so far compared to other romance manga is Hori, i like how she care about her family and how she helped Miyamura get out of depression and be a a happy boi.

I wish someone would give me a Hori for myself.

*Ding dong* * Ding dong*

Izumi: "Hai~ coming"

Delivery guy: "Good afternoon, sir thank you for ordering in our cake shop have a good day. And more importantly Happy birthday!"

saying that the delivery guy left.

Yes, today is my birthday, no one greeted me besides the delivery dude maybe since I ordered a birthday cake so he knew. I'm surprised he didn't think it was for someone else.

Izumi: "Well time to blow and eat some cake"

Opening the box taking out the cake and placing the candles on the cake numbered '18' i sang in a way that would make someone awkward.

Izumi: "Happy birthday to me, Happy birth day to me~ Happy birthday - happy birthday, happy birthday dear me."

Izumi: "I wish to die and reincarnate and be opposite of myself."

Making my wish I blew the candle and ate the cake and quickly went to sleep. Since I did pulled a all-nighter earlier I was pretty sleepy.



I was suddenly awoken by a excruciating pain on my head as if I was being compressed.


Finally when the pain was over i was trying to look around but i realized i cant see anything! Everything is blur! I started crying as if i cant control my body.

??: "Congratulation Mrs. and Mr. Miyamura, its a baby boy"

Izumi: 'What the fuck is going on?! Miyamura? Baby boy? now that you think about it i feel like a giant is holding me.'


Izumi: 'Dont fucking tell me i reincarnated?!'

Mrs. Miyamura: "Ill name him Izumi, Miyamura Izumi"

Mr. Miyamura: "Can i hold him?"

Mrs. Miyamura: "Nope you cant go away let me spend time with my baby"

Saying this, Mr. Miyamura didn't know if he should cry or not.

Izumi: "Wait, Miyamura Izumi? I reincarnated in Horimiya?!"


Time skip 4 years:


During this 4 years, I realized something frightening.

I am Miyamura yet i am not Miyamura! its like I'm spectating him in 1st person point of view. now i realized it when i tried to move during the few month I was born. I cant control it, its like someone else has control which is the original Miyamura.

Izumi: 'Fuck what's the point in reincarnating if I will just be a spectator.'


Time skip 9 years: 1 year before graduation


Everything pretty much went the same way the canon showed how Miyamuras life went, him going under depression, people calling him weird and disgusting, and him being friends with Shindou.

Honestly during the time I've been spectating him, I had the urge to take over and change our lives.

Izumi: 'Come on dude, get up leave the rabbit were going to be late for classes.'

I said, well he cant hear me but I've been consoling him as I watch him or should I call it consouling, hehe.

Anyways I realized how fucked up my life was before by actually watching this depressing dude. If only I didn't give up so early. If only I didn't bow down to does bullies in my previous life maybe.. Just maybe it could have been different.

Then again I cant do anything, I probably died due to a reason I don't know. So here I am as your everyday spectator.

But Miyamura is different, he is handsome but he doesnt use it. I can only sigh and support this dudes back with out him knowing.


Time skip 1 year: Graduation day


Today miyamuras graduated.

all of a sudden a orange hair boy jumped behind us. This boy is the only friend and bestfriend Miyamura ever created his whole life excluding the kids when we were little since I already forgot about them.

Shindou: "Miyamura! which school are you going for high school?"

Miyamura was surprised at first but quickly calmed down

Miyamura: "I'm going to Katagiri High, how about you Shindou?"

Shindou: "Me? I'm going to Yasaka High"

Miyamura: "Eh?! That school for smart people?" Saying this Miyamura looked at Shindou with doubtful look.

Shindou: "Hey! you're doubting me aren't you! I really did get in Yasaka high!"

Miyamura: "Hai~hai" But in the inside miyamura was actually sad, of course Izumi didn't fail to notice this.

While they were interacting and even Izumi didn't notice, a certain brown messy hair girl passed by them with a read hair nerd.

Red hair nerd: "Hori-san! please stop bullying me! Someday ill show you I'm not someone to mess with" Saying this the red hair nerd suddenly slipped, while the messy brown hair girl pressumally Hori laughed and took a photo of him.

Hori: "HAHAHAH Sengoku! another photo for blackmailing! ill show this to your future girlfriend." Saying this she ran away.

Sengoku: "Hori-san! Delete that now!" Sengoku said while chasing after her.


Time skip to when Miyamura reaches home:


Miyamura: "Shindou is going to a different school huh... guess I'm all alone once again." Saying this Miyamura slept.

After Miyamura slept, Izumi decided to sleep as well since he didn't have anything to do but all of a sudden.

[Integrating System]











[System integration complete]

[Scanning host body and soul]

[Anomaly detected]

[2 souls have been located, proceeding with soul fusion]

[Using soul Miyamura as based soul]

Seeing this, Izumi felt strange then he realized he was going to disappear!


[Error, Soul Izumi resisted soul merging.]

[Finding alternate solution]


[Solution found, Using Soul Izumi as base soul]

Hearing this, Izumi felt something entering his soul memories and emotion of Miyamura, he never felt so alive. Literally! he felt he can move his body finally after 14 years!

[Soul fusion success]

[Welcome host, I am Popular system. Here to help host become popular]


To be continued


A/N. This is a short chap, comment down bellow if you like it and if i should continue this story.



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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