

You have read thousands of stories about a player playing the VR MMORPG game about that player's life and how he soared high in his life and in the end we found that the game is just a tutorial or a product of some outer space species. but have you ever thought about what the life of a game maker will be? what if the game made is not a product of outer space species but of a simple man of our planet? what are the effects of the game on the world how many changes it can bring and how does one develop this game? this is a story about a young entrepreneur who had a dream of making a game that will leave such a long impact on history that many generations after him will know him as the father of the first and the last R MMORPG games. ----------------------------------------------------------------- the game will be completely new and will take inspiration from many other games, myths, and lore of many different cultures and religions. I have always dreamed of this whole thing and now I am just writing my dreams on this page. hope you will love it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GUYS, I AM PARTICIPATING IN THE CONTEST SO IT WOULD BE LOVELY IF YOU SUPPORT IT AND VOTE FOR IT. AT LEAST LEAVE A REVIEW SO THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND MY FAULTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------- follow me on Inst*gram if you want : Wlesh_0207

Lordwlesh · Games
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"Okay, so if we can do this then why not we scatter the chips in all around the world and let the players find it? The chips can be in anything, anywhere it's upon the players to find and then use them in this way we can give everyone an equal opportunity. These findings will then depend upon three factors the first one is on their luck, the next is hard work and willingness to go to any length to find that desired chips, and the last things are their intelligence" Shaurya said with a smile on his face.

"ohh, and in this way, we can give them their desired adventure so isn't it like finding out your deckomon and catching it" Priya asked with a smile as she want to taunt Shaurya.

"hmph, no it's not the same though the finding part may seem to be the same it isn't licensed. It's like I am coping the breath from an anime character it's nonsense as everyone lives to breathe so finding is a common action, not a copying one, and also we will not be going to just put some deckomons and let them go and catch" Shaurya said with an irritating tone.

Others laugh and then Karna said, "Your idea is very good I like it but we can't just say that we have scattered the entire chips in the world you all go and find that will be boring and stupid so we need a solid story too back it up so what you guys think about it".

"yeah, a good story always sells so we do need a strong story," Arjun says.

"Guys, before we discuss the story can we all please focus on how we will make the scattered chips plan successful like how would that function work if we were to take some examples I would take deckomon they used the deckoballs so we are using the chips in place of balls so, how we would know who will be the owner and who will be the finder of the chips like all the plans and other stuffs" as soon as rama asked that many questions raised in the minds of the team like where to develop the game city and battle stadiums how will be the overall structure of the game would be.

Just like that night falls but their discussion doesn't end. Karna seeing that only questions have been raised and not a single answer is been found so he choose to stop this meeting for today.

"Okay, we all can stop for today. I have written all the points that we need a clear answer so I will divide this thing among us so we can then have time to focus on that particular things first I and shaurya will work on the story and then Priya and Rama will work on finding the solution to how we will solve the chip problem and how will our game mechanism would work. Sorry, Kashyap, you have no job till we decided on the story and theme so you may take some rest till we decided on it as for you buddy" before Karna could complete his sentence.

Arjun says "I will look at the production of the creation platform and the lands where we can make the stadiums, our game cities, and the other negotiations with the government don't worry I have that in my control".

Karna smiles and then nodded "So did you all understand your jobs" With that others nodded he then again continue "So then Take a whole night and think about this we all will discuss our idea and solution after a week okay so you all have the entire week to think and revise your ideas".

With that, the night passed, and then the next day Shaurya came into the library where Karna had called him. As he enters the room he found a row of books placed neatly on each side of the wall and two sections of rows placed in the middle of the room he then goes to the next end of the room where he found Karna sitting on a chair and in front of him are piles of scattered books.

"good morning sir" Shaurya wished to which Karna looked at him and then nodded he then says "So what did you think at night ".

Shaurya too take his seat and said "Yes sir how about we create the theme of good vs evil".

"the same generic theme, it's a good theme but we need something more something more unique that can go with our game," Karna said.

"so sir, how about we create the factions wars" Shaurya said as he then removes the small pen drive and then fit it on the large computer screen on the table and then says "Sir this is the idea that I had deeply hidden from all others as I know that it can't be possible with the tech that we had but now after seeing your technology I had decided to give this idea a try".

Seeing the positive reaction from Karna Shaurya continues "So, sir how about we create factions of three groups one is of the god, the other will be of the demons and the last one will be of the humans. The basic premise is that all these three groups will fight to get an item that can be a divine thing or something which is out of the ordinary. The members of either team can never change their factions once they selected anyone of this and after selection, they have to play within their selected factions for eternity".

"hmm, the idea is quite good instead of humans fighting for the gods and against the demons let's make them fight against each other but let's make a little change here so that things can become more interesting let the rule of not letting to change factions of the god and demon side members to follow but for humans side nope they will not follow that rule let them have a chance to change into any factions according to there situation," Karna said.

"ohh, then it would create a whole lot of chaos, anyway after that each faction member will start from the low rank, and then they will climb up the ladder of their factions in this process we can add many quests" Shaurya again said.

"yeah, so it's done. I like the basic premise now we only have to fill up the gaps with original stories with whom the others can connect ...so how about we use the myths," Karna said as he then opens the books of various religions and many fantasy books.

"But Sir, using the religious figures will cause massive protests if we fail to create the way the gods are. So are you sure we will use them" Shaurya asked with precautions as he is well aware of the extremist religious persons so he doesn't want to put himself and his family in a dangerous position.

Seeing the fear in Shaurya's eyes Karna says "Don't worry, nothing gonna happen to us you just focus on the job let me and government handle the others, anyway as I was saying let's make the god's division as a 'devas' and the demons division as 'asuras' and the human's and divisions as 'manushya' and then let make many characters and items divided into this three fraction the characters and items of one faction cannot be used by other fraction after the conversion".

"conversion, sir I didn't get this" Shaurya asked as then Karna smiles and says "Let's make it more interesting at first each character, weapon, and item chip will be neutral, and then the players can convert them into their faction after searching them and once the chip is converted into one faction then it cannot be reconverted to other faction".

"wow, sir it would be fun to watch," Shaurya said. Karna nods and then says "So now that we had discussed this let's take the reference and stories from these books I am sure we will get something of our need".

With that, both Karna and Shaurya started reading the religious book of each religion and also many other novels and stories to get a perfect idea of their game as they were discussing this.

In another room, another discussion is taking place "Rama, what do you think how we should make the whole function of like we can't use balls for obvious reasons" Priya asked as she then looks at the various papers which have the designs of other using medium machines like deckoballs, power dangers morphing equipment and many more.

"There are already so many designs so it is very hard to find something unique and effective which can also function and also look cool, hey did we know what classes players can choose," Rama asked.

Priya then look at the file and said "Yes, sir Arjun had said that he doesn't like to restrict the players on the classes one can be anything as long as he has the required characters or the items or weapons like if you had found weapons chip of swords and also a character chip of a mage so you can be both a summoner as well as swordsmen. So the possibilities are endless the players can become anything a mixed type, a weapons type, or a summoner type anything".

"Damm, that is so cool haha Man those guys are really lucky that they don't know anything about the game and they will be surprised to see what things they can do. You know what I called this phenomenon a gamer surprise day...that feeling of knowing nothing about the game and then you got the surprises sighs...it looks like I will not experience that feeling this time" Rama said in a little low and sad tone.

"don't think like that, think in a positive way you are given a chance to make that game that will become a reason for that moment for other gamers. Isn't that cool" she said with a bright smile on her face listening to her Rama nodded and smiled at her.

"so, shall we start discussing" and with that they both started discussing the solution to the problem.


Authors note: guys please review and donate your power stones it will help me in the competition and also it will motivate me to write.

[One stone is nothing for you but it means the world to me .]







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