

You have read thousands of stories about a player playing the VR MMORPG game about that player's life and how he soared high in his life and in the end we found that the game is just a tutorial or a product of some outer space species. but have you ever thought about what the life of a game maker will be? what if the game made is not a product of outer space species but of a simple man of our planet? what are the effects of the game on the world how many changes it can bring and how does one develop this game? this is a story about a young entrepreneur who had a dream of making a game that will leave such a long impact on history that many generations after him will know him as the father of the first and the last R MMORPG games. ----------------------------------------------------------------- the game will be completely new and will take inspiration from many other games, myths, and lore of many different cultures and religions. I have always dreamed of this whole thing and now I am just writing my dreams on this page. hope you will love it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GUYS, I AM PARTICIPATING IN THE CONTEST SO IT WOULD BE LOVELY IF YOU SUPPORT IT AND VOTE FOR IT. AT LEAST LEAVE A REVIEW SO THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND MY FAULTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------- follow me on Inst*gram if you want : Wlesh_0207

Lordwlesh · Games
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50 Chs


[ at a dream palace restaurant in the state of Gujarat( India)]

"Sir, what orders would you like to make," a lady of age 27 asked a couple eating at the table. She had a fair complexion with dyed brown hair she had worn a waitress dress. a bright smile on her face but once one tries to look deep into her eyes then they can see the sadness and frustration in her eyes.

The couple placed their order and then she moves inside the kitchen and says

" a butter chicken and full naan, for table number three" Just like this the entire night passed with taking orders and delivering it.

After a while, she take a small break and came out of the restaurant's back door into a dark and silent alleyway. She opens up the cigarette pack and takes one while smoking she looks at the sky. Her name is Priya a gamer designer dropout she's couldn't able to finish her studies due to the sudden death of her parents in a car accident.

From then she became unable to finish her studies as she miss the last exam even after giving the reason she was not allowed to attain they even told her to repeat the year for the obvious reason she can't do that.

After that, she started looking for small part-time jobs and started living a life like that.

"well, let's see what post did he make today".

She then takes out her phone the thing is that she in her free time comment and even give some suggestion to the user who posts their gaming ideas on the blogs. She had stumbled on his blog a few years back and from then on she read all of his ideas though she found some mistakes here and there but apart from it everything else was good.

The gaming worm inside her make her comment and point out those mistakes which the owner of that post didn't like but this all became their daily activity. To this date, she didn't know who the person is as he always posts with the username of anonymous.

One time she tried to personally message him and have a discussion on those ideas but he refused and then she knew about the rude characteristic of this user. After taking her phone out she opens it and goes to the site but to her surprise, there is no blog post today.

" what he didn't post today why, it's quite unusual ...now how will I pass my time "

She was about to put the phone inside but suddenly the phone rang and a notification sound came " who could have messaged me at this time must be from those assholes advertising companies ".

She threw the cigarettes and then look at the message this time she saw her name on the mail with a video attached to it. " a mail and a video" After saying that she check it and then a bright smile appears on her face.

" so god has finally decided to have mercy on me huh " She then once again look at the sky and this time a genuine smile appears on her face "Well, Mr Karna you got my attention ".

[ at a house, in the state of Tamilnadu( India)]

"dammit, what kind of shitty control is this arrgh fuck " A young man of age 25 threw the gaming headset and controller sticks on the bed as he then looks at the game-over screen showing on the large PC screen.

The young man had a fit and slim body he had long black hair which is tied in a ponytail and dark brown color skin he then open up his next computer and type the reviews of the game which he had recently played.

" game is just good not so great and not so bad, the realism is okay and the character's interactions are bad they feel like programmed artificial mannequins which kill the immersive- ness of the game but the worst part of this game is its controls like did they smoke weed while makings the controls. there is no freedom given to the players to play no weapons choice no smooth hand movements can be done here late reflexes sensing I go on with this rant.

For me, this game deserves 2 stars that it's".

After reading it one more time, he posts the review and then closes the PC screen as he then started to remember the good old days where PC gaming was famous there he can show his skills with the keyboard and mouse.

" All this mobile gaming and VR shit had destroyed this holly gaming environment " he then get up from his chair and goes to the washroom to lighten up.

after that, he opens up his phone and started scrolling he look at the news related to the new VR gaming and stuff like that. this young man's name is Ramcharan or short for Ram he is a famous game critic and an expert in making a game control designer.

" hmm, wow didn't he make post anything today, is that person run out of ideas " he giggle in a light tone as he followed the blogs of this anynomans person and he just liked the ideas as well as the funny conversation between a girl and this anynomans person.

as he was thinking about it a mail appeared on his phone Ram is a sociable person but he to have had a line he had said to everyone to not send any messages or calls after 11.00 at night if they had an emergency then only they can call him because at night he does the job of his reviewer as he plays the games and posts reviews about it.

he open the mail to see who had broken that rule so that he can give him some earful but then he saw a mail from Maya's company. he didn't know the company of this name so he just click on it in curiosity "Ohh, a video" he then click on it and the video plays.

just like the previous two, a small smile appeared on his face he then look at the sky full of stars and said "Well looks like it's going to be fun, wait Mumbai here I come".

[ Donegal studio, in the state of Kashmir (India ) ]

an old man can be seen painting something on the canvas in a small room he had a huge white beard long white hair and completely fair skin with his long white robes one can easily misunderstand him as some old saint and not some character designer.

As he was painting it, a man enter the room the sudden entrance make the old man angry and he shout " for god's sake how many times I had told you to knock and ask for permission before entering my room, what is hard about this sentence that is not going in your dumb brain ."

Ignoring the rant of the old man the man in the suit says "Sir Kashyap your character does not match the theme of the game and it's been rejected by the board so they tell you to make another design with the given preference and not to use your brains ".

Listening to the harsh words and foul criticism of his work the old man became furious as he threw the colors and canvas on the man who easily dodged it. Seeing this makes the old man even more furious " How can those dumb bags reject such a great design it's perfectly suited to the theme hell it's the best character out of all those trash designed by others in that game you fucking people don't understand the art you want me to draw something so trash ".

" sir you are paid to do the job which we gave to you and not to run your brain if you want to use that head of yours then you are free to open up your studio and can sell those designs at your private place. please bear that in mind your job is to do what you are been told to do and also the damages price will be deducted from your salary. Bye till we met next time " After saying that the man threw the file in one corner of the room and then close the door before leaving.

Seeing that the old man became red from anger they knew that he is been kicked out of his home by his children and had nowhere to go and no one else to rely on except for the skills he had so now he worked for this studio as one of the members of character designing team. " you all people dammit " cooling down his anger he goes in the corner where that man had threw the file.

He picked it up and open it to find a huge complaint letter along with guidance on what they wanted and how they want him to do the things he then crush the complaint letter and threw it aside. Claiming his mind down he sits on his chair after installing the new canvas and cleaning the mess he thinks "Just when will this time change ".

He then opens his mobile phone and posts the photo of his drawn character and put a caption of " yet, another rejection haha". But this time he suddenly received a mail not having anything to do he opened the mail to see a video and a short message.

After seeing and reading the mail he then thinks for a while and after that he packs the bags and wrote a letter and leaves it on the canvas the letter was simple with two words written on it "fuck you" After that he smiles and leaves the house.

[ in Mumbai ]

Karna who is seating on a chair said with a smile on his face to Arjun who is seating in front of him "They all had accepted the invites and they all will be here in three days. So let's prepare for the gift which I had promised to them ".


Authors note: guys please review and donate your power stones it will help me in the competition and also it will motivate me to write.

[One stone is nothing for you but it means the world to me .]






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