

You have read thousands of stories about a player playing the VR MMORPG game about that player's life and how he soared high in his life and in the end we found that the game is just a tutorial or a product of some outer space species. but have you ever thought about what the life of a game maker will be? what if the game made is not a product of outer space species but of a simple man of our planet? what are the effects of the game on the world how many changes it can bring and how does one develop this game? this is a story about a young entrepreneur who had a dream of making a game that will leave such a long impact on history that many generations after him will know him as the father of the first and the last R MMORPG games. ----------------------------------------------------------------- the game will be completely new and will take inspiration from many other games, myths, and lore of many different cultures and religions. I have always dreamed of this whole thing and now I am just writing my dreams on this page. hope you will love it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GUYS, I AM PARTICIPATING IN THE CONTEST SO IT WOULD BE LOVELY IF YOU SUPPORT IT AND VOTE FOR IT. AT LEAST LEAVE A REVIEW SO THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND MY FAULTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------- follow me on Inst*gram if you want : Wlesh_0207

Lordwlesh · Games
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50 Chs


"Hahaha, hunter my buddy you are best This is such a good found hahaha".

He looks at the small silver-coloured chip it has a picture of a snake made on top of it Jonathan not wanting others to find out this chip hurriedly keeps it inside his secret pocket.

"This small chip must be of great importance because no sane person would be willing to give such an amount of money to just find these chips. I'll keep it with me for now".

He then hurriedly came down from his roof and looked around not seeing anyone he clams down and then patted the head of the hunter "Man you seriously are lucky for me just wait buddy once I get out of here I will make a suitable nest for you".

Hunter crows in happiness seeing this Jonathan laughs as he then says "Okay you rest here while I continue to act". Hunter then flew back to his nest As he is about to go and do his searching act he sees David and others who are walking towards him.

He can see the disappointment on their faces David looks at Jonathan and says "Dude, did you find any chips?" to which Jonathan nods his head sideways.

"argh, dammit why the hell is our luck so bad," Michael says suddenly they all heard a loud shout coming from behind the group hurriedly followed the sound as they were following they saw many people going in the same direction.

Ronny asked "Guys, are you all thinking what I am thinking" to which Michele and Samantha nodded they then reached the front of a crowd of people Jonathan saw many people wearing the same badge and outfit which his client had worn but he could also see people who have a different badges and outfit.

A hundred people had gathered in a circle and they surrounded a girl who had a dark complexion and was showing a small chip to the crowd Jonathan looked closely as he saw a normal outfit worn by a teenage girl and a badge which had a black and white bird.

"fuck, the council people got the first common chip. Look at the achievement list those fuckers councils got the first achievement" a young man says as he looks at his phone. Again David and Jonathan were surprised as they had never seen that kind of device but thinking it off as some new version of a smartphone they ignored it.

As their mind was on the talks of these people "Man what kind of godliness luck is this the first common chip haha, and it's just been a day from the official realise date".

"Haha, of course, there are a billion people in this world it's bound to happen but I too was so close to finding that chip but she got it".

Jonathan and David then looked at three people who were walking towards the girl wearing the same badges as her but there was also an additional badge on their chest which they didn't see earlier. The people included two teenage boys and a teenage girl who had a dark complexion making them all the locals of this country everyone looked at them at first one of the boys spoke "Congratulations on getting an achievement point for our faction, are you willing to join our guild 'doom bringers' our guild is the sixth strongest guild of the council faction in South Africa".

The teenage girl looks at them and smiles and then she says "Thanks for the offer but I am not interested in joining the guilds now I have had a quest to follow see ya".

After saying that she ran away from their other people to start going back home as it became evening and finding such a small chip in this yard in night was almost next to impossible Ronny then looks at Jonathan and says "Well, thank you guys for your hard work though we failed to find one but will try tomorrow".

David and Jonathan nod as they then walk towards the gate after leaving the group at the outskirts of the yard they return to their house inside the house Jonathan takes David's smartphone and starts searching about the myth and when both of them see the results their minds blow out of their heads.

"what the hell, there exists such a world and we were unaware of this thing. Now I understand why they all gave these energetic and enjoying faces who would not when they can get a chance to ride that big ass monstrous dragon Jonathan buddy we were literary leaving inside the rock I thought about it those guys give us a low amount of money for finding that treasure. If I had known that they wanted to find such a miraculous chip I would have charged thousands of dollars" David says as he then looks at the trailer launch of the myth and the news related to this game.

Jonathan's eyes shine with hope he then says "David, if we want to come out of this life then this myth is our only way. Buddy look here it says that The registration counter is still open let's hurry up we can't miss this...this is a goldmine for poor guys like us".

Jonathan didn't even want David to say anything as he hurriedly started getting all the documents which he might need while collecting the documents he thinks in his mind "The rare chip, fuck just by selling that chip I could earn so much money that I can't earn from working my ass off my entire life".

David also started to hurry up as he shouted "Wait for me, just give me a minute" he then ran into his house and started packing the required documents he hurriedly came out of his house and looked at Jonathan who was ready on his work bike provided by the company "come fast" Jonathan says after seating on the sit the bike rode off on the road towards the nearest town where the myth registration council is set up.

After a drive of four hours, they finally reached their destination there they saw a large gate of the building which was not previously present in this little town. on the gate, they saw a large holographic message of the myth's large round walls were attached to both sides of the gate and stretched circularly they couldn't seem to find the end of the walls as they were so wide. The walls have a design of some old castle walls which they find interesting. They also saw many army soldiers and policemen standing on guard and they were checking the people who were coming and going inside the building.

"Are you sure Jonathan that this is a gorge town because from the look it doesn't look like one?" David asked Jonathan then asked one of the middle-aged men who looked like a local "Buddy, is this gorge town"

The middle-aged man looks at them and his eyes fall on the wrist of these two guys then the man nods and says "So you are new to all of this huh? Well, listen yes that is the newly transformed Gorge Town now the official name of this town is not Gorge Town but Bestar Village, and that building over there is the registration hub go there and get yourself registered and also choose your faction wisely".

After saying that the man started walking towards the gate after a check he entered the gate of the building both Jonathan and David became surprised as they both looked at each other and gave a wry smile "Let's enter then". After that, they enter the gate after a checkup as soon as they enter the building through the gate a bizarre scene appears in front of their eyes.

"David are you seeing what I am seeing here" to which he got a reply "yes, this is amazing".

Guys sorry for the late chapters my exams are coming so I am busy with that but thanks for your support and please keep on voting and do leave some reviewed

Lordwleshcreators' thoughts