
Make your life worth it

"Are you a idiot? Why can't I be a spectator of others' life? I am too annoyed by those harem-seeker and cultivators." "What the heck is that lucky aura? The Will of those Worlds must be joking me." "Come on, MC. You don't need be so dumb, I can help your love life. Do you need me kidnap both you and lock you in a love hotel?" "Now, this frustrated spectator is going to rampage your lifes!" Worlds: - Kaichou wa maid-sama Author Motto: Begone, Harem lover! ============================= DISCLAIMER ============================= I don't own any of the characters, all of them belong to their respective author. The cover is take on the net

Lord_Fate_Master · Others
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34 Chs

It's showtime (part 2)

Night, USA, Washington DC, The Ritz-Carlton.

In a bathroom of the hotel a blonde young man was took out from his luggage many server component and piled up them on the floor. After took out all the components, the young man started connect between them on the floor. On the bed of the suit in another room, there was two laptops still closed and 4 cables were connect them to few components in the bathroom. A hanging gray tube came from the roof of the bathroom and a white fog was leaking from that tube; the temperature inside that bathroom was already dropped to 3 °C. 'Loki' was finishing his preparations. After about one hour, he was already sited on the bed with those portables on.

From the window in that room, it was possible saw the Pentagon that was still full of activities. Loki just opened a video call with someone and after a while, he saw many people in the windows on the screen of his laptops, even more than one in a single window. All of them were wearing a mask on their face, but you could tell their genders by their hair that wasn't covered and some uncovered parts of their faces.

"Guys, where are Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi?" Asked Loki who was putting a white headset on.

"Ama is taking a shower while Tsuku is checking his tools." Said a black-haired man with a full white mask with two small rearward-facing wings at the level above his ears. It has a large concave hole for the mouth and a pair of convex holes for his eyes, the mask showed a creepy but annoying smile.

"Mercury, you should hide your bugs before she comes back, your last flat didn't end well." Warned another man with a dark purple visor that covered his upper section of his face. He was wearing a black suit similar to Crisis Armor, but much more slender and versatile. Next to him, there were 1man, 1 teenager and 1 woman; all of them were wearing the same visor and suit.

"No problem, this time I have a scapegoat for her. I could sel-." Said Mercury with enthusiasm like he had overcome a his old trauma. As it said, 'old habits die hard'. Once, this man had hacked Amaterasu's phone and controlled its camera. It's enough know that the next day, a entire floor of a condominium in Florida exploded and surprisingly, nobody died but a resident was seriously injured by that explosion and rushed to the hospital.

Meanwhile, the others in the chat were watching that show and some of them were eating popcorn like at the cinema.

"Ahem! Silence please. And you fellows put down your buckets of popcorn if you don't want wake up with some more money on your bank account." Warned a old man in white coat with a white Godzilla mask on his face to the rest of the group. You could see a ominous aura come from him, even though a screen. Last time, a greenhorn of this group didn't listen him at all, and 2 days later she woke up with a suture on her belly and some extra money on her account. She was goddamned scared when she found she missed her left kidney and a portion of her liver after a medical control.

"Thanks Kronos. And Tsukuyomi is already online, guys." Said Loki with smile while he was looking the new window just popped out. There was a young man at his 20s with white flowing hair, a pair of blue eyes and a pale face. He was wearing a pale blue t-shirt with a bulletproof vest on it an behind him there was many guns, military gadget and knife of various shape. That 'collection' was of Tsukuyomi's younger brother, Susanoo.

"All the preparations are ready, you can start in anytime, Loki." Said Tsukuyomi with a plain tone, but it was possible see him watch a particular section of his PC screen like he was looking a corpse.

After that, Loki checked everyone's status and discussed any change of their plan. Thus, 3 hours easily passed. Everyone was ready to the action and who he was to restrain them?

"Then, have Wukong, Enkidu, Lilith, Hwanung and Hera infiltrated inside?" (Loki)

"Yes. Furthermore, they have already finished those 'holes'." Answered a blue-haired girl with a brown cat mask on her face.

"Ladies and gentleman. It's showtime!" (Loki)


Deep night, California, Stanford University.

Inside the Stanford University, more specifically in a room in the engineer department, a full black figure with a reddish visor in its face was in front of the only computer on in that dark room. From its outline, you could tell it was a woman. She was downloading the files inside that PC. After a unknown time, a disc came out from the PC that has been caught by that woman. Then, she grabbed a unusual object with 4 pair of propeller installed on it that was connected to the PC, and she started walk out from that room to went out from that school.

Inside a locker near that room, there was a old man in janitor uniform who was sleeping standing, meanwhile, two guards in monitor room were sleeping on their chairs.

That kind of situation happened in many engineer and informatic university and military facilities in all USA. That group of 'thief' was stealing many prototypes of military project, specifically those one that were assigned by DARPA.

Normally, if you infiltrated and hacked the main server of those University, it wouldn't be possible without be discovered, because they are monitored 24/7 by DARPA operators. But in that time lapse, DARPA was busy for another matter at the Pentagon...


Meanwhile, Washington DC, Pentagon, B ring, Defense Intelligence Agency offices.

In a long hallway, bullets were being shot at each sides and a gray smoke were spreading in the middle. Sometimes, some bullets would be come from the outside through the broken windows. From a side there was a group of man in battle suits with brown visor that covered their faces. At other side, there was a group of mixed military personnel who was focusing their firepower on particular sections of those offices where there were many portable barricades. From the space between them, many rubber bullets were being fired towards the military personals.

Its power mustn't be underestimate these rubber bullet because its cartridge was based on a 7,62x51 mm but the bullet shape itself was changed to be less lethal. So, its case were bigger and larger to maintain the ratio weight-pressure. And as such, to shoot these kind of bullets, it is need a more strength and stability from its user. That battle suit could compensate them because it increased user's speed, defense, strength, stability and weight. It has been developed by Loki, Hephaestus, Hou Yi and Seth (others core member of the group) after 3 years of heavy efforts.

Behind one of those barricades, there was a server room with many man in black suit, more thin and simple of those who were shooting. They were holding some laptops connected to those server. One of them in particular were operating at the main interface of those server.

All the wall of that room had been reinforced by a triple layer of steel, so no one could break down them while the cables were already connected to another room that was also defended by another group in black battle suits.

"How much do you need now?!" Shouted one of them who was shooting through those barricades. "These pillocks are really persistent and they are multiplying continuously. At this rate, we can last for 20 minutes if they don't take out tanks or choppers!"

"I'm sure they have already called an Apache only for us! I bet if we can last for 30 minutes, they will bring over three Abrams at least!" Shouted a his comrade next to him. Both of them were shouting because the sounds of gunshots were too loud in that place.

"Shut your fu****g mouth and keep firing!" Roared a woman of their group who was shooting to another side of the hallway. Instantly, those two idiots started focusing on hold off the meddlers who were outside.

"We have to wait Parabellum in underground and Skyfall in Alaska! And- fu**, Phi-23! You and your jinxed mouth! Here Zettairyōiki to Skyfall, you guys need hurry up! The 3rd Group is going to pay us a visit in 32 minutes! Repeat! The 3rd Group is going to pay us a visit in 32 minutes!" That man at main interface was quite frustrated at first, then he received a communication from the comm in his helmet and his expression changed suddenly.

A Special Force was going to raid them in about half a hour, and this was really troublesome. These group in dark battle suit could handle them, but it would take too much time, letting other Fort to send further reinforcements other than Fort McNair. At this point, they wouldn't be able to fled without be traced. Furthermore, they were ordered to kill as less as possible.

"Here Parabellum, we're done. Skyfall can take over the package, Leroy have to retreat and Zettairyōiki can pass to the next phase. To all active member, Asgard can enter on the 'stage'. Repeat, Asgard can enter on the stage." Suddenly, a message arrived to all the member of team Zettairyōiki. All of them breathed a sigh of relief hearing it. After that, all the member connected to the server started a massive downloading operation while a small group of them started clean up their traces like case, steel reinforcements on the walls, footprints and metal shavings.

After 6 minutes, they've done the download and cleaning. However, the suddenly sound of a explosion came from the outside of that building. Then, more explosion rang continuously before two of them rang just outside of the barricades.

"Here Einher-two, all the enemies in this sectore has been neutralized, you can come out now." A voice came from the outside. All the presents were excited hearing it and they started remove the barricades. After another 3 minutes, the room was completely clean from their residue.

Just out of that room there was a giant gray figure. It was a oversized armor with two big muzzles at place of its hands.

It was a big battlesuit with two guns that could shoot special 'bullet that when hit something, it create a powerful sonic explosion. The bullet was also spherical shape and it need compressed air to shoot. That battlesuit was really heavy but not really slow. To avoid being stunned by own bullets, it is soundproof and hermetically sealed until the user inside want come out.

It's a shame, but this battlesuit could operate for only 23 minutes before it ran out of energy.

In few seconds, even others members of that team gathered in that hallway. "Let's go back to subway!" Said that man who was at main interface, and all the team started ran towards subway; obviously that man was the team leader of Zettairyōiki. On the way, they met up with some member of team Parabellum. They were wearing the same suit but they had black visors.

"Hey, Jay-12! How has been in underground?" Asked the team leader of Zettairyōiki to one of seven member of Parabellum who has met. From its silhouette, that person was a woman. Hearing him, she and her fellow joined to team Zettairyōiki without problem and they ran towards the same direction.

"It was a hell down there, Phi-0. There were countless hidden bombs and security blocks. We had to kill that greenhorn Jay-28. It seems he was a spy of KGB and we had inadvertently recruited him accidentally. It wasn't either his original mission infiltrate between us. Sigh, lord Gilgamesh will compensate his family from what have said lord Loki." Answered that woman called Jay-12.

The team Parabellum had raided the main server room in the underground where there was many sentry guns and armed personnel as such as security bulkhead. If it wasn't for Loki and others hacker of his group, it would be impossible reach the main server room.

After chatting and ran for 3 minutes, that group reached the subway. There, two big hole with 6 meters of diameter were at each sides of the subway lines. There was a railway and a small-size electrical train at each holes. Connected to those train there was 3 cargos of 7 meters length and 3 meters high. Around them there was others people with black battle suits and visors of various color, mainly black or yellow. There were also those big gray battlesuits that were loading on cargos. Furthermore, Einjar-two was going there too.

There, those member of Parabellum has separated from that group to went to their Team Leader

"Leader, we're all here, you're the last group." Said a man in battle suit with brown visor and he was followed by others' with same outfit. They were approaching to Phi-0's group.

"So no loss, Phi-9?" (Phi-0)

"Only Jay-28 and Rho-5 died while there few injured but nothing serious." (Phi-9)

"To all the member in Pentagon, load on cargos let's get out of here!" A voice came from comm of all presents. After that, they started load on cargos with order while gray battlesuits were already crammed on. After about 2 minutes, there was no one in that subway and those holes had been shut by some debris of cement.

That night, the Pentagon, headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense, has been assaulted by a unknown armed group. And Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, couldn't sleep because of that and forced to handle the aftermath. He also sent a rescue and a investigation team into the Pentagon after regained control of the situation.

Only two days later it was possible reproduce the process of that attack, together that one in Alaska where there was a hidden military satellite control center. Unexpectedly, no one of personnel on the place during the attack has been killed, but many were injured. However, none trace has been found both physically and cyber ones a part two blocked holes in the subway, like that attack was realized by ghosts. A task force had been send to a suite of hotel Ritz-Carlton, where there was the supposed informatic control center, but once they arrived they only found some empty rooms and a broke tube of cooling system in the bathroom.

For the next month, a excavation team tried to follow where those holsed lead and found a hidden underground port. There, they also didn't find anything and could only use ISIS as scapegoat.

The mastermind of that group arrived in Japan only 3 days after that attack under the nose of American federal police as well as FBI and CIA.

Here almost 2,5k words. It has been a hell to found real informations about Pentagon, but it has been funny. However, even this chapter is based on real life in year 2000, any intern military information on their facilities are made up, thus don't take them seriously, and I don't want be arrested by some CIA agents.

Lord_Fate_Mastercreators' thoughts