
Make your life worth it

"Are you a idiot? Why can't I be a spectator of others' life? I am too annoyed by those harem-seeker and cultivators." "What the heck is that lucky aura? The Will of those Worlds must be joking me." "Come on, MC. You don't need be so dumb, I can help your love life. Do you need me kidnap both you and lock you in a love hotel?" "Now, this frustrated spectator is going to rampage your lifes!" Worlds: - Kaichou wa maid-sama Author Motto: Begone, Harem lover! ============================= DISCLAIMER ============================= I don't own any of the characters, all of them belong to their respective author. The cover is take on the net

Lord_Fate_Master · Others
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34 Chs

Eight Trigrams

???, simulation room, environment: Earth.

In a black space, grans of light began assemble. After a while, a ring that resembled that of Tenkaichi tournament has been assembled by those grains of light. The background became blurry until a sky-blue color dominated the views in that space. It gave a strange feeling like the ring was floating in that space.

Suddenly two circle of light appeared at two opposite edge of the ring. They slowly rotated and floated up. Little by little, grids of light appeared in the center of the circle. Those grids began form the shapes of two feet, two legs and in the end, a complete humanoid figure before the circles disappeared after reached a certain height.

Then, those two humanoid figures began colorize themselves and change their shapes. Those two became David and Tadao's bodies copy without any hint soul inside them. However, soon after those bodies started glow weakly before a spark of life could be seen in their eyes.

"Ehi uncle, you still didn't fixed that?" (Tadao)

"If it was so simple then even a monkey could empower its soul with a thought." (David)

The problem which they were discussing was about the foreign feeling of own soul being forcibly separated and put in a clone body. David created such process to allow himself experience on controlling two body at same time, but it failed. He took inspiration from Shadow Clone Technique from Naruto World that allowed the user gain the experiences from the created clones. In the end, he used that as a 'simple' way to enter in the simulation room.

David was unmoved by Tadao's complaint and wanted start already the battle to beat the sh-, erm, teach a lesson to his junior. He materialized two metallic fans in his hands while Tadao materialized his new weapon in double blade module.

"Are you ready then?" (David)

"Let me change the rest of my equip." Replied Tadao as he materialized two short poles, special matching cases on his legs, two modified Glock 17 with respective holsters on his waist, and two shafts placed horizontally just above his butt. Then, he turned his right side, right foot and head towards David, lowered his waist, pulled his upper body to his left side, aligned in parallel his swords next to his head, at his left, with his arms pulled as much he could in that position. "Now I'm ready."

"Then, System code: Countdown, 5 seconds, Battle Code n° 4." (David)

"[Order received]" A see-through hologram at each one appeared before them. It was the automatic system of the simulation room programmed by David, to allow even dumbs be able to utilize that room.

"[5]" David was relaxed in such situation, not because he wouldn't die in that space, it wasn't his first rodeo.

"[4]" Tadao was relaxed too. His Soul Power was more effective against calm opponents, so from that the subject of [Counter].

"[3]" A vacuum was being created around David's fans, like they were absorbing the surrounding air.

"[2]" Many thin threads of blue light with shades of purple began swirl, cluster, link and combine around the blades of Tadao's swords. The two clusters of flows of light began intersect, making it seems only one blade. His blade intent was ready to cut anything it would face.

"[1]" David raised his opened hand fans towards Tadao like they were weightless. A 'innocent' smile could be seen on his face. Meanwhile, the fans became thicker and their blades divided in two through all their length with one slide ahead to increase its length without became combine together, just like a slide phone.

"[Barrage mode]" (David)

"..." (Tadao)



Countless bullets have been fired from David's fans. On the top of blades of David's fans pointed to Tadao, many small holes with rifling were formed, from where those bullets were being fired non-stop.

David's fans could suck the surrounding air, isolate and storage the oxygen, argon and nitrogen, use the pressured oxygen as ignite and fire a small bullets of unknown metal covered with nitrogen and argon. It could even make and fire electric bullet, fire bullet, ice bullet and explosive bullet if David wanted. And about the recoil, it was dispersed through the releasing of the remained nitrogen under high pressure.

Tadao dashed towards David with incredible momentum as if that barrage of bullets didn't exist. When the bullets were going to reach him, the flows of light on his swords extended their covering to cover all Tadao's front side. All the bullets that touched those flows have been cut apart without exception. So, Tadao advanced uninterrupted until he felt amusement from David. He quickly dodged the following bullets stepping aside.

A moment later, the buzz of many little electric energy could be heard behind him. If he dared cut many electric bullets at once, his arms would became numb or his entire body paralyzed. It seemed David improved his fans again.

Then, Tadao keep on his advance with the same stance like before. However, Tadao's blade intent and momentum had been broken off for a moment, and it was enough for David who suddenly closed his fans and their blades returned to their original shape.

"[Railgun mode]" (David)

On the tip of each of those fans, Tadao could see a hole bigger than those from before with rifling and a cocky look adorned David. Inside, it was possible see some lightning light up the holes.


Using the recoil force of previous barrage to create high electric power and charge it into a high capacity battery made of solid nitrogen, David concentrated all that energy to allow his fans became two pseudo-railgun. His hair and his clothes were fluttering as if there were no tomorrow.

Two charged bullets flew locking on Tadao who detected even he couldn't see or hear the bullets, because they had broken through the sound barrier and Tadao was just 14 meters from David. The targets of the bullets were his butt and his head.

Instinctively, Tadao concentrated again his blade intent and moved the blade of his swords to cut the bullets passively.


A intense vibration and momentum flow through his entire body from one of his swords that he dropped on the spot and took out a Glock from the holster. He just avoided the bullet aimed to his head and deflected that aimed to his butt.

'Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!'

Tadao fired without take aim. David couldn't use again the [Barrage mode] because his fans have to cool down now, since he couldn't isolate the heat like he did with those normal bullets, and the recoil momentum used most of the nitrogen in the fans. So, as a lot of steam has been released from the fans surrounding him...

"[Shield mode]" (David)

David opened one of his fans and its blades began get thinker and slide like before, but this time they repeat that process until they reached 1,9 meters long before David planted it into the ground. With steam covering all his surrounding, Tadao couldn't see David and his movements.

'Daaang! Daaang! Daaang! Daaang!'

The bullets hit the 'fan' but they didn't pierced it. The first has been deflected while David was still holding the growing fan and the rest have been blocked as it had already became a shield. David's fans were made of a special alloy which components had been found and meld in the Void. Until now, only blades with blade intent and plasma weapons could damage it.

"[Counter Zone]" (Tadao)

Tadao made fly back his dropped sword in his hand again after put away his gun. Then, a double circle, one 3 meters of diameter and other just slightly smaller than that like they were forming a only circle. of pale-yellow light that looked like a liquid flowing in opposite directions with him as center. Then, he dashed towards David inside that fog area. The steam couldn't block his other senses and his [Counter Zone].

When he was about to reach the 'fan', at least 3 digits slabs/blades came out from behind that before be all fired against Tadao who could only began cut them. He already faced this this kind of attack in some previous simulation so he knew how to deal them.


He cut 7 with a swing of 1° sword and cut 5 with 2° one, he deflected 3 destroying 8 and 2 stuck into the ground with 1° one and stabbed 2 before throw them quickly destroying 13 of them with 2° one. Tadao kept on destroying or blocking them somehow for a dozen of seconds until only 6 blades remained.

However, he sensed a dangerous threat coming from behind the 'fan' that returned to its normal size suddenly. From behind that, David had raised his right hand with metallic glove on it. Right 4 cm before his raised hand, there was a sphere of red energy with 8 blades rotating dizzily. On each of those blades, there were 2 different engraved chinese ideograms and a trigram figure: [ Qián Heaven ☰], [ Xùn Wind ☴], [Kǎn Water ☵], [Gèn Mountain ☶], [Kūn Earth ☷], [Zhèn Thunder ☳], [Lí Fire ☲], [Duì Lake ☱].

"[Plasma Cannon mode, Eight Trigrams version]" (David)

"I haven't given them to you to make another damn weapon!" (Tadao)

"Eheheheh." (David)

Seeing that, Tadao jumped backwards and kicked out the poles one behind other, making them connected through the internal mechanism. In that way, the now only and unique pole has been kicked towards that sphere of plasma. It was Argon in plasma state and pure lightning combined and its color meant it was in critical status.

Those blades had been engraved and enchanted personally by Tadao as a gift to David. Their main function is be the pillars of a defensive formation based on Eight Trigrams that didn't need any require from the user. He didn't expect David would use them as container and stabilizer for his new weapon prototype.


David released the overcharged plasma with a pole trying to hit that. The plasma fired through the hole of the defensive formation made by David reached an incredible speed. It almost reached the light speed but it didn't created much noise.

Instantly, it hit the pole that only dispersed a portion of the energy but enough for Tadao avoid it since his body was still in mid air and aligned with his pole. However, before the energy worn out, the plasma that was in contact with pole surface 'exploded' due to the lose of a stabilizer. The sudden contact of high level thermic energy with the atmosphere caused a expansion of the air. The following kinetic force pushed/threw the pole towards Tadao who stopped it with his left foot. However, the incoming momentum was something he could stop in mid-air without any foothold.

"!" (Tadao)

Tadao has been blown away until he hit the wall of the simulation room out of the ring, with him almost passed out from the shock. Meanwhile, David's left shoulder had a stain of blood and a kunai was lying on the ground out of the ring behind him. The blades of Eight Trigrams were already returned to their original position, onto around the metallic glove.

"[Winner: David]"

After 3 seconds of pain for David, both him and Tadao's bodies lost any sign of life and collapsed. In a moment, all the material in the simulation room dispersed in small grains of light and went back to its original environment.

Here almost 1,9 words for you. This time I have put too much efforts. I'm writing this chapter with a fu***ng fever! So don't expect too much. About this sparring, they didn't go all out with Tadao didn't use at all his spiritual energy and David didn't go into Gundam mode or Nuclear mode. Yes, those freaks can be OP as fu** if wanted but they have to hid themself from certain beings.

However write your opinions on this fight in comments section. Seeya at next chapter, from your lazy author.

Lord_Fate_Mastercreators' thoughts